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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I don't use mccodes, so I cannot tell you about that. But I know how this site works. There is a description here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86546-topic/?findpost=1064322155 or shorter said here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96844-topic/?findpost= roughly, you simply have to open an account at Xisto - Support.com, with the same e-mail you used for registering at Xisto. As soon as you will have posted some interesting topics, you will see "mycents" starting growing near your name at the forum. Each time your account reaches 100 MyCents, it's converted to $1.00 in your account. This credit is used to buy any account at Xisto, I suggest the "Logic Plan".
  2. As I told you, two posts above, I tried it with Windows XP, not with linux.
  3. Please tell us. You use the external disk for backing up precious data. Now the external copy seems unreachable. But are the internal data still available ? If not, you should remember that each precious data has to be in two separate places: on the internal disk and on the USB disk. If you want to remove the data from the internal disk, you must have it on two USB disks or on a USB disk and a DVD. Never stay with important data in a single place, either internal or USB disk or network.
  4. - I downloaded - I unzipped - I rand and I got the error, never have seen it looking like a browser.
  5. Did you, as usual, when booted on the Vista CD, first choose "remove the partition" on the previous install partition, and then "create a partition" and install on the freshly created replacement partition ?
  6. I tried it on my WinXP system, it crashed with "(0xc0000135) error. Is this the normal behavior ?
  7. first I think, then I take a piece of paper, then I make a nice drawing, then I open Notepad++ and create the files.
  8. You posted your topic in the section "FREE WEB HOSTING REQUESTS ยป FREE WEB HOSTING : NEW ACCOUNT REQUEST".I moved it here, where it's place more probably is and where it could have more chances receiving an answer.RegardsYordan
  9. I estimated this ridiculous, so I took my own calculator and I found exactly the same result. Shame on me. :oBy the way, I see that my shouts are not spotted at a reasonable time, so maybe the shoutbox was sick, and maybe this was the cause of the trouble. I see that the problem is currently solved, and we can shout again.
  10. It seems that, for previous users, the free domain and Web forwarding features disappear.
  11. Look at here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86546-topic/?findpost=1064322155 Roughly, you post on our forums, and you signup at Xisto Billing and support, and start posting on our forum. Your interesting posts will make you earn mycents, and 300 mycents is enough for sustaining a logic plan at Xisto.
  12. Here is what I saw when I tried to shout tonight : Shout flooding is enabled. Please wait 11268 seconds before shouting again. OK, I wanted to say "I feel sleepy, I go to bed". 11268 seconds later, I hope I will be sleeping since a long time!
  13. It goes to your account. When you register, you are asked where your bank is. For instance, you can ask that your earnings go to your Paypal account.
  14. I would add two fields to this protocol : "from" and "to".It would probably be useful to know which weather station sends the info, and which server is gathering the infos, so two extra fields are needed.
  15. I have it directly in the control panel : I have a "mouse" ("souris" in my distro) and when I double-click on it I have "Proprietes de Souris" with 5 tabs: buttons, pointers, pointer options, etc.. And in the "pointer options" I have the pointer speed, from slow to fast, with "enhanced mouse procision" checked.
  16. What do you mean when you say "frame it" ?
  17. Why not using the Apache server embedded in the Mac ? See more here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or, why not, here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=apr+mac&meta=
  18. No, this does not help. This guy cannot reach his server via dial-up connect. So, control-R will not help reloading a page when the server refuses connexion.
  19. do you mean that you want, on one computer, to share the contents on the CD inserted in another computer ?I just tested this, it works perfectly. Of course, you cannot write on the remote folder, and you have a lot of warnings trying to prevent you from sharing the root folder of a drive, but I accessed it from the remote computer without any trouble.
  20. Besides the improper use of "h"s inside your wheres, I think this is not a question : before we were we were not. "To be or not to be" is the single question, before being you are not being.
  21. Exactly what I said. Linux+windows people use Firefox. Mac people send you mails with .websave files, and they a surprised learning that safari is not your default browser.
  22. You posted your topic in the "Computer Talk" forum. Your post seems more related to gaming. That's why I moved it here, where it's place most probably is.RegardsYordan
  23. You initially posted this topic in "computer and techs, what's new".This topic seems to be a music topic, so I moved it here, where it's place most probably is.
  24. Do you mean that you didn't read this http://www.emulation64.com/guides/20/1/dolphin-emulator.html/ or this http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gamecube/dolphin.html ? Anyway, it seems that you need a nice graphic card and a strong cpu.
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