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Everything posted by yordan

  1. virtualcd was enough for all my non-gaming purposes. You load the driver and assigns a letter to the ISO file you want to use. When you finish, you stop the driver and unload it, no more pollution to your system. Download it from Microsoft, or from here : http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/xpvircddownload.html
  2. Could you believe it ? I even don't know what is a Mmo game.What does Mmo mean ? Main Menu Overfood ?
  3. I have seen this text. It's an English text talking about French slang, so i don't know how much we can trust this, at least we should need a second advice, and mine is "no". Of course I am an expert of French slang, and as usual en these case, two contradictory expert advices neutralize each other and everybody should feel free to believe what he wants (personally "I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky", but this is another story)
  4. Welcome aboard, I'm sure you will be satisfied with the features offered by Xisto hosting. Are you really open to solve any doubts or questions ? Let me shoot first ! Where is the info concerning the french executioner ? I think I know decently the French language and I never heard about Harocotcur. Could you tell us a little bit about this ? Maybe could you open a topic concerning this particular point in our "The Einstein Factor" forum ?
  5. You did not write this text by yourself, this text has been copied from somewhere else, probably from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is not really forbidden to post copied text in this forum. However, politeness asks that you mention where you copied this text from, and honesty asks that you put the copied text between quote tags. I did the quoting job for you today. Next time I expect you to do the quoting job by yourself. Else we could think that you want to cheat with the hosting credit system, which makes the admins around here rather angry.
  6. This feature is also offered in gmail. On the gmail screen, you see all your contacts, and the connected contacts have a green lamp in front of their name. If you click on the name, you enter the chat mode, and your contact sees a pop-up with your message.I also love Pidgin Portable, which offers simultaneous connection to gmail chat and MSN chat : you give Pidgin your gmail username and your MSN username, it asks you for each password and it connects you to both, so you have the best of both chat worlds.
  7. Regular people cannot buy this kind of things. However, a lot of professional people use it when huge databases are involved.I wanted to show that, even on very expensive systems like AIX machines, it's very easy to install it and use it with phpBB3 on an Oracle database. Even regular people like me are able to do this.
  8. Thanks for having correctly mentioned the name of the site form which your topic was copied.Also, please do not forget to put between "quote" tags the copied text.I did the quoting job for you today, I expect you to do it by yourself next time.RegardsYordan
  9. Really nice, thanks. I even did not guess that the winzip embedded in Microsoft windows offered a command line usable version!
  10. The most brillant idea should be that, after finding the solution, your programs explains why this solution has been chosen.Another subject could be, how to synchronize the traffic lights (red light stopping the cars, green lights saying "go"). You draw your city map (with the streets and the buildings) and you show how a car goes from one location to another one.The interesting thing would be to choose the optimal solution for a given goal.One way is regulating a traffic (main street traffic should be 50 kilometers per hour)Another way would be to make the time shortest on the path between the residential suburb and the city factory, with the constraint that the north-south traffic should be no less than 30 kilometers/hour.
  11. You first posted this topic in the hosted member support forum. This is not really technical issue the forum support should solve, it looks rather like a need for help concerning the way to move money from a buyer's account to the seller's bank, in case Paypal cannot do this. That's why I moved your topic here, where it will more probably find and answer.RegardsYordan
  12. Not necessary files. But we should first think differently, start with what we want to do, then how to do it, and at the last moment will the means to do it arrive.Usually Artificial Intelligence things are based on rules, so you should first create a set of rules. Then your IA will read the question and give the answer following the involved rule.So, you should create a decision-help program, which receives a question and gives an answer.The second creteria of IA is the ability to learn. So, when a new rule appears, the IA should be able to learn this rule and use it for future decisions.Concerning the way to do the things, I would not use files. C language is able to use arrays, and arrays are very easily and quickly accessed by the machine. If the memory usage is too hight, the operating systems are able to put some parts on disk, so let the OS manage the need to use the disks and do everything in memory.
  13. Everything is included, I only had to install the Oracle HTTP server package for AIX on the AIX system, and everything was ready for use, no extra package was needed. When I started the phpBB3 index.php startup, it ran directly, detected that all the oracle plugins were available and the install started immediately.This install on AIX was surprisingly very simple, and needed far less work than my previous install on a Windows machine, where I had to tune Xampp, removing the bad OCI8 drivers and replacing by the correct ones. For the AIX install I had to touch nothing.
