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Everything posted by yordan

  1. So, there is a stupid possible workaround solution : you can give these guys your login ID and password...
  2. I gave a try to InfraRecorder, the portable version you can get here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ seemed to be very interesting : you have the software on your USB stick, so you can burn anywhere, even if your friend's PC does not have a decent burning software installed. InfraRecorder perfectly burned my data on a CD, I was able to read it from another computer without problem. However, coming back to my own computer I had a bad surprise : Vista was unable to read any media, CD nor DVD : it asked me to format the blank DVD ! I had data, I was able to read them on other computers, but not any more on mine ! I fixed the thing when I used Nero to burn another CD, Nero fixed the wrong things and my device was back to work and was able to read my DVD's again. So, very useful to have your own burning software, but remember that it can destroy your friend's burner !
  3. I have to install RSTATD and SNMPD on some RedHat systems. How can I perform this ? Do I have to install some rpm's ? Taking them from where ? And how do I have to configure this ? Is there a way to test that the servers are working ?Sorry to ask so basic questions, but I am mainly an Oracle dba, so I have very few experience on installing and configuring Linux services.
  4. can you, by yourself, add these events ? Or is it a general problem ?
  5. In the standard browser version of gmail, the images also don't show up, you have to click "let gmail show the images" in order to see them.
  6. Tor is not supposed to bypass firewalls. Tor is an anonymizer, preventing the remote host to know your real IP address. And, of course, Tor has to be able to go out through the firewall. And, obviously, Tor is blocked by most of business site firewalls.
  7. Depends from which copyright it is. If the copyright is for the use of the free layout, then it's correct. If it's a personal custom layout it has to be updated. And of course, it should be a real copyright, as far as I remember a copyright is a legal operation, you have to give some money to a lawyer in order to have this performed, else it's simply a statement of faith.
  8. Seems "US and UK" only.
  9. For the files and scripts, use a ftp client, Filezilla is a very convenient one.For databases, you should use PhpMyadmin and make a backup of each database, and take each database backup on your own PC.Put all the bakups on a DVD. And then copy them on your hard disk, and install easyPHP on your PC in order to have an Apache and Mysql server. And train yourself creating databases, importing data from your database backups, and restart the application from your application scripts. You will probably have to touch some configuration files, which is usual when switching to another server.
  10. I don't like the "Contact us" etc... rolling banner on the main page. Else, the other pages are acceptable.
  11. Finally I used the windows version of mkisofs. I put all my distros in a directory, and I used isolinux to create a multiboot cd. The syntax is somehow trapping for a newbie, needed some time to get it working : mkisofs -o output.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table .The trick is that all the files have to bee in the isolinux folder, including Menu.txt, and that syslinux.cfg has to be copied (or renamed) to isolinux.cfg
  12. One of these distros is "Vista PE", you can find it here : http://reboot.pro/ In order to use it, you must have a working Vista PE installation and the original Windows vista CD, in order to verify that you really bought Vista and have a working license. You download the tool, and you are step-by-step guided for creating an Iso. You burn the Iso on a CD, you boot on this CD and you have a Windows vista which is able to see your network, your hard drives, and will allow you to backup your files to your external USB disk, or retrieve your files from your ftp server !
  13. I love this sentence in the Evenintg Standard mentionned article : Finding a security hole in IE6 does not mean that this hole is not in Mozilla or in Chrome or in Safari...
  14. "http://www.alt-web-design.com/effects-tutorials/images/torn-paper02.jpg copying the link URL and paste it in IE6 or firefox (without the quotes)
  15. He cannot change the hotlink protection settings, simply because the images are the ones from the torn paper at alt-web-design, have a look at the second image : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. If you really wrote this tutorial, entirely with your own words, you do not need to use the quote tags.You need to use the quote tags only for text you copied from somewhere else, like text which would have been copied from another website. So, if this text is really full writen by yourself, you can remove the quote tags. Regards Yordan
  17. This topic does not concern PC to PC. It concerns PC to phone.This means, the possibility, from your PC, to call a standard telephone, allowing you to teach with people who don't have a PC, or to access people in their cars through their cellphone. The paid version of skype allows that, the free version cannot.
  18. Do you mean that this topic is copied from a page in w3schools ? Could you please post the link to that page ?
  19. I simply thing nothing on earth is free. If you have a cow for making *BLEEP* and gather the methane and burn it in a motor, this is not free because you had to feed the cow, which needs grass, which needs rain, which is not available in a lot of countries.The real question would be : is there a way for having energy without allowing some people to get scandalously reach ? Then, some solution like solar cooking devices could be an answer.
  20. I think that portable Gimp should do the job. It's free, you can get it from here : http://portableapps.com/apps/graphics_pictures/gimp_portable It's a portable version, this means that you don't install it, you put it somewhere (like your USB flashdisk) and run it from there, and if you don't want it any more you simply remove the folder from your disk. It has a lot of capabilities, so I am pretty sure it can do what you want. Regards Yordan
  21. Nice topic. Yes, I liked it.Of course, I liked it even more in it's original form here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You know, posting text copied from somewhere else is not really forbidden here. However, honesty asks that you put this text between quotes, and politeness asks that you mention the source where it's copied from. Today I did the quoting job for you, next time I expect you to do the quoting by yourself. Else, we could imagine that you are trying to cheat with the credit system, which makes some mods around here rather angry.
  22. isobuster also does not do the job : it does not allow you to add extra files to your iso.I think I was thinking the wrong way. Probably the best way is to put all my files in a temporary folder, let's say c:\mycdtemp, and use mkisofs (the windows or the linux version) to create the final iso. A kind of step-by-step for having the binaries and a working syntax is here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Of course, my goal is to create a multiple-linux bootable cd, and not to create a "windows bootable cd", but the principle of using mkisofs and the syntax provided makes sense : So, no need to modify an existing iso, when working that way the goal is to start from a folder and create an iso having that folder. Any further modifications will be simply add files to that original folder and re-create the iso file using the same syntax, and burn to CD, or test it with an emulated machine.
  23. I gave it a try, doesn't work. winrar is able to open an iso file, and extract some parts or extract everything, but cannot add a file to an iso. Even a registered version cannot do that.
  24. It's still the same problem : you need a tool able to create the empty iso, and able to add files to that iso.
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