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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Some monthes ago, as a hosted member, I had ssh access. Now only paid hosting people or admins have ssh access.
  2. You know what ? I did this google search. And the answer was : this topic !
  3. Just for diagnosis purposes, i did a simple test. I downloaded phpadmin from sourceforge (https://www.phpmyadmin.net/downloads/ ) and uploaded into my Xisto account www folder, and configured the server as "localhost". It works perfectly.This means that the problem is inside the cpanel, the sytem calls to cpanel phpmyadmin are not correctly performed. Clearly, the problem is in cpanel, and not in MySQL.
  4. Seems that MySQL works with my site, I can add records in my GuestBook, add and delete posts in my PhpBB forums. That's why I think that my MySQL databases are OK, and only phpMyAdmin has problems.
  5. And the problem seems located in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php the "session write query failed" seems to mean a permissions problem rather than a real "database is full" problem.I would say that somebody should perform a chmod somewhere in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php Yordan
  6. And, after finished checking, try the "ping" command in order to verify that all TCP/IP layers work correctly. Open a windows command line window an type "ping remote", wher "remote" is the name of the other computer.If "remote" does not work, try pinging directly the IP address.
  7. Remember our forum rules as expressed here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ : Your topic is interesting and useful, but it's far below this 500 words thereshold.Please, next time, make an effort and write down more didactical texts instead of writing short notice. I will simply refuse your next tutorials if they keep being so short. Regards yordan
  8. Ach so ! If this is really the question, I do that with the software provided with my camera : I take five pictures (translating or rotating my camera) and the software makes a single picture, same height but very wide, as a very wide landscape. And I know that some Canon cameras do that by themselves : you toggle "panoramic", you sat shooting, and the camera recognizes the common last/right-current/left part and creates a single picture while you shoot several times.Then, the question should be formulated differently, or some people among us should stop thing "Microsoft Vista" whan they ear the word "Vista".
  9. Is this a conceptual understanding problem ? Or is it an exercise a teacher asked you to perform ? In the second case, not sure the answer will arrive before the deadline...
  10. Nice topic, thanks. Just a small remark. Next time, do not forget to put between quotes copied text. You should have mentionned that the whole text is copied from : https://www.petri.com/install_windows_xp_pro And why did you not copy the screenshots, it would have helped us understanding.
  11. So, back to our first question. What do you name "a vista" ? Now we know that :. It is not a Windows vista customization. . It is not a Windows new version. However, what is it ? Please write down a definition, or give us a link to the definition or to some examples of what you name "a vista".
  12. yordan

    Fast Computer

    Three monthes ago, at my work, I used a 64-cpu Power5 system. 64 cpu on the same motherboard, 200 gigs memory and 100 tera disks, a nice toy.Now, my next tream is putting my fingers on a 64-cpu Power6 system. Please, Boss : for Christmas ?
  13. That's exactly what is forbidden here. Here, at Xisto, we help people using legit freeware softs, like Linux OpenSource things. Stealing commercial softs is forbidden by law in most of modern countries, and explaining people how to do this is forbidden by Xisto forum rules. By the way, topics talking about these forbidden things will be simply removed, and people having answered such illegal posts will experience hosting credits losses, so also take care when replying to such provocative posts.
  14. yordan

