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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. It loads for me perfectly OK. maybe it's some dns error at the moment, by your ISP. try again later...
  2. Well, actually myweb is a simple CMS, but rather than coding myself, I used existing scripts and modified them to my own needs, so that way I get myself a pretty neat and simple CMS, but there are many thing that I will probably need to correct, to be able to call it "Real" CMS system. Untill then, it's a "beta" version
  3. Oh, yes! I didn't think about that, actually it's a tip of the moment because it picks a tip every time when page is reloaded, so you're right. thanks. I'll change that instantly...
  4. thanks for review. Oh, that tip of the day... well maybe I correct that, anyway I was trying to reduce pageload time, so if I make that "tip_of_the_day" the same style as other stuff, it would mean one more picture to load, So I think it's better this way still...
  5. Hi Andrew and welcome to Xisto. I hope you will enjoy your time here and contribute to this community.
  6. Good guide Vyoma. Are you graphic designer/pro ?
  7. Im almost finished with my skin. It will took maybe another day or two to finish it completley.
  8. Hi, and thanks for your review!I must say, I think that too for my website. Im aware that it lacks when it comes to content. But, Im preparing a nice set of tutorials in Flash for various programs, starting with photoshop, below tutorials will be some kind of forums where user will be able to comunicate about specific tutorial, and such stuff...
  9. Firefox is the fastest webbrowser avaiable today. Im sure of it. somewhere here on forums I posted a tutorial that I digged out from dirt on other forums and thutorial talks about how to speedup your Firefox browser... wait, maybe I'll find it here somewhere... oh, here it is, it's on Xisto forums, anyway here is a link to it: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/87925-topic/?findpost=1064332748=
  10. From this time: 08.01.2005 at 12:50 amat that time, my web become active and online, now I get something about 30 visitors per day, but im not counting myown visits...
  11. Thanks for a nice review abhiram!Well, you probably noticed that GD library didn't work at Xisto servers after server shift, so I decided to make new gallery, in fact, I will implement new gallery script that looks much better than old one. Check wallpapers section soon, I hope to upload it soon, probably in just a few days from now... Anyway all suggestions and critiques are welcome
  12. Ok first thing to do is to make your posts, and count enough to make your web account ready and active, then, learn more about Control Panel or shortened cPanel. cPanel is used to maintain your webhosting account, and inside the cPanel there is many preinstalled scripts under Fantastico section, there you will find Gallery "thing" and many more usefull scripts that you can install with a few clicks only.And if you want something customized, you can always visit places like http://www.hotscripts.com/ and find script in any scripting language you like and prefer.
  13. After long time, some redesign of final-design.net was made. Plase review, and add your positive/negative critiques here. Thanks
  14. Awesome finding man! I didn't know this one. Anyway Im pretty sure that windows have many software solutions included, but there is no links to them, so anyway to find such software is to explore c:\windows folder
  15. simply the best hosting around. Had everything you need, and no ads. works like a clock. Always accessible. Peple here are nice.
  16. Spyware, adware, and all those *ware's* will just try to force your computer to do something. For example: [+] Spyware, will probably be exectued as process in background and it will monitor your activities, record them, and upload somewhere. That activities can be: anything you type, anything you click, pages you visit on internet, programs you use mostly, etc... [+] Adware will force your computer software to display (mostly) pop-up ads when you are browsing internet. Those ads are displayed when you visit specific pages, or type specific searchphrases in searchengines. They also can force your internet browser to change it's start homepage, and to redirect you sometimes to targeted sites. This method of getting audience on internet is called "browser hijacking". [+] Malware will harm your computer software, or operating system, it can delete files, replace them, and get your computer to unusable state. [+] Worms goes in virus definition really, but sometime you can infect your computer system with spyware. Worms does all kind of stuff, but mainly they collect specific data, spread to more users via addresses that comes from you, and infect more users while worm transfer data to specific location. Collected data can be anything - from simple stuff (like your IP address) to credit card numbers, site access passwords and more... [+] Trojans give someone access to your computer, this goes to virus definition also, but beaware, trojans are far more dangerous than spyware. You can get infected easily if you download pirated software/cracks/keygens... The best protection for anykind of spyware, malware, adware and viruses/trojans/worms is to get some good antivirus software, and good spyware/remove software. I strongly recommend: [+] Avast! Antivirus (free edition) [+] Ad-Aware SE Personal (free edition) And finally use those 2 programs in conjuction with FireFox web browser.
  17. ExpoActive is advertising company, they pay for placing their text links to your webpages. Anyway I got a feeling that they contact people on random or some other basis, and then they place them a bid. Actually they offered to me some amount of money (I will not say what amount) for placing text link from their clients to my web. They claim that they will pay on monthly basis, via check or via some other secure money transfer solution. Anyway here is whole (censored) quote: Looks more human than Google's adsense contact huh? If anyone had some experience with them, please respond and tell us your review. Thanks!
  18. well, it's not really a good idea if you have site like http://www.deviantart.com/ and your users upload huge amount of pictures per day. You will have to manualy resize and manipulate several 1000 of pics. Now, who would do that...? one man? two? 10 people? no. GD does that, or ImageMagick. It's all about software.
  19. interesting concept for technology class. Maybe you learn something new.
  20. so apple isn't such a great as it seems, but alway is everything critical when it comes to pc's and windows. linux rulz.
  21. I have never been aware of that site. now this is first time I hear for that, well better for me to go check that out, maybe it's interesting like you said. But sims where not really good game for my taste anyway...
  22. well I think it's nothing new, they say it works on basic infrared rays, so basicly they just tweaked it to reflect from hard objects... But Im wondering, how it works with real human body.
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