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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I know how to read my NTFS files on my USB disk when I am connected to an OpenSuze machine.I simply plug the USB disk to the Linux machine, and I type "mount /dev/sdb1 /mydisk"Of course, before removing the disk I do "umount /mydisk".However I'm pretty sure this is not enough if I want to unplug the disk.Under Windows I know that I have to click the "remove hardware" icon.There is probably something to do under Suze Linux before unplugging a device, something like "rmdev /dev/sdb" ?If somebody knows the correct way to do it, can you please tell me ?RegardsYordan
  2. Honestly, this is the part I prefer in your tutorial. I do not fulfill the criteria listed in the intoroduction of your topic, so I think I will start with that "taking a break" part. Let's see if tomorrow I will go deeper in your running program.Regards Yordan
  3. Nice tuto, thanks. All these vi commands are of course quite obvious for most of us, the other people simply type "man vi" in a console window, but you are right, we should think about our beginners.I would just like to add a little comment. Here you are writing a tutorial, which is supposed to be read by a lot of people. Just for politeness and for sake of this tutorial forum section, you should pay special attention to grammar and claritiness. For instance you write "$ vi test -- creates a file if file is not exist in the current directory"I guess that you meant "creates a file if a file with this name does not exist".Moreover, "in the current directory is false" because we often issue "vi /etc/hosts", i.e. we edit files with absolute path, so the words "in the same directory" is false, should be "a file with the same full path name" or simple remove the "in the current directory" words.RegardsYordan
  4. Have a look a the nearest supermarket, how much do they sell a computer with a dual-core pentium ? Then, you can sell your 2-year computer for 50% of the price of the supermarket new computer.
  5. Which operating system do you have on your computers ? I thought that Remote Desktop Connexion was only available on Windows 2003 servers ? Or is it also available on Windows XP ?Regards Yordan
  6. I know that there are somewhere some "macros" which in fact are calling microsoft basic (.bas) programs. So, there is a possibility of programming games. So, why not. But this would be a lot of effort compared to directly program in C++ or in other languages.
  7. Does this problem occur from any PC ? Or does only a particular PC have this problem ? Seems to be partly a DNS problem.
  8. that's right. The subject is really funny, I was really afraid when I first saw this thing. But, yes, this subject is also rather old.That's why I close this topic. Yordan
  9. Hi, You first posted this topic in the forum "How-To's and Tutorials > Networking ". However, this topic is not a tutorial. A tutorial is a text teaching how to perform something. Your topic is a call for help, so it's initial location is false. That's why I moved it here. Now comes my answer. Yes, Microsoft hates when computers change IP addresses, each computer remembers the old adresses and cannot reach the computers with new addresse. My workaround is the following : You master the IP addresses. So, simply use the IP addresses when sharing folders. For instance, go on the XP system, open a "cmd" command line prompt, and type the following : net use * \\192.168.XXX.YYYY\myfolderThis should work from any PC. Please tell us if this worked. Regards Yordan
  10. Can you tell us a little bit more ? How is it ? Does it have forced adds ? What about the service ? Ofter broken or good uptime ?
  11. It should work. I guess that your distro is like the other fedora distros, there is probably, at the beginning, a box saying something like "do you want to check that your CD is correct?", and if you click "Yes" it will check that each necessary rpm is present and is valid. I'm pretty sure that you said "no". Try saying "Yes" in order to verify the ISO file.What I love with vmware is that you can directly install from the ISO file instead of burnig a CD, you save a lot of time if the iso is corrupted. And the verification program is nice, it avoids failed installs.
  12. Sure it's a good reason. Sun is being kicked out of the server market, si, if they could step into the database market it would be good for Sun.Today there are essentially two big databases, Oracle and db2. Mysql seems good, but nobody really supports it. So, if Sun could sell mysql software and services, it could be a good business opportunit. If I had two millions I would have tried this too. Of course, this could be bad news for us, will the next versions of Mysql remain free ?
  13. And remember that usually you cannot use your own home computer for hosting your site : your Internet provider will probably not give you a professional bandwidth for the price of a personnal connexion. And probably paying a profession Internet connexion will cost more than the price of paid hosting on most of paid hosting provders.
  14. This link is probably http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=enThis site provides you with a shortened address, like "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; instead of a longer name like "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; instead of dot.tk you could also have a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Please try go stay serious, we don't appreciate non-technical terms like "lol" here. That's the minimum level of security, needing hostnames, usernames and passwords in order to access the data.
  16. A probably more smarter solution is using samba. Samba allows you to share a Linux folder, reading it from the Windows system as if it were a windows shared folder. The advantage is that you can read the files without copying them.
  17. This is for Windows 2003 only, I think.As far as I know, this feature is not included in Windows 2000 nor in Windows XP. Yordan
  18. Sorry, janette, please tell us : what do you want to do precisely ?Do you want to create your own site here at Xisto.com ?Or are you asking us how to create an account on freewebs.com ?
  19. I moved this topic here, where I think is most probably it's place.RegardsYordan
  20. and I see that phpMyAdmin is working fine now. Thanks to all the technical staff for the difficult job they did.
  21. Hi, Jeannet, what's new ?

    1. yordan


      sos why? what's the problem?


  22. Did you try the "do not use graphics" option ? Maybe you have an old graphic adapter, or a big part of your 512 megs is shared for you graphic adapter, so not available for Unix.
  23. Maybe there are other reasons making the gas price raise up ? Political reasons, fear of lack, offer-demand rules ? I think gas is like other sold things, they sell it the price their clients are willing to pay for it today. When gas will start being really too expensive we will walk or ride bycicles or buy electrical cars. Yes, the sentence "the price of the gas will increase" can make people buy a newspaper. But i'm pretty convinced it cannot raise the price of the petrol barrel.
  24. This topic seems copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please read the rules, on top of your post : it clearly says that Did you notice the quotes I used to quote the text I copied ? You should do the same thing when you post copied text in our forum.I will do this for you today. Next time, do not forget to put between quotes the text you copy from somewhere else. If you don't do so, we could think that are trying to cheat with our credit system, which could make the mods around here getting really angry. Regards Yordan
  25. This post is strangely similar to that one : http://www.pcsupportadvisor.com/bootable_%20CD_page1.htm It's not forbidden to post topics copied from somewhere else on the net. However, politeness as well as honesty ask you to put the copied text between quotes. Else, we could suppose that you want to cheat wit the hosting credit system, and that makes the mods around here angry.
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