    Fast Computer

    Did you have a look at the cpu usage ? At which moment do you have full load of each cpu core ?I would like to know that because, if your cpu is not 100% used at the most critical times, doubling the cpu power will not enhance performances. If your computer spends it's cpu time in disk usage and waiting for the network or waiting for memory, two extra cpu's will change nothing, the extra cpu's will still wait for the disks. If your computer is waiting for disks, you have first to add disks. For instance, in this situation, switching from a two-disks system to a system with a single disk will give worse performances. If your computer is waiting for processor time, then you may add processors or switch to a computer with more processors.
  15. Of course, at Xisto, you use ftp with your name and your password (the same name and password as for your cpanel). If the name or the password is not correct, Xisto's ftp server does not allow you to to connect. I see that anonymous ftp is also allowed at Xisto. However, this account is useless, because it reaches an empty folder, you can only upload in the "incoming" subfolder. And the ".ftpquota" shows that Xisto protects himself from anonymous ftp's overloads.
  16. I agree with this. Even if you don't see it, a correctly running antivirus is protecting your computer, sometimes it destroys some attacks even without letting you know it. I have seen file simply disappearing during unzip operations, because the binaries were infected an automatically removed by the antivirus.The best antivirus is sometimes not enough for preventing an infection, but it's absolutely necessary for the commont known risks.
  17. By the way, you posted this question in the "database" forum, and this is obviously not a database problem. That's why I moved it to the "Graphics Design" forum, which is more suited to this subject. RegardsYordan
  18. I use both Norton and Mc Afee, and I frankly prefer Mc Afee. Mc afee works fine with Ad-Aware 2007 free anti-spyware. Ad-aware 2008 refuses installation when McAfee is present. And McAfee SiteAdvisor is nice, when it finds a not-tested-yet site, it asks you if you want it to test if for you, and then it tells you if you can trust the site or not. And, yes, exactly like wutske, I hate the way Norton unattendly starts scanning your hard disk at boot, you have to wait until it finishes it makes me get angry.
  19. When I talk about the present subject, I am acting as a standard TCP/IP systems users, I am not acting as a mod here.As far as I know, when you boot your PC, the DNS gives an IP address. If your PC has a unique name and has some shared resources, all other Microsoft systems on the same network know it's IP address and the associated shared resources. So, if a user types "net view" the user sees all available resources on the network and the associated machine name. If you manually change the PC IP address, the other PC's don't know the new IP, instad you ask Microsoft to propagate the new address.
  20. Of course, when you say "find working kaspersky keys" you mean "find some money in order to buy a kaspersky licence". This is the only way you can talk about here at Xisto. Regards Yordan
  21. OK, Iwolf, I moved your topic here. I hope that now it is it's desired place. Yordan
  22. I'm not familiar with this universe, so my feeling is probably completely false.I am familiar with surfing on the Internet because, now, most of the DSL-based internet providers provide you with free unlimited access to the Internet, no connection time limits, no download limit.And I think that the Iphone and other phone-type based devices ask you to pay per connection, and also for the time you spend on the net and the time you spend on MSN.So, personnally, I will not buy such things for surfing on the net. They are probably very interesting because having them you avoid having simultaneously in your pockets a cell phone, a USB stick, a MP3 player and a photo camera. I know this, I have all of these and would easily change for a single device.But I would definitively not pay for surfing.
  23. I see two major reasons. the first one is the amount of space. 5 gigs is a big storage. The second one is that this space is yours, and remains yours as long as you keep your account alive. Most of other free online storage remove the hosted files, usually if they have not had enough downloads, or even after some inactivity time, or simply without reason. On skydrive there is no time-limit clause. And they claim that traffic to your site is krypted, so it's difficult to steal your data. And of course, a copy of your passport can be interesting for you if you loose your passport in a foreign country and will help you obtain a new one. It has no interest for somebody else. I see a lot of cases (my current report for my boss) where some info should not be lost, and being read by somebody else does not matter.
  24. Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean.Are you asking how to do, when Linux is installed on a computer, in order to replace Linux by Microsoft Vista ?Or do you ask how Microsoft did in order to step from XP to Vista ?or is your word "Vista" a way of meaning an image to put on your computer ?
  25. I just received a mail from the Messenger team, talking about skydrive. Seems very interesting, it's supposed to be a krypted area where you store important things (a copy of your passport before traveling, who knows). It's a great idea having copy of your important things. And, of course, 5 gigs storage is always someting interesting. Have a look, it's here : https://onedrive.live.com/
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