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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Er... what did you decide precisely ?
  2. Yes, you can. Whan you install Windows, instead of accepting "use the whole disk for Linux", you choose "advanced", and you create your own filesystems : you create the "/" filesystem, the swap partition, and you add a FAT32 filesystem, and you leave a lot of space unpartitionned, you will partition when booted in Windows.
  3. OK, don't panic. Your windows install is still there, just have to give access again. you need to boot off a ms-dos floppy disk, and at A: prompt you type "fdisk /mbr" that's all, this will remove grub from the mbr (the master boot record). the Windows floppy disk you can create on a Windows XP : you choose to format the floppy and check "add system files". If you cannot really create your own ms-dos boot disk, have one from http://bootdisk.com/ , namely the Windows Millenium one, for instance from here http://vcic.com/vault/bootme.exe or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please keep us informed.
  4. No problem, I accept this post as being in the correct forum.Could you please have a look at which version of Partition Magic you are using, and see if a newer version is available today ?
  5. yordan

    Dial Up

    The 56k is the theoretical speed. However, it depends from how busy the supplier server is, and how many people are connected at the same time. I had this problem a couple of years ago, and, unfortunately for you, 28.8 is the realistic average speed you should be able to access with this type of connexion. The speed technically goes up if the server is free, and goes down if you are far from the server and the server sees too many retries on the line.
  6. It should work. Simply you probably need to have the list of all the necessary packages. First install kde, then see if something else is missing.
  7. Personnally, I use avimux for joining (interleaving more precisely) the audio and the video track in my avi movies. Download AVIMux_GUI 1.17 and also have a look at the other standard tools, from doom9 : go to http://www.doom9.org/ and then the download section, and "see all tools". Regards Yordan
  8. I moved your topic here, because this plase seems to better be it's place. Guess what ? I will not even think trying this, first or not first. Of course, this is one of the burnishing test some manufactures do for their first prototypes (if it survives, this means it's robust) ; however, I see no need for a personal home computer to perform this test.
  9. Not sure this topic should have been approved. Is this not a kind of hacking the ipod touch in order not to pay some features available on a more expensive device ? Then, this post would be violating our forum rules.
  10. I moved your topic to this place, which is more suitable to it's subject.Yordan
  11. 1) Concerning the space problem :Look if Ubunto formatted the whole disk or if it left part of the disk unformatted.If there is some place left, you can use the Disk Manager from Microsoft Windows in order to add a partition.If there is no more space left, use Partition Magic in order to shrink the Linux partition, freeing disk space, and create a FAT32 partition on the freed space.2) Ubuntu should be graphic. Your install was unsuccessful or you installed only part of the Ubuntu CD, or you had a restricted version.If it was not easy to start graphics, I would suggest that you restart from scratch with Mandriva, which is very close to Ubuntu but automatically installs KDE et and activates the access to the Microsoft Windows disks.If you don't want to re-install Linux, try to add the missing modules, probably X-Windows and KDE, but it will need a lot of time because you will not have the whole automated features brought with Mandriva or RedHat installer, which automatically installs everything in Ethernet DHCP mode and starts a KDE graphics session.
  12. Hi, Feelay,OK, two things because two separate problems :1) Do you have a user which can open a Linux command line box ? Then, in this box, type"su - root"(without the quotes).Please tell me if when typing "su - root" you see Linux asking for the root password, and, if you remember the root password, tell me if Linux accepted it. Then, when the root password is accepted, type "id" or "whoami" in order to verify that you are effectively root.If you cannot su - root, the best thing is to re-install Linux.2) Then comes my second point. If you re-install Linux, before doing that, try to erase all the Linux partitions from your bigger disk (Partition Magic does that very well) and create a Windows partition which does not use the whole disk (typically leave 10 gig or 20 gig not fromatted, for instance on a 250 Gig disk create a 200 gig partition, leaving 50 gig unformatted for Linux).Then, when installing Linux, do not choose "automatically use the whole disk", but choose "give the rest of the disk to Linux". Then you will be able to see your big disks, both from Linux and from Windows.3) As a comment, I would also create on my big disk a FAT32 partition. This FAT32 partition is useful because both Windows and Linux know how to write on this disk, so it can be your main communication partition. On my own system, this partition is the windows D: partition and under Linux it's named "/mount/windows2".
  13. The problem is not due to your cable. I guess that your NIC is a 100Mbps one, so a single cable is able of sustaining 100mbps. The problem is the cable between your modem and your Internet provider. This distance is probably several kilometers, which imbeds a slow connexion. As the link until your home is slow, no use to have a faster link inside your home, the problem is outside.
  14. err.. sorry, but what is altiris ?I know most of the features you are talking about, but I don't know what is Altiris. Is this part of 2003 server ?
  15. I see thet your really are not familiar with Oracle passwords: none of these are standard nor popular Oracle passwords. And, of course, remember that the oracle admin can at any moment change any Oracle password. No need to know the passwords, simply assign the new ones.
  16. OK, you can't imagine a more simple method. Once you have bought the Norton Ghost Software, you simply click on "backup my system", and it creates the backup. Simply remember to put the backup on a separate partition, the D: or the E: disk.
  17. Have a look at this tutorial : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/95220-topic/?findpost=1064386479 It explains how to create a proxy on a web server. And have a look at zorba4's post saying that it does not work on some free web hosting accounts.
  18. Thanks for the info. Great news ! We waited for this since a long time. Let's have a look. Maybe I will stop hating vista. Maybe my mouse pointer will stop disappearing. Maybe my web browser will stop freezing. Maybe my computer will stop halting.
  19. Why do you wish to test ? You register, and then you use it. And if you don't like it, you forget about it.
  20. Very interesting, thanks for the info.Just a small detail, I would not put this in the Tutorial section (Free Web Hosting > Computers & Tech > How-To's and Tutorials > Internet > Internet Tools - Utilities - Hacks), because a tutorial should be a document more detailed than that.That's why I moved your topic here.RegardsYordan
  21. Xisto has it's own paid hosting, of course. With the free hosting you see the kind of services available here, and you see what you get when you switch to paid hosting.Have a look at our paid hosting plans here : https://xisto.com/ Yordan
  22. Also, if you want to create a gaming forum, you could consider using the "Fantastico" part of your cpanel at Xisto. You click "forums", then "phpbb forum" and it will create a fully functionnal forum, including the user/password registration, the frames for the forum, and all the associated staff.
  23. I moved your topic here, off the "tutorial" section, because it's not really a tutorial, it's a description of an existing tutorial. However, I approve your idea, thanks for sharing this link with us.Regardsyordan
  24. Currently I have 57 processes running, and I'm doing almost nothing more thatn writing the current post, so i thin'k it's a but too much proceses. However, my cpu is idle 96%, so I don't worry too much.
  25. Welcome aboard. And thanks for the lesson. But how exactly is hiragana ?
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