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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. Hello! While browsing the net today I found this great resource related to web robots, search engines, web crawlers, spiders and such stuff. The page is: The web robots You can find many usefull stuff there if you are webmaster, or you are interested in making your own spider/indexer, or similar stuff. You can even look at their database of Web Robots - some of them even have their own source code, so you can compile one for yourself...
  2. Hello designers! This little piece of software will get you change your thoughts about microsoft's Paint software. A few students made this software under direct influence of microsoft. It's a derivate from ms Paint, but it has many many more functions available. You might not notice that functions at first but let me assire you, you will see that it has some of stuff that you didn't expect. Ok, so enough talk, here is a screenshoot: And one more great news related to this, it's a freeware, and you can even download for free - source code, and see for your self what's inside Oh and finally, here is link to: Paint.NET project
  3. Hi, after lot's of trouble, I sucessfuly implemented CAPTCHA into my guestbook. You can test how it works here Try it, and post here if you find errors/bugs/etc. thanks all!
  4. Yeah, get firefox. IE su*ks. I tried to simulate that bug, but all It does on my configuration is nothing. When i click "view source" it does nothing, not opening notepad, not opening notepad folder. but still it's a bug, a stupid one I would say, but I think it's related to that "Start->Run" command in windows, because that is a way to start notepad, so if you have "Notepad" on your desktop, IE would run that folder instead of real notepad, because IE's process is runned under desktop... It's like when you have a folder under linux called fschk, and you have program under bins that's called fschk also. so you try to run it in shell, but instead, you get error, because of that folder...
  5. I'll try to change the font as soon as possible. Maybe some classic fonts will be ok, like helvetica, arial, futura or such...
  6. You better check, what computer specs users have here, maybe you and logan have the same configuration, so you can see the right-click-menu, as for me, I can't see it
  7. hmm, not bad idea too, maybe I'll try that, and see what's the best solution. thanks Houdini!
  8. ok, Im don't wish to spam here, sorry for double posting, but Is anyone watching this thread anymore...?
  9. Ok, a simplest solution would be to test this stuff right now. I have few programs, that Antiviruses don't like too much, It's a type of software that have some specific alogorhytms for dismantlein software aplications and such, and quite a few antiviruses found them to be trojans or some kind viruses... I will try now to send that file to myself... and see what happens. Btw. it's *.exe (excutable) file, and Im using Mozilla Thunderbird to send it via GMail, and I also have Avast Antivirus which is disabled. ...Ok I sent that mail now, and Gmail responded with: An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.0 Illegal Attachment...So, no EXE files. Let's try with ZIP compression. Ok, so Gmail gives again the sam error code as above. I will try now with RAR compression. ... And again out of luck, the same error code occurs form Gmail. And what is the solution? You will have to use compression and set a password. It's the only way you will able to send *viruses* or EXE files (that are not viruses but antivirus software declare that they are). So, compress files into ZIP or RAR archive and put a password there... Actually password in copressed file locks the file for reading, so basicly antivirus can't get to the file, and passes it. Like this: And just last *notice*, you will must rename the compressed file like I did, you can see that in picture, rename it to SOMETHING.ZIP_ or SOMETHING.RAR_ or similar stuff.
  10. Well, as a designer I must take every second of time to showcase my stuff... so, Im on deviantart too, Im known as: http://dplehati.deviantart.com/
  11. Hi! I saw this today when checking my emails, Gmail has launched today Virus Scanning service, so all you users of Gmail, you are now protected from viruses... Note: You can't even send a message with attachment if Gmail find a virus inside that attachment, until you remove infected attachment. So it's once again: supreme'n'secure and the best of all it's free. Here is a link to gmail What's new page
  12. Ok, you can check this very easily... go to https://www.siteuptime.com/ and signup for your account, enter your site's specifications... and voila! you'll get a report on your email every time when your site is down... you can check from what location in the world siteuptime will try to visit your site. Siteuptime will check your site every hour, and if it's down it will notify you, and will notify you again when it's up again... This way you can be sure that it's down, because, in many cases it's just something with your ISP.
  13. It's not allowed that as M^E said. You can't connect to your hosting account via Telnet. But, before few months I have sucessfuly telneted to my account, and logged in, system gave me a shell, and I could work on it... Strange?
  14. Oh, yes, Im aware of that... I could say Im using my own code for guestbook... so anyway, is there some tutorials for implementing CAPTCHA, or I just go to google and search a bit?
