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Everything posted by yordan

  1. You're right, things are changing, the error message is now different : Nice try, unfortunately I'm afraid it's blue color could not match with the forum blue background. By the way, why did you not answer OpaQue's topic concerning the Xisto logo contest ?
  2. There is no real problem. The only thing is to have performed a Norton Ghost backup when your system was perfectly running and store it in a safe place (another partition of the same disk, or an USB disk, or on another server offering a network disk resource. When you buy Norton Ghost, you receive the Norton Ghost recovery disk. The old versions had recovery disks on floppy disks, the new Norton Ghost versions provide you with a recovery disk on a bootable CD. You simply boot on the Norton Ghost recovery CD, if the network does not start automatically you click on the network configuration tab (if you want to reach your backup on a remote machine) and then you click "recover my system", and tell Norton Ghost where your backup is : local or remote. This is for home users. There is also a profession version, where you install a backup server which holds all the backups, then you simply configure the system to be installed in order to boot on the network, and then the network installer sees the system booting and starts the backup install... A real dream, isn't it ? But you don't need the professional version, for a single system (or for rather few systems) you simply need the Norton Ghost recovery CD. However, let's be clear. The recovery CD is only able to restore from an already existing backup, it cannot create a new backup. In order to create a new backup, you need to install the full Norton Ghost software on the PC you wan to backup.
  3. As many copies as you want provided that the total amount of copies does not exceed the total number of computers for your MSDN license. Same problem with the site license, the owner of the site license has to pay for each computer on which the software is installed, and if the number of installed computer exceeds the number of paid licences some problems will occur.
  4. The current topic concerns Microsoft Windows folders.Your trick is a Unix newbie trick. All non-newbie Unix folks know this trick and they type "ls -a" instead of "ls" and see the folder. Could you please try your trick on your Mac and verify that, also on the mac, your "invisible" folder is seen when typin "ls -a" or "ls -al" ? Regards Yordan
  5. yordan


    Please, hfbvm, stop posting copied text. We hate plagiarism, this can lead to a ban.
  6. so, do you have the Linux system already ?
  7. yordan


