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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. ok, so if you sum this post up, its like this: Best Mp3 player software: WINAMPBest Mp3 player hardware: iPod
  2. Oh, well, ok, I can't wait for it to come I want to test my new wallpaper gallery.. so anyway, I posted this request in numerous topics here related to GD and imagemagick, anyway, Im glad that you provide us a solution. I hope it will be soon up'n'running.
  3. Try GIMP - it's free and it has many functions like photoshop, and even similar interface, you will find version for Solaris here! good luck!
  4. I need GD too, where it has gone? please enable it... and path to imagemagick? is it installed, and if it is, what's the path to it?
  5. Well, it don't have any info - not what im looking for, they say that I can use Fantastico in Cpanel to install coppermine gallery - but I don't see fantastico in my cpanel! ?!?
  6. Sorry for double post, but I just checked domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just for curiosity, and guess what? it's there up'n'runnin, some stupid page is there, and in title of page is "google operations system". Interesting... someone already had that idea in mind, and uses it just to gather click and visitors...
  7. Now imagine that? GoogleOS ? I must register a domain with that name...
  8. Hello all, ok so this is really simple problem but I don't know how to solve it. Im making gallery on my web so I want to install one PHP script that uses imagemagic to make automatic thumbnails. Now, I searched thru Xisto's forums, and everyone knows that Xisto is supporting imagemagick and gd2 but why the heck when I try to run my php script I get this: GD library is not installed or this /usr/bin/convert - no such file bla bla... So, anyway, after short analysis I figured out that I need a full path to IMAGEMAGICK, and noone here on Xisto don't know that as I see in previous posts... so If anyone knows now please tell!
  9. hey, hello!Im making an gallery too, and I need a full and correct path to IMAGEMAGICK here on Xisto hosting, if anyone knows what is the path, or the way to find it out please shout. thanks!
  10. hey what is exact path to imagemagick?? I need it too for my gallery script... please help
  11. Man this is awesome, don't think you suck, this is very nice drawing... It's really awesome. Well done. How did you draw that? with some tablet or some different technique?
  12. The second one I like the most, but others are too simple for me but that's just me, everyone has its own taste...
  13. you don't understand what? you must be specific with your question, so then we can be able to help you out...
  14. the best way would be to take HDD form old computer out. then check it's jumper settings, and make the jumper settings on that old HDD to SLAVE. Then put it in in new computer, and just connect it to same cables where is your NEW hdd. There should be one space left for connecting additional hdd, so connect it there, and connect a power supply cables. And that's it, basicly power up your computer, and enter bios with pressing "del" button on your keyboard, while it's in boot state, in bios look for setting of hdd (it's there somewhere, depends on bios you have) and just check that HDD settings are changed to AUTO mode, and just save your settings, and leave computer to restart, when it boots to windows, you will have 2 HDD's installed, and you will be able to copy data from one hdd to another in windows explorer. Just when you are finished, shut down the computer, and take down that old hdd, and your job is done...
  15. hmm, How the heck is possible, for one CD when it's inserted, to install rootkit, to system, and run it?!?
  16. drivers man, drivers! check for that graphic card drivers, and check in BIOS if it's everything ok, check that L2 cache is on, and such stuff...
  17. Interesting tweak, but I would add an notice to it:don't use it, if you are begginer, and you don't want to mess something up.
  18. so this is a specific html question, so I think you want to get a blank window with customized environment, like no "File Edit View..." menus, no icons, nonresizable, etc... so first answer is that you could do it in java with this code <script TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- function popup(mylink, windowname) { if (! window.focus)return true; var href; if (typeof(mylink) == 'string') href=mylink; else href=mylink.href; window.open(href, windowname, 'width=400,height=500,scrollbars=yes'); return false; } //--> </SCRIPT> The java above goes in head <a href="http://http://www.domainking.com/index.php; onClick="return popup(this, 'notes')"> and this will help you alot http://www.echoecho.com/toolpopupgenerator.htm - it's a popup tool generator, so if you don't know javascript this will help you to customize your "_blank" windows
  19. Hey! I did it! I replaced Motherboard, and it works fine, I will just test it a bit now, to see how it's going... but i think it will be fine... Anyway thanks all
  20. Hmm, seems logical to me, but, it was working fine before, Im not sure I want to disable it, because it's a Celeron on 2,4ghz and when I disable L2 cache, it works like its 0,2ghz processor. Anyway, thank you all for trying to help, after I tried all that's in my power, I will check memmory modules with Memtest86 (abhiram thanks for the link ) and see what happens, and I have some spare MotherBoard, so I will try to replace them, and see what happens, I just pray it's not dead CPU In - that case, I will need to buy a new one, on black market. well, I'll inform you all, if I'll fail to repair that computer.
  21. oh, well, my english speaking/writing level is pretty low, so, probably I have some problems with explaining what's on the pictures. So, sometimes picture isn't like 1000 of words
  22. Well, Idea was to keep them simple. And that second thing is the "thing" you use every day - it's a simple switch, for turning on a light in your room
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