  15. Hi all! Im guessing that 90% of you people who post here at Xisto have your own webpages, blogs, forums and such stuff. I myself have myown too. The purpose of this post is not to talk about my web neither it's a way to get you to click link to my page. It's just about this issue I have with spammers. They constantly come back to my guestook, and enter bullsh*t to forms, like links to drugstores, viagra, porn, and such stuff. As every webmaster I must stay in track with them, and every day I constantly delete junk posts on guestbook... Now my question is how to workaround this issue? Im aware of banning specific, or whole range of IP's from accesing my domain, but what to do If spammers keep comming back, from different IP adresses? Probably they are not stupid so they use public proxy servers, probably annonymouse one. So, what I can do about it? If anyone have idea, or some php script that may scan posts for specific words, and ignore them if its some bad stupid stuff. My guestbook don't have such stuff imlemented... And finally here is how it looks when spammers attack your guestbook: A link to image
  16. --> Photoshop CS.--> Illustrator, Corel--> 3d Studio Max 7--> Maxon Cinema 4D--> Corel Bryce 5.0That is my primary choice. Oh, and when I doo newspaper layouts and such stuff, I use Indesign or QuarkXPress
  17. I just wait for protable Firefox version 1.5 to get out...
  18. Hmm... Isn't Belkin a little expencive? Im pretty sure that they do stuff for Mac users pretty much, and I remember to saw some products from Belkin related to iPod accessories - man the price is astronomical! I would rather choose keyboard from Logitech or some similar manufacturer... As for the rest of the hardware: [+] RAM - you will find probably modules from samsung, but everything depends where you live, and what is accesible to you... Anyway for RAM there is no much guidelines, it's about amout of money you gave, decide how much ram you want, and go with it. what manufacturer of ram you choose denends only on what amout of money you are ready go give, so, you have to decide on your own... If ram has warranty, and it sure have, you will have no need to worry about choosing. Another thing about RAM - if you think to upgrade a rest of the hardware like Motherboard or Processor, then RAM would be last thing to buy because you must know what exactly are specifications of Motherboard/Processor to choose right RAM module, because they have different speeds (you can read more about RAM here) so you will must refer to User Manual of Motherboard. [+] MotherBoard - Which one to choose? There is whole buch of manufacturers and types... So, this would be a short guide to what to do when choosing. First, as always, check what amount of money you have. Decide what do you want from new motherboard (from now called "MBO"). But be sure that it's for your processor, so decide between AMD and Pentium(Intel). So choose your type and check if it has integrated onboard: LAN WLAN enough USB ports USB 2.0 support FireWire support (if you are into videoediting, or you have Camera, you will need this) SoundCard *(is it hometheatre, 2/1 5/1 7/1 system) Modem *(dialup, you never know if you will need it...) How many expansion slots it has (now they are PCI-express - no longer ordinary PCI expansion slots are supported) How fast is graphic card slot (if it's PCI-express its everything ok) ---> Note: if you buy new MBO, you need a new Graphic Adapter too. because you can't plug your old graphic card (with AGP slot) into new one PCI-express one... And that should be it about Mbo. [+] Graphic card/adapter - okay, this is basicly simple. you see how much money you have left, and choose one of cards that have minimum of 256 MB ram on it (we talk about graphic cards here) and I would go preferably with GeeForce from nVidia. Again, you will need the one that has PCI-express slot if you buy MBO with PCI-express expansion slots on MBO. [+] Processor - Amd or Intel? Ok, I would go with Intel, Pentium type above 3 Ghz - if I have the money. If not, choose Amd, and that 64bit version of Amd. So, basicly this is it... [+] Cooler for processor - buy watercooling system, they are the best choice today, Thermaltake has some good water cooling systems (I have Bigwater from Thermaltake) [+] HDD - hard drive, go with Seagate, they are not too expencive, and have quality and endurance too, but beaware all HDD drives are warm, so it would be best to use HDD cooling soulution, you can find some at local hardare informatic stores, it's not expencive stuff, maybe up to 20$, it's basicly called hdd cooler - it will boost performance of HDD and give stability to system, specially in hot summer So, that's it... If you have any more question, feel free to post here and ask... probably my english isn't so understandable, so sorry for that...
  19. TweakUP really is great utillity, it has united all stuff for windows, either technical or settings, there is everything at one place, and easily accesible, plus some more tweaks, that you can't do in windows controlpanel itself... mychoice.
  20. Yes, I started making my own this way, made a layout in Photoshop, sliced it and exported to Dreamweaver...Then complete cleanup in Dreamweaver, to make it nicelooking, and compact. After that I made separate parts: topmenu, rightmenu, bottommenu, and content. All that parts are in php, and have their own flat database. (I didn't want to learn mysql at that point) So, what I did is made an folder that is protected with login/password, and there keep my flat files for databases (like txt files...). Pretty simple, but when it comes to realization, one would need to know something more about html, and php...
  21. I took a little time and test this skin on my own local server. Here is a screenshoot of my skin in use: Xisto-SkinPreview_by_Final-Design.png And this is some basic color guide for making CSS styles in IBP forum... Anyway if my skin is selected I'll make whole skinning ready just for importing to IPB control panel... Basic Color Guideliness.png
  22. That angelineCMS really looks nice, and it goes with standards... so, I like it! and I will think of it in future, maybe it replace my current cms
  23. Nice brushing. I would anyway add some more stuff, try to visit this link and add stuff from that tutorial to that glowing lights, It would boost overall appearance...
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