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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Until a few weeks a go, I thought that Windows is better for beginners, or old people. When they buy a computer, they have Windows installed and ready for use, as well as Microsoft Word.Now I am slowly changing my mind. Microsoft windows now is not really installed, only a trial short-time version is installed, so people have to switch to OpenOffice. And, with the last automatic Windows updates, Internet explorer starts being slower and slower, while Firefox still allows fast surfing.So, for people wanting only to surf on the Internet with Firefox and word processing with OpenOffice, they can save the price of the Microsoft Windows operating system, and switch to Linux. However, for other things, they may experience driver problems (for the USB sticks or for printers), which limits the interest for Linux. So, as Gr33nN1nj4 says, using a LiveCD can help switching to Linux.
  2. Huh ? Which Free Internet are you talking about ? Freedom in the Internet Universe ? Or unlimited Internet access without having to pay any money ? If the second option is possible, I would really know how to obtain it !
  3. there are functions in the mail syntax for testing if the address is valid. Returns "true" if the address is valid, and "false" if the address is not valid.Unfortunately I don't know these functions for php, you will have to read the php documentation for that. But this feature is inside all the mailer servers and the mailer clients, so you simply have to find it for php.
  4. This I understand. However, You first click in January, then you click during February, then in march, then in April, etc. You are paid in March, in April, in May, in jun, etc..
  5. Really interesting listing, very complete and very useful, thanks a lot. however, I would not define this as a tutorial. That's why I moved your topic here, where is most probably it's place. By the way, concerning the tutorial thing, you should fix the "IF YOU LIKE MY POST PLEASE REPLY OR JUST SAY ONE THANKS" line, as well as the doubled first line "Free web Space" Yordan ------------- P.S. another famous fileserver to add to your list : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Am I still sleeping ? 45 days after the first of last month is also 15 days after the first of current month, isn't it ?this means that, once the whole thing started, you are paid the 15th of each month ? Paid something because you did something 45 days before, or paid nothing because you did nothing, but this occurs each month, 15 days after the first of the month ?
  7. Not so sure. Xisto sites are hosted on Linux systems. However, I'm pretty sure that currently, ssh is not allowed on the free hosting plans. And also, probably, cron.allow is only for admins. Regards Yordan
  8. Nicely seen, Lancer.And, of course, "unix2dos" is not a Windows command, so you should issue while you are on the Linux machine. By the way, personally, I never have these black squares. This is because I have the opposite problem, when being under Unix and reading a pure text coming from a windows/dos machine, I have a lot of "^M" at the end of my text files. Then, the trick is to know some "vi" command-lines. My trick : you open your text file under vi ("vi myfile.txt" for instance), and when you see your file on the screen you type : Esc : % s/Ctrl-VCtrl-M// All people familiar with vi understand the thing immediately, maybe I should comment it for a few ones : Esc stands for the Escape key, you really type the escape key (at the upper-left side of your keyboard), this initializes the command-line sequence. % stands for "In the whole current document" s means "substitute the text between the first two "/" separators, with the text before the last "/" Ctrl-V means that you hold the Ctrl key (bottom right of your keyboard) why you time the v key. Ctrl-V is a command telling vi not to evaluate the sign which follows it. Ctrl-M means means pressing the Ctrl key while pressing M. This Ctrl-VCtrl-M is a nice feature. It asks vi not to evaluate the Ctrl-M, which is Enter, and Enter is also a vi command which means "go to the next line". So, the whole command line is saying vi , for each occurrence of Ctrl-M, to replace it with nothing. This seems rather complicated. However, once you get the trick, it goes fast. And you are not bothered by the Ctrl-M's at the end of each line when you are on Linux editing files coming from a windows or dos system. Of course, if you installed correctly your Linux system and you did not start editing your file yet, you can still type dos2unix myfile.txt This was my own 21 cents to this subject. Yordan
  9. please take the tutorial rules into account. They are written on top of the tutorial page. Mainly the two following ones : 1) The present topic violates the first rule, it's far below the 500 words threreshold. 2) The present topic is not fully yours, it's coming from http://free-flv-to-wav-converter.mp4kits.com/ Posting copied text is not really forbidden. However, you have to put it between quotes, like this : Your text is coming from http://free-flv-to-wav-converter.mp4kits.com/You should have mentioned it, for politeness first, secondly for sake of honesty. If you do not quote the text you copy, the moderators around here could think that you are trying to cheat with the hosting credit system, and that makes them really angry. Regards Yordan
  10. In fact, there are several types of bandwidth : memory, disk, network. Usually, for a web server, people are sensitive to network bandwidth. When your script is running, it uses cpu power, disk power and Ethernet power. The script uses cpu power and memory power simply in order to run. Your computer account probably has some limitations concerning the cpu power and the memory usage allowed to each user. The script uses network power when receiving data from you, and sending data to you. The data the script sends to you and receiving from you are the network bandwidth. While your script is reading data from the disks attached to the computer, it uses the disk bandwidth. You could imagine that a poorly designed php program reads several hundreds of gigabytes on the computer disks in order to retrieve a single byte data (for instance the question "is somebody else as poor as myself" can make read the whole salary data, and return a single value : "NO"). This uses several hundreds gigabytes from the disk bandwidth, and only one byte from the network bandwidth.
