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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Try Xisto ! Have a look yes, you read correctly, "Unlimited Mysql". It's not really unlimited (this does not really exist), it's probably something like 999 databases. So, the real limitation is the total disk space in your account. However, I'm pretty convinced that a "standard" database cannot exhaust your disk account Hope this helps Yordan
  2. Wrong forum. I move this topic in it's right place, so concerned people will more probably read it.RegardsYordan
  3. I would like to understant what your are meaning then. On this forum you have to write down correct English sentences. So, people understanding English should understand what you are writing. And it should have been written in such a way that people who do not understand perfectly English learn something when reading your text. So, there should be no need for translation ?
  4. Better than what ?By the way, this was post on the wrong forum, I will move it to the adequate zone. Yordan
  5. If you cannot find the database in phpmyadmin, this means that the database is not where you think it is. If you are able to write the connect string for php, you should be able to provide the same infos to phpmyadmin and display the list of the tables and display a table content.
  6. Nice tutorial, Archimedes. I appreciate the way you use simple words in order to explain rather complicated things (using php to make queries into the database and displaying the results on the screen). Lucky strike for a first tuto, I hope that you will continue this way.RegardsYordan
  7. I would like to remind you a small detail.It's legal to use Rapidshare for sharing your own things : your own music if you are a music composer, or your the movies you made with your friends.But it's completely illegal to user Rapidshare in order to share Commercial Movies or to share commercial music (even if you buy a music CD in a shop, you can ear it in your car but you cannot share it on the network).So, please remember that Rapidshare is a nice site for doing legal downloads. And it's against our forum rules to advertise for illegal things.Yordan
  8. Hi, Sarah, welcome aboard.Renewable energy is a very important and interesting subject. I'm rather keen of it.I love small solar cells for lights in my garden, unfortunately it's not really renewable : after some monthes the batteries are out of order and no way to by new ones.Maybe the really renewable energy is making small trees grow, and then use them for heating my house ?Maybe more info on your website as soon as you will be hosted.See youYordan
  9. yordan

    Vga Issue

    This is usually what you have when you install a fresh OS from the windows disk, in case your graphic board is not known by the drivers embedded inside the CD. 256 VGA colour is the minimum display available in standard windows install. Almost no current video card or embedded video chip is so poor. You absolutely need the drivers for your video card, and in order to get it, you must know which hardware adapter you have. Usually, hardware detecting software like "everest" tell you which physical adapters you have (not the Windows display, but the real adapters display). So, the first thing is to download such a tool and clarify which adapter is physically present.
  10. Only some of the most expensive Cannon reflex digital cameras are able to use cannon lenses.In order to see how a digital camera compares to a 35mm one, have a look it if mentions the F-aperture and the speeds. If you see F2.8 to F11 aperture and 1/20 sec to 1/1000 sec speed you see that it can compare to a 35mm camera.Also the second thing : enter a shop, and ask to hold it in your hands, to see how heavy you feel it. And look inside the ocular, can you see something without powering up ? And also loot how you see inside the ocular : usually looking inside a 35mm lens, ou see like with you bare eyes. If it's smaller or bigger without acting the zoom or the fisheye, this thing will never compare to a 35mm camera.Also have a look it it has the standard three modes : full automatic, aperture and speed. And if you see a "fully manual" mode, you really have a true camera. But then, you will probably pay 2000 dollars for it.
  11. Please, next time do not forget the quotes when you post copied text. This topic is very interesting and useful. However, you should have mentionned that it can be found at : https://tweakhound.com/linux/suse/101/installing_1.htm
  12. Hi, zaste, Maybe you did not read carefully our tutorial rules, mainly the rule number 3 : Your text has been copied from somewhere else, probably from here : http://pedrogarcia.articlealley.com/how-to-build-a-web-server-and-get-your-own-domain--7-steps-to-hosting-your-site-yourself-14426.html It is not really forbidden to post copied text in our forums. Simply, when you post a copied text, you should put the copied text between quotes, exactly like I do here below when I mention the tutorial rules : And of course, copied text should not be posted in the tutorial section. I put the quotes for you today, next time please do it by yourself. Regards Yordan
  13. Have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90708-topic/?findpost= A nice topic concerning the way of selecting from severaly tables, for instance :
  14. My Windows 2000 service pack 4 also has thumbnail view in Windows Explorer. Did you remember to "refresh" the Explorer window ? Also, try to cut the folder and paste it somewhere else, to see if it changes the explorer thumbnail behaviour. And the "save as" option in Internet option proposes .jpg as default file extension. So, this strange behaviour is not a Win2k standard feature. By the way, I suppose that you did not forget to uncheck the box "hide extensions for know types" in the Explorer properties ?
  15. yordan

    Vga Issue

    I think that you mean 256 colour vga ? And, yes, most of games now need very efficient graphic cards, with a lot of memory. Probably your PC also has few memory.Or maybe the game by itself has small bugs, but I'm not sure concerning this latter point.
  16. Hi, Leya, welcome aboard.Sorry, I'm just a little bit curious.Katleya, Kat, Leya, OK, I understand, they can be equivalent short or long names.But notebook ? Why notebook ? Because you are on your way to school ?
  17. This topic is not at a suited place in the tutorial forums. That's why I move it here, where it will more probably find an answer.Yordan
  18. Ouch ! such a buch of bad news ! I was just considering bying a brand new system ; now the systems are sold with Vista installed. So, probably my progs will also stop working !I also saw IE progressively stopping working, the situation becoming worse each time a new Windows update occured. Maybe the explanation is the same, the XP updates moving the OS towards vista, and the apps stopping working.
  19. This is not a tutoriel, so you should not post it in the tutorial section. This post is copied from here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please stop spamming, and do not forget to quote copied text.
  20. Do not forget to quote copied text, it's a matter of honesty toward the text authors.
  21. I think I can guess what happened.You probably first posted in in the "tutorial" section. A tutorial remains invisible until being approved by a mod. Probably a mod saw that it was not a tutorial, made it visible and moved it to a correct section.
  22. The space effectively used depend on the number of rows, not the number of columns in a single row.
  23. I think it shows, here is it : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/95782-topic/?findpost=1064391379= Yordan
  24. What will you do with your database ? Will you really have 500.000 rows in your table ?I think that if your site really has 500k visitors, you can negociate more space from Xisto without any problem.
  25. Seems that this topic has already published here : http://buxbb.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t Am I wrong ?
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