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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Yes, I have the same problem. The mysql database wizard works, but the phpmyadmin does not work. I have a php error, it's the langage is french because of my local language, but roughly it says that there is a php error or a config error in php or in the web server :
  2. I confirm that now everithing works fine again. I can reach my own site at Xisto with by any means, including cmd command line ftp and IE6 Internet Explorer to the link ftp:myname@mysite.astahost.comSo, the problem was really temporary. So, Habble, please try again. Regards Yordan
  3. Thanks for the info. Anothen way of reaching the cpanel was with the link https://support.xisto.com/, the cpanel link in the rightmost colum worked. Fortunately, the DNS propagation is finished and my own site is visible again. The problem I see with editing my own hostfile is, that it works only for myself. The persons who used to visit my site cannot know that they have to edit their host file, so this workaround is useless for public sites as mine. Nevertheless, thanks for the workaround host trick, it will be useful next time surch a problem will occur. And thanks to all the technical staff, they did a good job.
  4. Are all the 9999 levels different, or are they looping, like in the games where level 50 is like level 40 but with more difficulties ?
  5. I use NotepadC++ a lot, mainly it's standalone version. I use it mainly for editing C programs. And my collegues love using it for editing xml files.
  6. If you have a look at the Xisto network status http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you see that everything is working fine on gamma. If you have a look at the Post By: Shridhar On: 02 May 2008 08:33 AM here : https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=ns&newsid=23 it's said that : So, two solutions : wait another 5-6 hours Or submit a ticket
  7. Mc Afee is not freeware. You have to pay for a one-year licence. As usual you can try it for free during one month, then you have to pay for it.
  8. The staff seem to be working hard, have a look at this info from the shoutbox : https://support.xisto.com/index.php?_m=ns&newsid=19
  9. ouch ! what's happening ? My ftp account at Xisto also stopped working !
  10. Which script is this ? Maybe you could use the phpbb script available from your cpanel here at Xisto, and see how the installation program manages the connection to the database. Install a phpbb forum, see how it works, and then, if you don't need it, delete it as soon as you will have learned how it connects to the database.
  11. That's right, as it has already been published, you reference to yourself.
  12. Even if it's yours, as soon as it has been already published. If somebody ripped it, that means that it was already published.For instance I cannot post here the topics about AIX Unix that I wrote on other forums, I can just post the link to them, or if I want to show the full text I must put it between quotes.
  13. Maybe your database server has a problem. I would suggest, for debugging purposes, to use a public free database server. For instance, try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , register to an account, create a database, use their phpmyadmin to verifiy that the database is functionnal, and then try to remotely connect to your database. I don't like freemysql.net because their control panel has a lot of ads and popups ; however, their remote database server works fine, so for testing purposes it's OK. yordan
  14. It's bad posting copied posts without quoting them. Some people are trying to do that in order to cheat with the credit systems. We do not accept that. In order to be hosted here you must post original topics, you are not allowed posting topics copied from somewhere else on the web. Except if you put the copied text between quotes, naming your sources.
  15. Thanks, nice tutorial, and very interesting. Please, next time, do not forget to precise your sources. The present topic can be found here : https://x10hosting.com/community/
  16. yordan


    More precisely, when you are hosted at Xisto (like on most of modern host offering cpanel), once you clicked in "create a database" you are asked a lot of questions about the database name and the user name, and then you are provided with the connection strings for connecting to your database. The informations are like these, they explain how to connect depending if you connect from a perl program, or from php, or from JDBC :Connection StringsPerl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:myname_mydatabase:localhost","myname_mydatabase","<PASSWORD HERE>");PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "myname_mydatabase", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db ("myname_mydatabase"); JDBC (may not be available) <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> Connection connection = null; Class.forName("org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver").newInstance(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost/myname_mydatabase?user=myname_mydatabase&password=<PASSWORD HERE>"); Of course, here at Xisto, you will probably use pre-installed script. For instance the php installation and configuration scirpt will ask your for the database server (you enter "localhost"), the database name (the database name you just entered when creating the database) and the database administrator name.Hope this helped.Yordan
  17. Easyphp is very small, easy to install, maybe you could have a look, for small testing on your laptop it's probably worth giving it a try. And it's a complete set, including PHP and mysql and java readty to be used.
  18. It has to work.I did it with a phpbb3 forum, I had php on one system and the dabase on the other system.So, instad of defining the database server as "localhost" I defined it with the connect hotname and host port given by the database server, and it worked.Yordan
  19. Yes, I know. Unfortunately, here we accept only new tutorials. Even if you are the author of a previous paper, you must quote yourself when giving the full text, or simply post the link to the original text without copying in your post.
  20. Thanks for the info. Very interesting tutorial. Strangely enough, I found exactly the same at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. No, sir, in most countries it's forbidden to download commercial videos/music/software, except if the authors explicitly claim their sofware being a freeware. If not, this is piracy, and it's against our forum rules.
  22. Did you consider using Thunderbird Portable ? Nothing to install, just unpack the file. You can even run it from your flashdis.
  23. Terry, have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Just tell me something, Jenny. This post title says "rate my host". Does that mean that you are the owner of this site ? That you did ghe site design and you enter the infos ? Or does that simply mean that thehostingcharts.com is a site you appreciate ?RegardsYordan
  25. by the way, probably you should have a look at this : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/94739-topic/?findpost=1064382541
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