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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Please avoid double-posting, your question looks strangely similar to the one you asked here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97384-topic/?findpost=1064405010 Regards yordan
  2. So, try with FirefoxPortable, it's reproducible and installs nothing in your system, so it works the same way on any PC if you run it from your USB pendrive.
  3. What do you mean when you say "won't let me post" ? Also please remember that the tutorial section has a special behaviour. The forum lets you write down your tutorial, but it stays "invisible" until a moderator approves it. That mean that you post your tutorial but you cannot see it on the forum until a mod sees it and "makes it visible". And of course if the tutorial is a spam post, it is destroyed so it is never visible.
  4. You're welcome. Please keep us informed.
  5. go to https://support.xisto.com/index.php and click "support ticket"
  6. By the way, please do not answer such spamming posts: you will loose mycents when the post will be deleted Use the "Report" button instead.
  7. what do you mean by "messed up"? If you cannot connect, ask for a new password.If you can connect, change what is wrong. If you cannot change it, simply send a ticket, they answer rather fast. And of course you can create a new account, but then you will have to issue a ticket and ask them to delete the old one, in order that your cents do not go to the wrong account!
  8. Hmm.If it's really allowed to count the spare computer, the "just in case" computer and the "ready to be repaired" computer, and the Iphone, and my grand-mother computer, and the X386 which is probably somewhere around here, I also have a lot !
  9. Who knows ? Maybe you are right. Maybe simply deleting and warning will be more efficient than warning and showing and explaining why.
  10. Not really a template. Simply, if I have to tell ten times the same thing, I am looping around the same way of saying the same things.
  11. You posted this text in the tutorial section. This text does not meet our tutorials specs, that's why I moved it here. Please read the tutorial specifications, namely the following one : This text is not yours. This text has been copied, probably from https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/homeIf you really need to show us a text written by somebody else, please put it between wuote tabs. I did the quoting job for you today. Please do the quoting job by yourself next time.
  12. So, I think Spencer answered xhrist14n's question. Most of Xisto servers work fine with php, probably it will not be easy to make them work with Python.
  13. Sorry, what is django ? And how is python involved ?Does it end with a bunch of php scripts using a MySql database ?
  14. Post copied from http://forums.xisto.com/redirect.php?url=hwq6LEnvWDg8Wczg
  15. As soon as your account is activated, in the left-side part of each post you wrote, under the "Member No.:" line you will se a "myCENTs:" line with the amount of myour myCENTs credits.
  16. Maybe you should read your manuals again, paying more careful attention to the sql join syntax.
  17. Thanks for the link. I tried it. The "fixed" nvlddmkm.sys worked, but my graphic adapter was not seen as a nvidia one, it was seen as "backup vesa". So, I tried re-installing the standard Nvidia install which overwrote the patched .sys file. And, of course, the cold start crash problem is still there. So I feel less guilty, switchng to Linux would not be the obiously perfect solution.
  18. You're perfectly right. Unfortunately, I bought my PC ready-for-use, with Windows pre-loaded, and I will loose the warranty if I touch something.Bu the way, my Samsung SyncMaster220 is certified with Crosoft Windows, I'm not sure it's certified with Damn-Samml-Linux or Mandriva. Neither is probably my DSL router, my scanner nor my C900 printer. And what about my GPS favourites synchronizing by means of a Windows binary program through the USB interface?
  19. I am experiencing a bluescreen stated on nvlddmkm.sys on my vista system when cold start powering up.I did not have this problem when I bought my brand new system, but after some windows updates I started to happen sometimes.I first had a Microsoft solution pop-up, asking to install a fix. that fix worked some time, and then the problem appeared again.It's a cold start problem, a bluescreen and then a non-standard screen with random pixels all around the display.After a couple of reboots the problem is solved, but appears next moring at powering up.I had another microsoft pop-up saying "you have a problem, visit Microsoft Update for solving it".At Microsoft update there was a Nvidia update, I installed it, did not solve the problem.Next week another pop-up saying "you have a problem, visit this link", a link to invida site, which scanned my system and told me that I had an old driver, and asked me to install the new driver.I installed the new driver, and guess what, no change.
  20. now you have the IP address of each machine, from each machine issue "ping ipaddress", where "ipeaddress" is the IP address of the other one. If the ping is successful, you can try ssh or telnet using putty. If the two machines are on two separate networks, try pinging again. If you are unlucky, the "ping" will not be successful because each system does not know the route to the other one. In that latter case, there are some external sites, like noip.com, which help you giving a worldwide name, like "fnich88.ftp.com" to one system and "myremote.ftpserver" to the other ones, and then same thing, try "ping myremote.ftpserver" to verify that there is no firewall stopping you.
  21. First of all, check all your communication lines. So, from your vm Fusion machine, send a "ping" to your Windows machine. If the ping is successful, this means that your communication protocols are correct. if the "ping" is not successful, that means that your logical or physical network has a problem, or your Windows firewall stopps the ping.Secondlyl, on your windows machine, start putty. In the box below "Host Name or Ip address", enter the IP address of your Linux system.The rest is rather straightforward, or come back here after having done the present steps.
  22. Posting gives you credits, yes. The credits here are name MyCents. Each time you reach 100 Cents they are converted to $1.00This $1.00 is part of you account at Xisto, and is used to pay your hosting. That means that you order a paid hosting plan, and you pay with the MyCents you earn when posting here. It's explained here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86546-topic/?findpost=1064322155
  23. This effectively tells you whether your Windows is 32 bits or 64 bits.But it does not tell you if your computer is 64 bits. It tells you something like You need some more efforts in order to see if the Q9300 is really a 64-bit processor, or a 32-bit which has 64-bit capabilities, or a native 32-bit one.
  24. Does not matter. We are talking about the very last part of the installation.As HannahI says, answering the question about root password is very fast, no matter if installing from a CD or from a ftp server or deploying from a CloneZilla server.
  25. Why not? However, from an architectural point of view, a server is a machine dedicated to be accessed from remote, with a lot of network bandwidth and disk throughput.I guess you will never find a Mac machine with 70 NIC's and a few thousand disks, but this is very common on real servers with a lot of simultaneous users. Typically, a server has some hundred simultaneous users, and a workstation has mainly one user. On a server you don't need a nice graphic adapter because this is not the main goal of this system. On a mac you do a lot of graphics, the graphics has to be efficient. Moreover on a gaming PC who will never have one hundred disks but is very efficient for shooting games or for animated landscapes.
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