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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Your questions has also an "in this site" part.And the real point is which size your files really have, and how you want to retrieve them.However, if you are hosted here, as long as your files are legal ones (I mean no copyrighted music or video files for instance) you can imagine storing them on your website. However, constantly uploading and downloading your files will rather soon exhaust your website bandwidth. And if your files are really big, you can also exhaust the disk storage limit of your hosting account.As 8ennett says, for files you often upload and download, file-sharing sites like rapidshare are really right in that spot.
  2. I also have no errors, so probably the problem is fixed now.@8ennett: could you confirm that you are able to connect now?@Spencer : is it fixed for you too?
  3. I would say that if such a mistake is possible, it will be done, and sooner than expected!
  4. We have to differentiate intelligence and human brain. Human brain is something very complicated, probably it's not easy to reproduce it nowadays.Intelligence has several definitions.One of these definitions is the ability to understand a situation and take a decision. From that point of view, a lot of studies have been done with rats or birds. And a bird's brain has far less volume than a human brain, so the number of gray cells is not the point.One definition of the artificial intelligence is the ability to take some decisions according to some rules and a knowledge database, together with the possibility to add new infos in the knowledge database.Then, educating such IA's will be exactly as educating children : don't do that ! And the IA will understand "don't do that as long as I can see you doing this", etc..So, if you teach an IA to destroy useless things, if it happens to deduce that you are useless, you can be destroyed!
  5. OK, the wikipedia article is clear enough, the glass part is only for demo, and concentrating solar power for producing electricity is a good choice. Now I understand why this thing was named "the air motor". Funnily, it's very efficient in cold countries, which is not the case with the standard thermic engines. It works with any heat source, like burning alcohol or burning pieces of woods or any trashed material. And realistic applications start coming.
  6. Ouch! Unfortunately not. The bones around your head make that your brain has a limited volume ; this volume cannot be increased, and is already filled by your gray matter. So, you cannot increase the number of neurons in your brain, you just can try to increase the amount of the ones you effectively use, creating new connections while reading more books or performing other intellectual exercises.
  7. The organization had to pay a licence to do the show. You would have to pay a licence, the same way, each time a guy looks at the show on your website. Of course, legal things change from one country to the other ones. The best way would be to keep strictly to the law, no matter the country you are from. Because if you happen to go to court, you never know now things can go, a judge can decide to strictly apply the copyright regulations.
  8. MSN and hotmail are independent. You can create your MSN account with your gmail mail as login name (if you an log to your gmail account, of course )
  9. Sorry, my mistake, I was thinking about the USASCII code, which is obviously English ASCII code.
  10. OK, the hebrew language is istalled but this does not mean that each software will display it correctly. Did you try, with your browser on your PC, to go in the internet to a website displaying something with hebrew character ?
  11. @ArasjS: Have you already been able to display Hebrew characters with your browser?
  12. I guess that you did not create your database with the hebrew characterset definition.In order to train yourself, use phpmyadmin or your cpanel utility in order to create a database, and check that the characterset of the database is not UTF8, but is hebrew. Then create a table, and insert rows in that table, with american and then with hebrew characters.Of course, your PC and your browser must also have a charcaterset definition which matches the mysql one.
  13. Could you please give us the error message text?
  14. Exactly what I said : four seconds demo, three seconds pause, four seconds demo, three seconds pause. This technique is not usable on on my home network.
  15. Depends from which throughput you have. Till now we need a hard drive because we need a lot of data throughput. These data are converted to a lot of graphical instructions, which need a very fast graphical processor.People having a very slooooow Internet link will not be able to achieve the same kind of games with streaming techniques, at least not the same number of frames per second for instance, or at least not at high screen resolutions.or did I miss something?
  16. read again the starter post of the present topic, you will see the code :
  17. He does not want to boot a given distro off a flasdrive.He wants to install the distro on a hard drive, booting off a DVD. And next time, install another distro on another hard drive, booting off the same DVD.
  18. don't simply say "it's ugly"! Show us the nicer things you do by yourself, and explain us how you obtain the nicer effects.
  19. href="album/page1.htm" is something most of you use rather frequently.I typed href="album\page1.htm"It tested my page with Internet Explorer, worked fine.And I happened to be under Firefox, it said "Page not found"!That means that IE corrects the error and Firefox respects my stupid mistyping and cannot display the page!Funny, isn't it ?
  20. If your own language is English, no problem. If not, the answer is NO. Have a look at the terms of service here : http://forums.xisto.com/qupis/free-web-hosting-sign-up.htm Namely said :
  21. this means that you have to create a form for that purpose.The form will have an image unique number (for instance last number + 1).The form will have to ask for the image name, which has a default name based on that unique number.Before the upload, the database will store in it's table the image number, it's name, and the complete path, which is the concatenation with the image_number and the image_name, prefixed by /home/users/data/images.A search in the database image names will lead to the image number which will give the path "/home/users/data/images/1250/diving_with_sharks.jpg"
  22. Of course, first of all try this in order to check that it meets your needs.Then, from a SI architecture point of view, we should have a second step of thinking : does this not mean a full table scan ? If this is the case, and if we have a lot of users doing this, this will be costly from disk throughput point of view and then, the query should be optimized.
  23. I'm wondering : why is "Loren Ipsum" mentionned in the Dimensional theme ? Is this theme coming from a PowerPoint template?
  24. Have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ultraedit is a very good alternative, very similar to Notepad++. I like both, I use both of them.
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