  14. Oracle HTTP server is part of the Oracle 11g for AIX distro. Of course you don't need it on the database server. But it's very useful on the application servers needing to access the remote database. It comes ready for use, with everything necessary including sql*net, sql*plus and php support. In order to test it on our AIX test system, I decided to install a phpBB 3.04 forum. Everything worked perfectly withing minutes. The only things I had to do was . starting the Oracle installer : ./runInstaller . Let the installation complete . browse http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (yes, it's a strange port, unfortunately my 80 port was already busy) and see Apache works. . copy my tnsnames.ora remote database definition file (using netca can avoid this step) . sqlplus in order to test my remote database access and my forum database owner. . upload and unzip phpBB3 scripts. . run http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This started the phpBB3 install program, which tested that php and oracle were available and started the installation. For configuring, you only need the tnsname of the remote database and the user/password of the forum schema owner, leave all other fields to default values. That's all, I was then able to enter my first topics and see remote users connect and answer my posts. I really appreciated this experience. It showed that, once you are in the "open" world, familiar with some tools like phpBB, you can start a very professional service on a high end AIX server without any intellectual effort, because Oracle people did most of the integration part and provided a ready-to-use tool for system admins as lazy as me. And the total thing remain very professional because it works on a very reliable high-end Unix Power6 machine, and has the power of Oracle for the database.
  15. My car music CD reader is exactly like that.And it never scratched any CD!The device is designed in such a way that it is able to swallow a CD, manipulating it without scratching.That means that the internal mechanism is made of smooth surfaces able to introduce the CD without damaging it.If your reader scratches the CD's, this means that the internal mechanism is damaged, temporarily or definitively spoiled by some dust or metal particles.If you recently bought it, you should invoke the manufacturer guarantee, making them change the defective CD reader.A defective CD is definitively not acceptable, because it's the only way your laptop can receive data from outside and perform reliable backups. Backing up your data on a device which destroys the media is completely meaningless.
  16. Sorry if some guys in the forum were arrogant and did not help you correctly, these arrogant people probably did not read our forum rules, mainly the most important one which says "please be polite and try to be helpful". OK, the most important thing is that Account Credit Balance is not zero or negative. So, you have no problems concerning lack of credit for sustaining your site hosting. It's probably an administrative problem, because you did not order your "logic plan" in the devoted time frame. Now, I think the most effective thing to do right now is connect again to your Xisto account, and open a ticket, saying that your site "animator.astahost.com" is suspended, give your cpanel login name too, and ask them to fix this, proceeding if necessary to a logic plan ordering. They will fix this, or tell you where to click if you have to do something by yourself. Please open the ticket as soon as possible, you will see that Xisto - Support guys react very fast, they are kind and very professional and efficient. Please do this and keep us informed. Regards Yordan
  17. As far as I remember, when installing XP home edition, you create a user (let's say "Daddy" or "Issa"), you give this user a password, and only the users you create can log in.The first user you create is an admin, and you should not forget his password. If you forgot the user's password, you will probably have to re-install windows.I'm even not sure that the Administrator user can connect, at least you should give him a password and look if his account is not locked.
  18. I use Firefox because it has the only feature I need, which is English spelling and easy language/dictionary switching. If Opera does not have this, I would not say that Opera is better than Firefox, I would say that Firefox is better. By the way, we should not continue talking it a "no post count' forum, if we want to say something interesting (like Opera compared to Firefox, or shall we have a standalone Firefox on a USB flashkey, we should open a new thread in a technical section of the Xisto forums...
  19. Concerning spelling, the online spell check within the English dictionary embedded in Firefox helps a lot, with a red underline under each mistyped word, is rather helpful.
  20. Hi, andrei, welcome aboardI hope that you will like our stay here. You will see that Xisto is the best service you can imagine, professional hosting offer, and no money needed, you simply have to share your technical experience with our members.I just have a small question : what are you doing with photoshop ? Creating images, our correcting camera pictures ?Personally, I think I failed my camera shot if I have to open photoshop in order to remove red eyes or shrink the picture.
  21. No real bother to you, and you earned some money, very nice for you.But it was a great damage for the guy who had to pay your job in order to have his PC cleaned, so it was a great trouble for him. Then, it can be warned as a dangerous virus for normal users, even if a clever guy is able to remove it.
  22. Please read carefull our TOS.You can post here about the way to protect yourself against hackers.You cannot post here explaining how to steal somebody's cell phone time credit!
  23. You can also run Windows as a live distro off an USB. So, on this particular point this is not something Linux can do and Windows cannot.
  24. OK, first of all, I recommend gmail.com as free mail offer.If you want to receive mails from somebody, give him your gmail address.If you don't want to receive mail from somebody (for instance from people wanting your mail address and you know that they will spam) you can use a spam-killer mail provider. Some of them are very efficient, have a look at mailinator.com
  25. yordan


    Hi, Sean, First of all, welcome aboard. The problem is not only here. There are two different points. The first point is that here we don't want do see means of stealing bandwidth. And proxy sites is a way of using our internet bandwidth for purposes having nothing to do with us. The second point is a legal point. Why do you need a proxy site ? If your college has a firewall preventing you to go to some websites, our purpose is not to help you doing things forbidden by your college security people. If you have a legitimate reason to go to a given site, you should simply ask college security people to give you access to these sites. Bandwidth problems will be filtered by the user resource limits, which will lead to a more costly hosting if exhausted. Concerning illegal website usage, have a look on our TOS, for instance here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Regards Yordan
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