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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Sorry, what do you mean by "hardware virtualization" ?Do you mean that you are not going to youse vmware or another virtualization environment ?
  2. I found the answer nicely explained here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The coedu tutorial is based on Acrobat Distiller. Unfortunately, when you want to download distiller, you need to pay for it. Maybe there is another way of thinking. In the example you show, this pdf form cannot be saved on my PC. I can only fill it online and print it. So, no need for this form to be a pdf one, it can be any kind of form. Then, you could consider using any kind of forms, for instance have a look here https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=html+forms&meta= and mainly here http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/ I love html forms because you master them, they are on your site, you maintain them using your usual backup/restore tools. If you don't like html and want to use ready-made forms, you can simply keep goggling on "interactive forms" and simply skip the commercial tools when they don't have free testing downloads.
  3. This behaviour is really surprising, really non-professional. Could you please tell us which software is so unfair, in order we avoid buying it ?More seriously, I don't think that system restore could change something, because it mainly concerns the Windows registry, not the data.I would better look if the files are not simply lost in your folders somewhere under a strange name. So, maybe you should first make a "search" using Windows Explorer, looking for all the "jpg" files, if you see 100 jpg files in the same folder then you did it.The second way is the old good "undelete" program, I even don't know if it still exists, maybe another forummer her can talk about this ?RegardsYordan
  4. Nice Tuto, Snake. I'll give it a try. To be honest, I don't understand why we need several layers, I would like to understand.
  5. Have a look here, it seems very nicely explained : http://www.m4p-mp3.com/ RegardsYordan
  6. Hi,For ringtone purposes, I need a wav file smaller than 2 megs.This means editing my favourite song, and shorten the wav file to the first seconds of the intro in order to be less than 2 megs.Could you please recommend me a soft able to do that ? Easy to use and free if possible ? Or a commercial one having a trial version ?Thanks in advanceYordan------------------Edit :OK, Audacity did perfectly the job. I leave this post here, maybe this info could be useful for somebody else.
  7. What lhunath was sayingis that you are missing two files. These two files are on the Windows installation CD, and lhuth's post give the trick in order to take them from the CD to your hard disk. They are compressed on the CD, you need them uncompressed on your hard disk, that's why the command line seems so complicated : the syntax is expand cd_name hard_disk_name. Don't know if a 13 year old child could understand this, but I hope it was clear enough for you ? Else simply tell us. Yordan
  8. This is an almost philosophical question. You don't really care this.Now the physical address of bad sectors (not to be used by the disk driver) is permanently written to the disk, so the user will not see the effect of the bad sectors. So, the disk is repaired, exactly as if it had no bad sectors.
  9. This is not really a tutorial : read the tutorial rules, your text should have at least 500 words.That's why I moved your topic here, where it's place is.
  10. I would like to do a little comment. Semantically, I would not say that this topic is a tutorial. It's very interesting, well written. However, I would rather say that it's a commented php program.That's why I moved it here.RegardsYordan
  11. Sorry for the contradiction, Miles. I would not say that this is a tutorial : this post shows the very nice program you made, it does not teach php.However, I find your php-by-example approach very constructive. That's why I moved your topic here, where is most probably it's place.RegardsYordan
  12. Nice info, thanks. Probably a lot of people here forgot that. However, unfortunately, I would say that this is not really a tutorial ! At leas I feel it really short. Remember or tutorial rules http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ : That's why I moved it here, where is more probably it's place.Regards Yordan
  13. Welcome aboard, Snake. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.
  14. @Neblett25 : I wouldn't really state this topic as being a tutorial. At least I find it a little bit short. Could you please try giving some more text, instead of just providing a definition.If not, this topic should be moved off the tutorial section.Yordan
  15. 100 credits means 100 days. 100 days vacation is more than three montes vacation ? You lucky guy !
  16. Maybe you should give us some more infos about your hardware. And about your vista's system history.Did you buy a ready-to-use package with your system and Windows ? Who performed the installation ? Who configured the disks ?Clearly there is a discrepancy between the Windows and the Linux needs.It seems that your disk controller has several options, and it seems that- Windows has been installed with the IDE option, and boots from an IDE disk.- The Ubuntu boot disk does not recognize your IDE disk controller, so it cannot boot. It recognizes the RAID mode, but in this mode you have not Windows boot sector on your disk. I would say that, rougly, there are two ways fixing that :1) finding the Ubuntu driver for your IDE settings, and find how to give this info to the Ubuntu install program.2) find another Linux distro, Proably Redhat 5 will know your disks. By the way, I heard that the dual boot with Linux and Vista is not always managed correctly, be sure to use a very recent Linux distro (a release dated from far after Vista arriving).Hope this helpedYordan
  17. Did you try a general chmod for testing purposes ? Just chmod -R 777 on the whole folder, so everybody and each program has permission on everything ? If this works, you could refine step by step.I know this is a trapping situation, because the userid of the owner of the files is not the userid of the process executing java.Besides that, sorry, I'm a system admin, and I know close to nothing about java and html.
  18. You can already see if you see the word "localhost" in the files, you can for instance use the "search" option in Windows Explorer.Even better, have a look here : https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Backups They give a full step-by-step backup/restore tutorial. I dod not test it because I don't use wordpress yet. Maybe some other forumers around here already tested the way to move a wordpress site ?
  19. You already opened another post with this problem. Try not to open several posts with the same subject, people will get lost and you will have less pertinent answers.Concerning the database backup, you have to consider two things.First of all, you should use a tool like "phpmyadmin" to backup your database on a single text file, and use the same tool to create a database with the same name and restore the table contents.Secondly, this will only restore the data inside the tables. At this moment you will have to have a look a the way the data are used by the calling program, probably a php program, and how it interacts with the Apache web server.This is simply a backup/restore problem, some people here are very skilled on this. however, they will need more informations: which application is using your database, is this a forum, is this a wordpress thing, or a blog ?
  20. You will have to work a little bit. for instance, probably, the server site has to be looked in each .ini file, in order to verify that the hostname is always "localhost".And also, be sure to have a sql backup of each of your databases.But, yes, it should be possible. At least, it's a good exercise.Of course, there is another solution : wait until your current provider gets rid of his hacker's problem !
  21. ImageMagick is used by 4gallery photogallery. When you set up your site, it asks you where imagemagick is installed in your server. If not, you have to use gl libraries, which generally use too much memory.
  22. Nice subject, and nice set of questions. Of course I could add mines : why do you want to start with blootooth ? I would expect, for security reasons, to do everthing as much wired as possible. In an ideal case study, a home automation should be not be based on a blootooth communication, because, in case of intrusion in your system, your house would start being crazy : the oven starting burning your meats, the shower wasting your water and the doors refusing your Mom's entering.And of course, the real point is that this is not a tutorial, so it has no reason to be in the How-To's and Tutorials forum.That's why I moved it here, in the hardware workshop.
  23. Yes, you are doing this the right way. Unfortunately a lot of collegues, prefer using bare command line on some servers. Then, they simply don't install the GUI, cause these gurus thing that it's useless (or far below their smartness).
  24. That was preciseley the aim of the present post. When I am working on a Microsoft Windows machine, there is a "safely remove" button to press. When I am on an OpenSuze command-line window, there is no button to press, only command lines to type. I can type "yast" and see things, I can type"mont /dev/sda /somewher", but there is no graphic display, so no button to press. And I see that directly unplogging is not safe, when I re-plug the disk I see it in use, or it changes name (sdb to sdc), and sometimes I cannot mount it and I have to reboot my Linux system, or directly powerdown because it's unable to shutdown because freezing on the USB devices.
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