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Everything posted by yordan

  1. @wutske : seems that the wlan is away form his house, so he cannot directly connect to the router or swap antenna's.
  2. Have a look at the vmware utilities page on the vmware site.For vmware on windows there is an utility for mounting vmdisks on the vmware main host, this kind of tools probably also exists on vmware for Linux!
  3. So, copy the whole vm folder to a backup place, and try on the modified version.
  4. Keep us informed, tell us if you were successful.
  5. I would add the "/D" option, which keeps track of the date. So, old files are copied once, next time they are not copied if the creation date is not newer than the ones on the USB.
  6. Wow! Only 20m of memory? That's great! My Firefox is currently using 216 megs of memory!---Edit.I tried it and, OK, avant.exe uses very few memory.But on my system it starts five sessions of chrome.exe, 40 megs each. So, the total memory usage is similar to the one of firefox.
  7. Mac Os is the operating system of a Mac computer, to be sold on a Mac computer. So you will have few chances to test it for free on something else than a Mac.If you really want to test it, have a look at mac on a stick. For instance here : http://www.pendriveapps.com/mac-on-a-stick-portable-macintosh-on-a-usb-stick/ However, you will have to obtain the software package, have a look here ; http://www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/start.html Nevertheless, please remember that Mac people don't think the same way as Microsoft people. So, if you are familiar with Microsoft Windows only, you will have trouble the first time you play with MacOs.
  8. yordan

    Bitvise Ssh Client

    Ha-Ha! So, you don't need to have two opened windows, one window for putty and one for sftp! Very useful, thanks.
  9. How do you attend the call? Speaking in the PC microphone and listening at the PC loudspeakers?
  10. Such services appear and then disappear, because these services have a cost, so offering them for free cannot last a long time.If you google "free web to text service" you have 1 070 000 000 answers. However, find which server has no cheat nor no hidden cost could last a long time.
  11. I say "you", but of course, the real word is "somebody".You write a nice program on your own PC, which has a lot of gadgets.You sell your program to somebody who has a computer which has nothing, except the standard features and nothing added except your program.You try the program, it's almost perfect. But something has to be changed in the source code file blah.php or bloh.sqlYou will have to use an existing editor, which will be "vi" if you sold your program to be used on a "real" Unix system. Or you will have to pay somebody who knows how to use "vi" in order to do the job. This guy could be myself, but it should be yourself.
  12. It is not the normal editor for Unix people point of view. Simply, it's the only free editor included in each free Linux and each commercial proprietary Unix distro So each administrator, each IT developmen guy has to know how to use it, because in our next paid job you will most probably have to use it at your customer site.
  13. Sorry, but the install is strongly related to a given hardware. If you install Windows on a given PC and put the disk in another PC, you might experience a lot of driver mismatch problems, or even bad cpu type problems.
  14. I use "vi" for my Unix scripting work It's standard Linux!
  15. Ouch! This thread seems to have disappeared. Probably a bad click error during a moderating operation. Sorry.
  16. The distance to your eyes remains a problem. The most comfortable position for reading a text (a word processor for instance or the result of a web search) is just in front of your nose. Having a second display at your left side and a third one at the right side, all at a correct distance (about 60 centimeters) means that your working table is a circle, and you are in the middle of this circle. Circular tables is not so common, and working on u-table is also not so frequent.
  17. Just 7zipt a big folder.Then add the ZIP file inside the folder, and restart. And put the zipfile inside the folder. This will grow exponentially. Then a simple verify.
  18. Probably wrong password three times
  19. Sorry, bad click, should be back again.
  20. Standard Windows formatting, write some gigs, and then a standard windows disk verification.
  21. The throughout analysis is probably a low-level formatting. It makes the bad sectors unused during the OS formatting. But it cannot predict when the disk will fail. Of course, some electronics attached to smart disk devices can give predictive results, knowing the average lifetime of such disks, but I'm pretty sure this cannot be an accurate value. After three years, any electro-mechanical device can fail at any time. Statistically, you may be lucky and use the disk during a very long time, but it can also last only some hours.
  22. Just be careful on a small detail. Acronis, as other system backup softwares, create a backup image on your current system. This backup is designed for being reinstalled one the same computer. In most of cases it will not boot on a different computer (different processor, different devices).If your second computer is not exactly the same as the first one, you should not choose a backup/restore method, you should stick to fresh install methods.
  23. I would first see if the disk can be used. I would connect it to a computer, and try to create a partion, copy a couple of gigs on it and simply use the Crosoft Windows disk verification tool.
  24. Ha-Ha! I just lost my motherboard, will have to buy a new one, let's see if the current Windows will boot on my next motherboard.
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