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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. Man! If I would ever think this is going to happen... No way! I mean, they can't charge for email now... That would be really stupid. It's one of the oldest if not THE oldest service on internet. They can't just that easy start charging for email. If this ever happens, I would be a first one to buy a server and start-up my own email server that would run for free.
  2. Awesome, they really try, and work hard to make this software as good as it can be. And as the things stands now, I would say firefox is the best. But, enough nice words... I would defenetly try this alpha release when it comes, and spell-check-as-type sounds like a good idea to me, specially because I was using MS word to do this for me, and now I'll finaly be able to write nice posts with much less grammar mistakes
  3. Thanks for checking it out, it really means a lot to me. Anyway I'm checking now that webshop section and it looks ok to me. Maybe you could try and see how it looks in FireFox? I'm aware that my site isn't looking good with Internet Explorer, but that's the bug remaining to be corrected later. Thanks for nice words. About that contact form look - noted. I'll change it's layout very soon.
  4. I would go with wordpress too. If you need any help installing wordpress just ask, I could help you, I know a lot about it.
  5. Thank's man! I really want this site to become something good, that people will bookmark and visit often
  6. It's because it's test project at Google Labs. You must enter your email address, and they will sent you an email when it's ready for you to use it.. It would be good to have gmail acccount already and sign in with it.
  7. Yeah, I tried gotlinks.com but there wasn't helpfull to me, because they don't have payment solution for my country. (here in croatia we don't have paypal, and I don't use credit cards...) Anyway I have a better solution, that may help you to get links. It's called LinkVault. Their system works with php or asp script that you put on your webserver, and it gathers links from other users, while giving them your links. In short amount of time, you will get cca 500 links to you. In free version mode you will get option to ban 10 domains from your links, that you don't want to see. It's a great free service, Im using it too on my webpage at http://www.final-design.net/. To signup with Link-Vault you can go to my refferal page (which don't cost you anything ): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/?ss=4641 Or if you don't wanna become my refferal you can go directly to this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Im currently running Link-vault link exchange on my website and I have around 400 sites linking to me..
  8. This was discovered by someone else, here, anyway I've seen this sometime earlier in one thread... anyway I got my invitation by email from google today. It's a cool stuff that google page creator, but the coolest thing is that they host your page!
  9. I would go with gimp. If you ask for specific functions, and good usability, and if you ask for freeware, GIMP is your final choice. And if you know photoshop, you will see right when you start gimp, how similar it is to photoshop...
  10. well, it's wp, and it's my template Im still working on template, there are some minor stuff left to correct... but pretty much Im done...
  11. I finally manage to do this big job - I Installed brand new CMS on my web. There are whole bunch of new features now running. Some of them are: quick searches from main menu, user can comment under every and any news post, news categories selection, user registration, wallpaper gallery online back with slide preview, and constanly adding more stuff... Please review, and report and bugs or comments here... Thanks in advance...
  12. I've read about this 100$ laptop in one magazine (can't remember name now), and I think it's a pretty good idea to build. I mean, purpose of this laptop is to aim on people that are not familiar with computers and technology too much. It will be like the calculator now - everyone have it, and it's a common and regular stuff to have.
  13. really geek stuff. I mean I don't really know what sould I do with that magnetic clock... Only purpose is to show off to my friends... anyway it's cool...
  14. hmm, how could microsoft steal x-box design if x-box is their product? Im not pretty sure at that...
  15. but imagine, webhosting providers would need only 1 HDD that is soo awesome, I just cant wait this to be built, I would probably be first one to buy it, and make my own webhosting
  16. Well, Im not blenderer, but my brother is a big one, but anyway im familiar with blender, and I must admit it beats many other popular 3d software. And the best part is that i'ts free one.
  17. Try to open Windows explorer. Than click on TOOLS -> Folder Options. From there choose a tab named File Types. Then search for extensions you cant open and restore their default program that opens them.
  18. Well, I believe you really... Anyway I finally got myself mobile internet, so, Im online at home, and not just at work place... So this means - more updates to my site, and more quality content... Im currently making some big changes at final-design.net. Im redesigning whole CMS, and turning it into more compatible and user friendly environment... Backend will now be on mysql, and user will have chance to leave a comment on any post or news on the page. Im hoping this will bring visitors in, and boost overall rating of site
  19. Sounds like a good idea... I'll give it a try... Im just putting the announcement text together now, as im typing this... I'll put later announcement here too I just hope that someone will show up for the free job..
  20. Yea I may try this, and rename Recycle Bin to "Trash" as on MAC computers... Because at work I have PC and behind my back I have MAC G4 so, when Im constantly working on mac/pc platformes, sometimes I got confused and just lost in that virtual environments... so this would be handy tip for me
  21. well Im trying to find some partners, but no one want's to do work for free... do you know some ways to get someone to work for you - for free?
  22. Very nice!When I first saw it I would say it's some 3d job, but I see later in post its done in photoshop with a bit addition of filters... anyway it's a nice picture, prettey clean and nice blue... green is good too.. so, anyway nice, wallpaper...:odo you have deviantart account maybe?
  23. well, I prefer my own CMS with flat-file database... Because I built it, and just I know where stuff is and how it works... Any other flat-file is not that secure because anyone can download another version for itself and look into code how stuff works, and possibly crack your web...
  24. possible is that it's just an internet peak hour - what meany soo many users that system just cant serve all...
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