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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Hi, I would like to add some files to a previously created CD or DVD.I was familiar with winiso or ultraiso, who do the job perfectly : you create an ISO file from your CD, and then you add files to the iso, and burn the iso to a CD, and your new files are there.However, you have to pay for ultraiso. Do you know a free software doing correctly the same job ?RegardsYordan
  2. The batch processes are based on your whole history. That means what you are posting from right now is still worth it. For instance, if you have on your PC on a textfile the text for three interesting posts, you can post them right now, it's useless leaving your texts on your PC (or within your Brain) and wait a couple of days before posting.
  3. I never used VirtualBox yet. How does it work ? Does it need to be installed, like vmware ? Or can it be fired directly from an USB flashdisk ?
  4. Have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96305-topic/?findpost= Seems that only members who earned extra bonus are affected by this problem, which should affect only your forum displays, and no deduction should be made from your Xisto - Support balance and earnings. This problem should be fixed as soon as OpaQue will have some free time.
  5. I could suggest you another way. I love using vmware virtual machines. Maybe the best way is have a look at vmware site, and download a trial vmware for linux distro, and look which distros are available (Mandrake, redhat or Ubuntu).
  6. I guess that there is no problem for earning virtual money with ads.However, you probably cannot obtain real dollars if you don't have a real bank account, which is the case if you are too young for managing your own money.Such is life : if you are too young, you may be smart enough and be able to earn money, but you can not physically get it. The reason is that young people are supposed to go to school, and not work for earning money.
  7. Have a look at Karafun : http://www.karafun.com/karaokeplayer/ Also have a look at Wikipedia, ask CD+G, it will explain the CD+G format and the way to obtain a bin file for creating a CDG computer disk.
  8. I also have a single machine, so I try it in a virtual machine.I love the look-and-feel of the installation program.And, yes, AVG installs well, whereas McAfee refuses installation.
  9. How does your friend play his CD+g's ? On his PC ?
  10. winrar has command line options. I use it for backing up several directories in a single .rar file. This file can then be uncompressed using the standalone version of 7zip. Here is the batch file I use in order to backup four important folders in a single self-extractible compressed file : mkdir g:\tmp\backupsC:\PROGRA~1\WINRAR\RAR.EXE a -sfx -m5 g:\tmp\backups\motherPC d:\usr\DaddyC:\PROGRA~1\WINRAR\RAR.EXE a -sfx -m5 g:\tmp\backups\motherPC D:\sources\Daddy\MysqlC:\PROGRA~1\WINRAR\RAR.EXE a -sfx -m5 g:\tmp\backups\motherPC D:\TOOLS\standaloneC:\PROGRA~1\WINRAR\RAR.EXE a -sfx -m5 g:\tmp\backups\motherPC D:\Useful\MotherRAR.EXE comes with the winrar installation. -sfx says "please create a self-extracting archive" You see that the foldes I backup are on my D: disk and the backup is on my g: disk So, if I loose the g: disk no problem because my original files are still here And if I loose the D: disk I restore it from the backup on g: And of course, the script finishes with a "net use" mounting a shared folder on another pc, and then "copy g:\tmp\backups\motherPC.* z:" Hope this helped Yordan
  11. Read Houdini's answer at the beginning of this topic : simply install XAMPP.You can even avoid the installation : use the standalone version of XAMPP you can find here : http://portableapps.com/apps/development/xampp And it's really as simple as they say : you download it, unzip it somewhere on your hard disk, run it, and you have a working apache, php and mysql server.
  12. OK, now I see the need for the nulls. And of course you are right, echoing "*" instead of the input is the way we expect your program to behave.
