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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I didn't even notice that antivirus feature in gmail. Simply reading the present post, I went to the "about gmail" creen and saw that the antivirus feature was simply announced among all the other ones.
  2. So, it was worth doing it peinly, because doing that, you learned how faster Illustrator does the job ! Same thing as in real life : you need first to make a lot of effort, spending a lot of time, and then learn how to use powerful tools.!
  3. thanks, m^e, I did that, I replaced the faulty php by the initial ones, I also had to change the server name by "localhost" instead of Xisto.com, and now everyghing works, I have all my forums working again without losing any post.Thanks again. And also, as you said in your "-4k" announcement, i made a backup of all my files as the site and I made a backup (using the cpanel) of each database, so in case of big crash I should be able to restart. Sorry for having said bad things, I was rather sad when I lost my posts, now I know how I could avoid that. You are doing a really good jobs, please keep going on. Regards Yordan
  4. I tried to install Mandrake 10.1 on a vmware client. It installed well, it even recognized the "vmware terminal" as terminal, it rebooted, but the display was splitted and unusable.
  5. Huh ? Do you really think 1500 Megabytes memory is low ? Or are you thinking about MegaHertz for cpu speed ?By the way, I agree with the fact that Linux will take benefit of 1.5 Gig memory, whereas Microsoft Windows will probably not take full benefit of that. But this is purely theoretic things from jaleous people. If I could have this amount of memory, I would not care about useless or not! It's exactly like driving a Ferrari : you don't really need such a fast car, but you enjoy driving it!
  6. You must ask for a fixed IP address or a fixed name for your host. No-ip.com ( http://www.noip.com/ ) provides this : you go to this site, you register, you choose a name and a password, and then they provide you with a fixed name (choose empty_calore.mytftp.com for instance) and they will give you the way for the fixed name empty_calore.mytftp.com to be always reachable, even if your dinamic IP changes. For instance, on my ftp server, I always have the same fixed name, but when I ping it the IP address changes frequently. Just try this for fun, it is harmless. Of course, if nobody connects to your site, after some monthes no-ip people will warn you that you have useless resources, and they will ask you to pay if you still need that unused site name. Hope this helped. Yordan
  7. No, I just said that if tho ghost Image is a huge file (for instance 2gig), winrar will be able to span it, but ghost will not be able to use directly the spanned files on CD. This means that you will have to re-create the huge file on an empty partition of your hard disk. One way is using winrar again for reading the small files form CD and re-create the small files.I simply ask winrar to split the huge file on 700 megs files, in self-extract format. That means, the first file will be an executable file, 700 Megs big. You will simply click on it, and it will ask where you want the huge file to be re-created, read the first CD, read te second one etc.. until the huge file is recreated. Then you ask ghost to restore your operating system from the huge image file. And, yes, it's rather complicated, that's why I recommend create the ghost image directly in 650 megs splitted files format, it makes everything easier. Regards Yordan
  8. I like the ones from zymic.com, really nice. I tried some of them, and finally I prefer mines, whiche are less nice but are mines.The ones from notemplates.com are far more beautyful, but are not free...
  9. Thanks, qwijibow.I had bad experiences with Windows64. And Linux64 having problems with 32-bit drivers... But I didn't try Windows32 on a 64-bit machine! I will give it a try.Yordan
  10. ieqrv does not really seem to be speaking spanish. Sounds more like Portuguese. However, the general sense is the same : should speak inglish in our forum if he really wants help. Except if the help concerns samba dancing.
  11. Yes, I confirm, here also the login pop-up screen does not appear any more.
  12. Really the last set ?OK, let me try to answer some of them. Prior to that, I would suggest you do the full process for a single PC first, before trying to generalize it on several kind of systems. 1) ghost will create the ghost images exactly where you ask to put it. ghost will not add ghost.exe there. You will have to do the job by yourself : verify that the ghost version you have can be put on a floppy disk, or can be activated by a ms-dos bootable floppy disk. 2) If the images are on an external drive, you don't need to span them. You span them if you want to save them on a CD. I do this home, using winrar ( http://www.rarlab.com/ ). You can ask winrar to span a huge file on several smaller files (700 megs if you want to put them on CD's). Be careful, this is only for spanning, you will not be able to restore your backup from these CD's. Then you will have to read the CD's in order to re-create the big ghost image, and ask ghost to restore the system from that big image. 3) So, the best thing is simply to ask ghost to create the ghost image spanned on several files, read your ghost version documentation about how to reload (do you need to use the provided ghost boot-disk or can you simply include ghost.exe in your backup directory) and then try to reload it on a non-important system. Regards Yordan
  13. yordan


    Welcome aboard, sixty. I'm pretty sure you will be fully satisfied with Xisto, just like I am.
  14. I also get this Popup. And I got it when I answered this post.
  15. simply search for the word "templates" in Xisto forum, you will see a lot of posts, each of them talking of a site with nice templates, like https://www.templatesbox.com/ , LETHALTEMPLATES or websoup.org.
