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Everything posted by yordan

  1. You don't need the 30 credits any more, you only need to write down five interesting topics. You can see a short how-to for instance here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96785-topic/?findpost= and a full explanation of the system here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86546-topic/?findpost=1064322155 roughlyl, you order a "logic plan" at Xisto, exactly as all the paid hosting customers, but the fees are pad by the "cents" coming from your posts. The more interesting your topics and reply posts are, the more cents you get. Each time your reach 100 MyCents it's converted to $1, and you need about $3 per months for a logic plan. So, free hosted members have exactly the same plans as the paid hosting customers.
  2. Do you mean that you used the "control userpasswords" trick and you switched yourself to administrator? Did you see a difference while you were an admin ? In that case it's still worth it.
  3. People come here in order to find a solution. So, if you know how to do this, tell us. Sorry, bot, saying "google it out" is not an acceptable answer.
  4. And in Firefox, in the Option, Tabs, there is a checkbox "warn me when i close several tags". Of course, it's always closed on my PC because I very often click on the general close X instead of clicking on the X closing the single tab I wanted to close (and absolutely NOT the other ones).
  5. You're welcome.By the way, the warnings on your Xisto account are due to your Xisto posts, the warnings on Xisto are due to your Xisto posts.
  6. Fixed.However, please be careful with warnings, spamming posts and copied posts lead to warnings, and too many warnings can leave to a ban.
  7. I think the smartest way would be to say nothing, simply give yourself full admin rights and shut up. Your brother will be happy because he thinks that you are in pain, and you will be happy because your account has admin rights again.
  8. I use Firefox 2, and I see hfbvm's rep. Maybe he started sleeping ?
  9. Your rep is here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96784-topic/?findpost= Can't you really see it ?
  10. Seems to be exactly what I want. Thanks, I'll try that way.
  11. I had a look at my private forum, and I saw a guest connected. I had a look at his IP address, did a whois, and found that this guest wascrawl-66-249-73-137.googlebot.com How did this googlebot come to my private website ?Is there a way to prevent these bots from crawling my website ?
  12. Nice reply, nice text, nicely explained.I'm not convinced yet, for that amount of money and such an amount onf disks I would prefer buy one USB disk each year, or a NAS Wifi device.
  13. yordan


    Copied from several sites, mainly http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. Then you choose your user icon, double-click on it, it opens a screen with radio-buttons, you choose "this user is an administrator", and the job is done.
  15. So, you are satisfied with carbonite.I have a few monthes free with my new PC, I was just angry because of the pop-up saying "you did not use your free backup facility, you are not safe", maybe I will consider this more friendly next time.
  16. Have a look here, maybe it could help ? http://www.megaleecher.net/Windows_XP_Themes And of course don't forget this : https://www.google.fr/search?q=custom+XP+lolient=firefox-a
  17. Backup, that's the key word.Have an USB disk (if you have a lot of friends) or a second internal disks. Make a ghost backup of your operating system disk, and make disk-to-disk copy of all your personal files (spreadsheets, wordprocessor files, pictures) as frequently as possible: it's just a matter of a link on which to click every day, not more complicated than that. If you see that your USB disk is dying, simply buy another one and restart a fresh backup. If your computer main disk is dying, no problem, you have two full backups.
  18. If you have the administrator password, in a "cmd" command line prompt, type "control userpasswords", and change your account type to administrator.
  19. If you cannot remember, please, try and try again. Also take care, some admins around here hate plagiarism and you can be banned.
  20. Thanks, very interesting, and very useful for most of us. Just a small remark : You forgot the most important part as mentionned in the original article : and of course you forgot to mention that your post is copied, probably from https://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/makemoney.shtml Please remember that some of us hate plagiarism, so when you need to post copied text, plese do not forget the "quote" tags.
  21. Yes, nice, but... where do you put this "link rel" thing ? On your PC ? On the index.html of your swebsite ?
  22. I guess IBM has standard import tools.If not, they will be very proud to help you in order to claim that they found a customer wanting to migrate from mysql to db2 !I'm even sure that the IBM Migration Factory team would be very helpful in such a case, and probably without asking for money!
  23. Exactly as soleimanian told you in the topic starter. Of course, the other computer in the city must have a fixed IP address, and must have been configured in order to let you in. And also, probably, the modem has to be set up in order to redirect the ports to the computer you want to connect to. You should do it in two steps : first of all try from a computer in the same network, in order to cleanup the local user's permissions and settings. And then, try from remote.
  24. Probably this software will hide your IP address, allowing you to surf anonymously. However, it will probably not bypass the firewalls settings and let you go on the sites blocked by your school firewall.
  25. Personnally I would not say that a bot is a guy ? I would say it's a thing, or a computer, not a guy ?And of course, I would not say "a girl" or "a female", I would say "a lady". And of course I feel myself as fully and proudly a male!
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