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Everything posted by yordan

  1. ie4linux ? Do you personnally know this thing ? Did you use it ? In http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they claim it's useful for test purposes. I'm afraid if something is wrong, you don't know if it's a IE6 problem or a ie4linux problem. More touchy, your site could experience IE6 problems which don't show up with ie4linux.
  2. First of all, you should have put here a link to the article you are talking about.Else, we can only speak from a general point of view.Usually, when North America people talk about "overseas" they mean "non-USA".So, for an American guy, hosting on a French server is hosting overseas (there is a sea between us, that's why it's overseas).On the other hand, if you are located in India, being hosted on an Indian server is being hosted locally.Things are even slightly more complicated if, in order to have maximum disaster-recovery security, an Indian company has computers in India and in USA, with self-replication of the data and automatic and transparent restart of the remote site in case of a local system crash. Besides this "overseas" definition problem, your post rises two different questions.1) The first question is : Where should I buy hosting ? I would say that you should buy it from a professional supplier, who seems able to provide you with security for your data (no data lost by accident) and with uptime (the people who want to go to your site should not experience "site down" situations.And, of course, you are a customer, so, for a given level of service, you will look for the lowest price.Why are some suppliers far more expensive than the other ones ? That is an industrial problem. Some suppliers have few money and want to become rich very fast, so the services they sell are very expensive. Some other ones are big industrials, which invest quit a huge amount of money in order to buy very big computers, and they expect to have a lot of customers, so that each customer's files cost few in their computers, so they can ask very few money to each client.Astahost is part of Xisto which is a really huge company, that's probably why they can achieve incredibly low prices.2) The second question is : in which country should I be hosted ? This depends from what you want to do.For my family site, showing my pictures to my cousins, the location is not very important, except for people from China who are supposed not to be able to surf on some American sites.However, if you want to sell things over the net, the situation is different.When I buy a bicycle on the net, some money goes out of my pocket. If I buy from a site in my own country, and I cannot receive my bicycle, I can go to the police and ask that the owner of the website who stole my money be punished. If the owner of the website is not in my country, the police job will be more complicated.That's why a lot of people are told not to trust website hosted far away from their countries.Hope this helped.Yordan
  3. Please avoid this kind of one-line posts, they look like pure nonsense or spam, and admins around here hate that.If you really have a question, please ask it correctly. If your question concerns the present topic (i.e. if you are looking at a Linux distribution for running windows) please tell us which kind of "good handful" you are looking. If you are talking about a different subject, please open your own topic, and explain us precisely what you want to do, on which material, and what you are trying to perform and what kind of help you want to obtain.
  4. Thanks. Both of you were right. A 3.5 mm jack cable for the interconnect, and Audacity as software did the job.
  5. While my mother was singing, my sister recorded this on a standard audio cassette (the small thing with two reels and a tape sliding in front of a magnetic head).Now she wants me to share this with my cousins, which means putting it on my PC and further put it on my website.How can I do this ?I guess I need a piece of cable between the audio device and my PC, linking the audio device "speaker out" to my pc's "line-in".Once I do that, how can I tell Crosoft Windows "please put the music from the line-in jack and put it in a mp3 file" ? Is there something embedded inside Windows ? Or is there a (preferably free) software in charge of doing this ?
  6. I agree. You can even get/put files using the ssh facility in FileZilla.
  7. I also expected the revenue to go directly to Xisto, being converted to MyCents. However, the revenue seems to be like standard money, you should be able to put it on your paypal account.
  8. You are right, maybe we are not allowed to share our charts. Let me first remove my chart, and then I will read the TOS more carefully.
  9. There is one funny way avoiding to reboot out of Linux : use a vmware virtual machine. You can simply use vmplayer for linux, which is free : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You need a very basic machine, because you will not install it, but simply use a windows livecd, for instance Vista PE. This livecd is very small (less than 400 megs) and is an ISO file your virtual machine will use as a CD. That way you have a MS Windows machine inside your linux box, which is enough for standard usage. Let the windows machine mount your samba shares if you want to share files.
  10. Of course, doing that way you open a ssh command-line access, it's not fully what we call a "remote desktop access".Are you planning to go further on that way ? Unless being satisfied with the possibility of running Linux command-lines only ?
  11. I would say that the link is probably the following one : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The site is showing up rather slowly, and displays a lot of strange characters, but it's probably what is stated in the topic title : it's probably Chinese Mandarin Language, or my IE6 has a problem.
  12. I'm also in the same minority. My professional webmail refuses Firefox, so I have to use IE6. So, I use Firefox at home and IE6 at work. Which means 12 hours per day with IE6 and 2 hours per day with Firefox...
  13. I use "find" very often.for instance, if you want to perform a backup of a given folder and put it on your tape, you use find this way : find . -print |cpio -omBdv >/dev/rmt0And if you want to copy the whole content of your folder to the remote resource which is nfs-mount on /mnt, use the following : find . -print |cpio -pmdulv /mnt/myfolderWhich means that you have to simultaneously learn "find" and "cpio" syntax...
  14. If you are allowed to use an USB flashdisk, you can use Mozilla Firefox Portable, you don't have to install it, you can run it from your flashdisk : ready to use including your bookmarks.You get it from here : http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable
  15. If it's pure Unix or Linux, I would try the following : find . -type d -print"find" will look for everything starting from the current position (".") in order to display it ("-print"), provided that it's type ("-type") is "d" (directory). I just tried it on my Unix system and it works fine.
  16. Also have a look at the virtual memory size. This sometimes occurs when the virtual memory is somehow small, and everything freezes while Windows increases the virtual memory size. Of course you have a warning popup, but this warning window can come a little bit late, our could be hidden by other windows.
  17. Thanks for the info. I find it funny, that it's named "family" in France and "Home" elsewhere. Of course, my home is the place where my family is, but...
  18. Some infos here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_RPG You can find the Lattice-RPG version for PC here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/Hope this helped Yordan
  19. My vista is named (my own translation of it's localized name) something like "Windows Family Premium edition", it's the one I got when buying my computer in a supermarket, and I find it correct and acceptable.That's why I think like Atomic0 : maybe you don't have enough cpu/memory power. Please tell us which computer you are running on.Also, is this behavior new ? Was it OK when you bought the computer, and then did you experience a slow degradation ? Then the explanation could be somewhere else, and the solution could be to simply revert to the initial software settings (for instance a fresh re-install from the rescue CD.
  20. Probably what you post here concerns your Xisto account, and what you are doing at Xisto concerns your Xisto account.
  21. You are right, that's exactly what I did. I opened a ticket at Xisto, talked with and administrator, and performed the change. Thanks for your help, folks. Yordan
  22. Why do you want a PCI adapter ? Currently the USB adapters are the cheapest ones because mostly sold to old laptop users.
  23. Acrobat reader is able to select a picture inside a document, copy it, and then you paste it in your standard picture editor (I use XnView) which will save it in jpg format inside your photos file on your desktop.
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