  13. In a general way of designing a software, try not to use nulls, or don't step into a situation where you must manage nulls. Today you are working with files, later (for huge amount of users) you will have to work with database tables. And most of popular databases (like Oracle or mysql or Sybase) hate nulls, null values are absolutely against the relational concept. That's why, if you have to manage null values, your application will be very unefficient. For instance, instead of a null, you could put Yordan (which is obviously forbidden as a password because it's a well-known word) or you could put "----" (four times the minus sign) which is something nobody would use. You could also, instead of a comparison to null, add a test in your input section while(i<4){flushall();password[i]=getch();printf("*");i++;}If the guy entered a 4-digit password, i=4 at the and of the loop. If the guy entered no password, then i=0. So, testing the value of i greater than 0 could be a test of having entered a password.
  14. Seems like an error inside your own logics.Did you try adding additional printf's, for debugging purposes ? Explicitly "printf" the entered password and the recorded password, for instance, in order to see if they are different.
  15. So, what you really want is : a graphic designer (or a standard painter) has to design a logo for you.Let's see if somebody around here has a lot of time and wants to do this for free.
  16. Some questions could help us understand what you want exactly us to do for you.Seems that the site you want to create is a business site, which will help you earn money.You need a designer in order to imagine a logo (with music and unit), and an artist who will physically do the job.First question : do you have some money to be given to the guy who will do this job ?
  17. The problem is probably coming from user/passwords permission. My first question is : is the printer directly attached to the XP computer, or is it a network computer? Because the printer name is slightly diffrent. Now, let's do some non-destructive tests. If you have the name of the printer, let's say it's \\printer , could you try attaching it from a command line prompt ? The command line syntax would be : net use \\printer /user:theuserOf course, replace "theuser" with the username for a user in the domain having access to the printer in the domain. You will be asked for the password of "theuser". If this is successful, tell me, we will be able to continue step by step.
  18. Good job, man !Now you need to do the same thing with "Happy new year 2009 for you and your family". I can help with French version : "Bonne et heureuse Annee 2009" Also HaĂŻtian creole version : "Bwa nan nin" (sorry, private joke)
  19. Not sure it's enough.1) I used my Xisto account cpanel to change my email, entering my new email address. Seems not to work : the forum mails till arrive to the old address. 2) The username for the Xisto account is the mail address. If you change the mail address, do you use the new email address as username for the same account, or do you use the old email address for the old account which contact mail will be the new email address ?
  20. As I already said here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96518-topic/?findpost= (a couple of lines above) you don't need a ssh connection in order to zip files, you can do it from your Xisto cpanel.
  21. Congrats, you lucky man ! you bought mccodes v2, which costs $75, and you don't know what to do with it ? If you don't know what to do with $75, there are some people around here who can help you. More seriously, if you look at here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you will learn this : And of course I'm not pretty sure that everything is fully legal, because among the many possibilities, this environment offers : I'm not sure hacking other computers and taking cash is so friendly... By the way, avoid double-posting, this gives mods a lot of work deleting your posts.
  22. My mail provider just informed me that he decided stopping his non-profitable activities.And mail providing is one of these.So, my mail address will stop working very soon (with apologizes for the free mail service, and last month back for paid mail service.Unfortunately, my mail address is the one I gave for my Xisto account and for my Xisto account.What is the procedure for using my new email address for xisto and for Xisto ?RegardsYordan
  23. As soon as you will be hosted, have a look at your cpanel.You will see that you can have several domain names on your Xisto account, some of them being your main account, some of them being full domain names pointing to sub domains of your Xisto sub domain.I don't know if this is clear, I hope it helped !
  24. This is a brand new system, I cannot open the box during the 1-year guarantee. That's why I would like to do only software things.Gparted livecd seems able to do the job. The livecd boots on my system, and it sees the partitions on my disk and accepts to shrink the NTFS partion. I will give it a try tomorrow, after having copied my personal files on an USB disk. ----------------------------Edit Everything worked perfectly, gparted livecd was successful doing the job. Now I have exactly what I wanted : a 80 gig partition for the Windows vista O.S., a 200 gig NTFS partition for my data, and a 10 gig FAT32 partition for the msdos rescue tools. By the way, it works exactly the same way as partition magic, and it's free. If you are interested you can have it from here : http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php Docs and screenshots are here : http://gparted.org/display-doc.php?name=help-manual〈=C
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