  11. You didn't know, I can accept that. But... Do you know now ? Did you find the "wrap in quote tags" button to click when you want to quote a copied text ?
  12. As everybody will tell you, it depends from what you want to do. If you are building your own compurer from scratch and if you just want a computer with en Ethernet cable in order to surf the Internet, and if you like Firefox as a browser, you could imagine wanting to save some money and use a free Linux distro as operating system, instead of buying Microsoft Windows. However, if you bought a ready-for-use computer with Microsoft Windows already installed, there is no real need to switch to Linux.
  13. I guess that this supposes that you defined somewhere that your current language is English ? Else, if the language comes from your operating systems default, it could be french, and then the day is "Ven" and not "Fri" ?
  14. Please avoid double-posting, this text has already been published here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/94413-topic/?findpost= I modified the other post in order to avoid duplication, but please be more careful next time. Regards Yordan
  15. Great idea, and nice topic.However, please take care, we hate double-posting here. You posted this topic here answering a question, and you also posted it in the "tutorial" section. You cannot post twice. if you want to tell again something, please refer to your previous post, or put your text between quotes.
  16. Thanks, TBK, really interesting post. However, I cannot accept it as a tutorial. A tutorial should be rather longer than this posts. As stated here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ That's why I moved your topic here.Regards Yordan
  17. Really nice post, mattylaws. Very complete, though nicely said with very simple words. . Nothing to add, nothing to remove. Congrats.Yordan
  18. Now I see : "Personnal Home Pages" is understandable for PHP, it's a nice historical explanation.
  19. Nice tuto, thanks. Just a stupid question. You say "PHP stands for PHP; Hypertext Preprocessor."How do you make php with Hypertext Preprocessor ? It should sound more like hpp ?
  20. Wrong forum, aqaing. You posted your question in the tutorial section.In the tutorial section, you are supposed to teach things. So, people knowing this subject will not look inside the tutorial section.So, if you want to ask a question, don't post your question in the tutorial section. Ask your question in a "tutorial request" if you want a tutorial, or in the "Windows" section if you want an answer concerning windows.That's why I moved your topic here, where it should find an answer. I'm not really familiar with xeon quad, however, I'm pretty sure concerning some facts.a) A 32-bit machine needs a 32-bit operating system, a 64-bit machine needs a 64 bits operating system. You must buy the Windows version suitable for your cpu. So, what about asking the guy who will sell you the software, if he guarantees that it will work ?c) I know that vista/XP dual boot does not work well, maybe you should do a test on a test machine (a machine you can easily sacrify). I would try reformatting the hard disk of the test machine, then install XP on a partition, and install vista on a second partition, and see how the vista multi-boot will manage that. In my opinion this is the safest way to decide.
  21. You forgot to mention that your text is coming from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is not really forbidden to post copied text here, but you should put it between quotes. Regards Yordan
  22. Where is the menu for turning Network discovery to on ?
  23. Wrong forum ! You posted your topic in the tutorial section. In the tutorial section you are supposed to teach things, not to answer questions.So, I moved your topic here, where is most probably it's place.By the way, here we try to have a decent and respective posting site. So, please avoid more words like "trying to s...", else the mods will simply destroy your posts.RegardsYordan
  24. Wrong forum, aqaing ! I move it here, where it will most probably find an answer.Personally, I hate vista, and I hope SP3 will never be installed by the automatic update processing including with my current XP SP2 install.
  25. At least, it's the way I do it, I found no need to look for another way for doing that.
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