  16. Hi, Pukangel, welcome onboard.I tried tripod, and I not quite satisfied : I don't like their way of adding advertising boxes in my webpages.Hope you will soon get your credits and be able to create your site.Yordan
  17. Tienes que hablar inglés en este forum : las personas aqui hablan mas facilmente ingles, si quieres ayuda no van a responderte si no hablas inglés.Also I prefer speaking english, so I give my answer in English.Simply use your control panel (it's address is probably ieqrv.atspace.com/cpanel ), you will have a very nice graphical menu for creating the databases, starting the databases, creating the administrator, creating the users, and even the syntax (you copy-paste to your own program) for the instructions for connecting to your database.Hope this helped.Yordan
  18. OK, two questions, two answers.1) Yes, it happened to work. A backup of my Pentium II worked on a pentiumIII, but a backup of a pentium IV did not work on my Pention III, and a backup of my AMD XP did not work on any pentium system. So, first make a backup of your own system, and if another system crash, you can try to reload your own backup ; if you are lucky, you could be successful. 2) The backup is restored somewhere. I simply replaces your c: disk with the system on the backup CD's. I do this on my dual-boot systems, they remain dual-boot. But the single-boot system remain single-boot systems or simply don't boot. The only way of having a dual-boot system is starting from scratch. First create two partitions on your hard disk (or use several disks). a) Install Win98 first on the c: disk. Boot on the Win2k or WinXP boot-CD and install Windows 2k or Win XP. This will create a dual-boot system, booting on Win98 or on Win2k, as you choose. c) Boot on the Linux boot-install-CD, ask "install on the remaining free spaced" (the space you left unformatted on your hard drive), it will install LILO which will allow you to - choose booting on . Win 98 . Win 2k . Linux (so, this is a tri-os boot, more than a dual boot!). - mount the Windows Filesystems on Linux filesystems, sharing files between both worlds. This starts been somehow far away from the simple initiel "ghost backup" post, so don't worry if you cannot do everything perfectly from your first try. Just try first to make your ghost backup, verify that the image is made from several "small" files fitting on a CD, try to burn the files on CD's (I suggest using CDRW because if you do a mistake you loose no money), try to boot on the ghost bootable CD or on a disquette and try to restore on a sacrifyable system. When this works, we will look a the more complicated things, namely - making several partitions with or without using fdisk. - creating dual-boot systems. Remember once you have a reliable backup, you can do several tests without loosing anything except the time you spend on testing. Regards Yordan
  19. Now I know what #PRE means : it means "Preload it at boot time".Unfortunately, this method does not work on our private network between my private ftp server and my own PC.And it does not work home from my pc to Xisto acting as ftp server.This seems to mean that something else than inserting a line in lmosts has to be done on a freshly installed Microsoft Windows client system, or on the Unix ftp server.
  20. That usually occurs in real computer life : it does not work, you re-install everything and it happens to work.Nice to feel helpful. See you laterYordan
  21. Just have a look if the games you want to play will run on the Atlon 64.I know most of the games are 32-bit executable files. Isn't "AMD Athlon 64" a 64-bit machine ? Personnally I buy only 32-bit cpu's because of all my games are 32-bit games. I think even my Microsoft Word will not work on a 64-bit machine. By the way, I suppose you already verified that the Athlon 64 is compatible with your mother board ?
  22. I guess this will prevent you from seeing the thumbnails, but they still exist. So, they will probably be uploaded by ftp.Personnally, I don't care of thumbs.db Simply, I upload them, and I delete them from my Xisto site. Maybe it's the fastest and the safest way. You still see them on your computer and you are able to manage them, and you remove them from your site because your site does not need thime. Same thing with some text files i write down for myself, they are usual on my PC but not necessary on my site, so I remove them from my Xisto site.
  23. Nope, it can be bootable. Simply ask Nero to create a bootable CD, instad of asking for making a regular datafile CD.Depending your ghost version, you can simply add ghost on the bootable CD you asked Nero to create, or you will have to use the original Ghost boot CD (or a clean copy of the Ghot boot CD). The size of the hard drive makes no difference. You only need the first partition to be big enough in order to contain all the files which were on the original system.That's why my C: disk is a 4 gigabytes partition. Then I simply have to create a 4 giga partition (or use the existing partition if there is one, it's size is not important if it's at least 4 gig) and restore on this partition. I think only the original Win98 or win2K our WinXP CD is able of installing Windows on any disk on any kind or processor on any kind of motherboard. Regards Yordan
  24. I use Nero 6, and I guess Nero 7 has the same functionnalities.I ask ghost to create the backup on several files. Usually I simply put each file on one CD.Usually I boot on a bootable floppy disk, and then I insert the first backupk CD.I also use the opportunity given par Nero6 to create a "bootable CD", it's one of the choices offered by nero 6. Then Nero asks me to insert the bootable floppy disk in the A: reader.I don't recommend to ask ghost to do the on-the-fly CD creation. It's safer and faster to ask Nero to create the backup files on disk. The CD's are for security, "just in case". Usually I restore the ghost backup by means of simply reading the backup images from the disk, it goes faster than from cd-rom.
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