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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. because you are using a cursed version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. The prophesy tells us in our old old books, that when year 2006 comes, all the copys of Internet Explorer will be doomed to darkest corners of earth and neither one copy will work good for it's master. So you must make sure to follow the prophesy and download a fresh new copy of our next leader - FireFox. Ok enough joking, just don't wonder if anything from microsoft don't work as should, best replacement for IE is firefox, you can find it at https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=firefox-com&utm_medium=referral
  2. hmm. interesting stuff, but anyway you should consider putting this into QUOTE tag.. because this way it would be considered as spam.
  3. man, yes, I remember those, really usefull keyboards, they use them at schools and offices, because of theirs loong durability. You can't broke one of those. Anyway, I use mice really a lot, as a graphic designer I must but keyboards are really one of the tools for making art that I do, so it must be good - but not some fancy name, like logitech, ibm or such... I just pick one that feels good under my fingers, and that's enough for me.
  4. Sure thing it's not normal. Ok, first of all you will want to find your CPU warranty and user-guide, or if you buy it in OEM package, try at manufacturers page, (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), and see what's is nominated temperature. But if you ever find yourself in doubt, ask yourself: Could I operate, and think good if I would be burn on 85°C? Now, really, no. Then, same thing goes for CPU. So, get a new heatsink, or some watercooling system, fan, bigger case, freezer or something to cool it down before it burns.
  5. nice tutorial!about that pictures upload problem...you can always upload it to imageshack.us or some similar free photo upload site, and link them here..
  6. Well, it's not really google's it's just in association with google... Well anyway, my social life is (I think) pretty good, so I don't have too much time to use this kinds of web services to advance it...
  7. very nice, I can see their usage as buttons, like those little's for link exchange stuff... good color scheme, I would just desaturate a bit that colors, because they are too strong...
  8. They both look nice, but I agree with someone here, try to make them transparent, use gif or png files, so you can avoid that white backgr. Anyway that motion blur effect - it's very nice and catchy - when applied right. You should need to reduce it's levels more, and make them more transparent, and more lightened... shut down opacity on them and make them look attractive by adding maybe some sort of wave distort. I hope this was helpfull.
  9. If this is true - its not pretty good idea for microsoft, they make a real conflict with this. Anyway Im not worried too much because I have a new DVD player, but all those people who use an old one, can't upgrade their system? it's stupid. One way or another linux is best choice.
  10. wow, CS. I play it even these days, it's quite catchy game, and when you start playing it on LAN, it's pretty good!
  11. I think it's a best for people to buy a domain name, they really are cheap these days, and it's a investment in future if you register some catchy domain name, and then sell it later to some big company
  12. thanks Shadow, I update my gallery on dA constantly, and if you can't access my dA account you can always go to my web. link to my web is in my signature..
  13. well idea of this is testing and learning, anyway if you know how many spiders work, you will be able to make your web pages better and that way increase your page rank on search engines - and that's what we all want
  14. and you can try also with softice or something like win32diassembler and see what you will get.. if you don't know much about debbuging and reverse engeneering you would not get too much of it...
  15. You might consider signing up with google's Adsense. This way you will probably get fastest indexing by google... Im telling you this from my own expirience. Try to search on google with keyword "finaldesign studio" or just "finaldesign". My page (final-design.net) will be in the first 5 results. Another way you can boost your site into google's spiders is to get into some link exchange programs. The best way would be to link your page with your friends that have web pages of same interests as your's... Important thing is that your friends put on their webs link to your web too! If you don't have many friends of same interest as your's there is a solution for that too. It's called link exchange. One of the best link exchange programs that Im using on my web too is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ '> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Link-vault.com - now if you want to sign up with them, and start using this free service you can do that directly with this first link or via my refferal link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/?ss=4641'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/?ss=4641http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/?ss=4641 which don't cost you anything, just you give me some credit... Oh and if you wish to signup with google's Adsense goto https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw'>https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw https://w''>https://w'>https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw'>https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw https://whttps://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw'>https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw https://w good luck!
  16. hmm, sounds like a real competition here... Anyway I made my skin in just 2 days if I had more time probably I will done it better... Well, now Im gonna change this font in mine skin, so it will be nicer...
  17. Yep its wap for sure, but I tried with my mobile phone, and it get me errors to like this one: Content was too large... And I don't understand, isn't this attented to be for mobile devices? Like Mobile phones? I have Sony-Ericsson T630, so it would have to work.. but it don't...
  18. Yes, I remeber that, since Im with Xisto and Xisto, almost for 1 year now, I saw this post somewhere at Xisto forums before...
  19. I would say DeviantArt is better. And it's not just for uploading photos, it's much more.
  20. people are forced to use IE. Because it comes with Windows. And they can avoid it, specially if they dont't know much about computers, they buy a new laptop computer and it has brand new windows there, with all that super-duper-cool stuff, and it includes also IE, wow. and that was they are dragged into windows and IE.
  21. dont be crazy, photoshop is industry standard for image editing and manipulation, including webdesign bussiness.
  22. Anyway many of that WEB-robots are capable to catch emails, and harvest them into database... spammers use that very often, to get targeted audience. I figured if we research some of this methods, maybe we could better protect ourself from spam and junk emails... Anyway, I'll post what I discover later here..
  23. nice to see that people from Redmond finally making some smart moves.
  24. I think it takes alot of space... and consumes bandwith and much of processor time...
  25. nice one. Im not really sure how he was able to remove screen? and put an adapter for it, but anyway seems like a good solution, because without screen that iMac would be cheaper...
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