    I think aloKNsh simply did a joke concerning pasting without copying. Nevertheless, this is plagiarized text, and hfbvm needs to urgently learn how to use the quote tags.
  8. thanks, i'll have a look at it. I also googled a little bit, and seems that this is a general problem with the modern pc's, the only available driver I found, gcdrom, does not work.
  9. Each material on Earth is made of atoms, which have protons, neutrons and electrons.All of them are constantly moving (electrons spinning around the protons and neutrons).In some pieces of material (like iron) the way electrons are spinning is not completely random, a common axis appears, which gives a collective effect.Such a material with a lot of spinning axes oriented up will be attracted by a piece of the same matierial with axes oriented down. It will push the other piece of material if the spinning axes are up.That's roughly why magnet stick to a piece of metal, and magnets are attracted by magnet oriented a certain way and will push magnets oriented the opposite way.
  10. I don't guess why this poll does not have an item for "Standard employee, with very few money, just enough for buying a PC"
  11. Are you talking about Unix or about Linux ?Because an apache server is usually built-in in every standard Linux distros.And, of course, the apache server is free, and is available for probably each Unix distro, and the sources are available if you don't find a server ready-made for your Unix.
  12. You get mycents for both starting a new topic and for replying to other topics. Simply, starting interesting topics gives more cents than short answers to other topics. both!Umar's question concerned mycents. The current topic starter post concerns getting Ad-Revenue, which is an add-on to your account. And, yes, it works roughly like adsense but it's not with google.
  13. Since a couple of days, randomly, I have a Bluescreen on NETIO.SYS when booting my brand new Vista system.And of course, the automatic repair does not work.Just trying several times and at the end it boots, but I would like to know what happens. The famous bad sectors discussed on the other topic ?And how to recover from that ? Copy netio.sys somewhere else ?
  14. http://www.ip-details.com/ is currently out of order. Besides this, anonymous surfing is an old dream, from all web surfers, who want to go anywhere without showing their IP address. Besides that, some people like the Police (or yourself) want to know who entered inside your computer in order to do bad things, and having the IP address and resolving this to a country, city, street is also very useful. So, the subject of this topic is effectively concerning the way to hide your IP address, or at least provide a fake address. Which of course is absolutely illegal, except for some testing purposes.
  15. Please, bigdognick5, read our forum rules.We do not accept plagiarized text, except if embedded in quote tags.I did this quoting job for you today, please do not forget to do the quoting job by yourself next time.
  16. From this point of view, and also if you want to work in a big company or if you want to sell yourself as a program writer, you should consider ANSI C.C is a rather high-level language, however it's very near the computer hardware because most of huge systems today are Unix or Linux systems, and Linux and Unix systems are historically developed using the C language. Which means that, quite naturally, programs written in C for any purposes (even for complicated things like Oracle database queries) have very good performances and very short execution times. So, C should be the first language you learn in your life, each other one comes second.
  17. OK, why not ? I had a look and it seems reasonably attractive. Besides the fact that I hate the job of the debt consolidation companies, your site seems nicely designed and rather effective.It does not work on each browser, maybe you should think about that. I am currently working on very small computer, which does not have memory enough for more than Windows 98. Your site asked me to download flash, and then warned me that my OS does not accept the necessary version of flash.Simply remember that some of the people in your targetted marketing spot could be poor people, having an old PC, exactly as old as mine, and, if what you wanted to tell them currently need flash, then you should probably find a way passing this message without flash.My own very rich customers use PowerPC AIX workstations, browsing with firefox, and flash is also not available for them either. Which is not very important because maybe they have no debt consolidation needs...
  18. If you don't know how to use it, it was not worth buying it.Usually, in modern cameras, you have a look through the viewer and you shoot, and, after a short or a long time you have a look at your picture and you see if you are able to take decent pictures.Of course, if you really need to learn, there are some art schools where you can learn photography....
  19. Open windows explorer, see your drives (C:, D: etc...)Right-click on the c: drive, choose "tools" or something like that, and you will see a menu where you choose to verify your disk, and then another menu where you defrag your disk.These two actions are probably what your friends states when he tells you to clean-up your disk.
  20. Please use full English sentences, here we don't like SMS-like words. Also please make an effort, starting your sentences with a CAPITAL letter but leaving the rest of the text in lowercase letters. Personally I feel a whole sentence written in capital letters very aggressive.
  21. There are two ways of cloning a hard disk : hardware cloning and software cloning.1) If you just bought a disk drive in a shop and did not open the box yet, cloning is simple : you go back to the same shop, you give the same amount of money and you get a second disk drive which is exactly the same as the first one.2) If you already installed Microsoft Windows on your hard drive, it's a good idea to clone your c: drive, which is physically a partition on your hard disk. This is a software partition cloning to a file. Ideally, if you have several disks, the file cloning your c: partition is on a separate drive, so in case of hardware failure you loose the original partition and you still have the clone.If you have a single hard drive, the best thing is, during the Windows installation, to put the operating system on a small part of your hard drive (typically use 40 giga for Windows, and the rest of the disk for your data). Then, your Windows disk will traditionnally be named "c:", and your data will be on a different partition, probably named "D:"In this case, "cloning" means make a compressed image of your "c:" partition somewhere on your "D:" disk. So, if you experience a Windows crash, or a virus, or a stupid driver install error, or a worm opening 256 ads windows on your system, simply restore your "c:" disk from the clone image, and your system will be back to it's initial stable state. Another nice example is the fact that a freshly installed Microsoft Windows boots in about 30 seconds, and after some weeks or some monthes you see it needing several minutes to half an hour for booting ; then you restore your disk from it's clone and it boots in 30 seconds again.Of course you need a software for doing that, the most popular ones are Norton Ghost and Acronis. They perform in a very short period of time a complete backup of your c: disk on a file of another disk or another partition, or on a network remote disk, and restore the crashed disk from the backup in case of disaster.And of course the best softwares are also the most expensive ones.Personnally I use a free version name CloneZilla, very efficient end very fast. You boot on a liveCD and you backup the system disk to a data disk, and in case of problem you boot again on the liveCD and you restore the system partition from the clone.Hope this helpedYordan
  22. Since a long time, I have used to have my favorite diagnosis tools on bootable ms-dos floppies. Now floppies are almost nowhere available, so I use a CD-ROM with a ms-dos boot.Usually, the drivers with WinMe floppy work fine.Unfortunately, they do not work with my last system, which has a AHCI CDROM. It boots correctly, I have the A> prompt, but my cd-rom drives are not initialized.Do you know where I can find the ms-dos drivers for the new CD-ROM hardware ?RegardsYordan
  23. What do you agree with ? Which OpaQue opinion are you mentioning today ?
  24. Why safari ? Are you a Mac User ?
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