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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. gee, 400'th post, I really didnt see that... wow Im pretty long here... well, thanks man!
  2. Oh, I just wanted to share happyness with all Xisto members, my site has just been rewarded by pimpmycom.com as Site of the Week! So, I just wanted to say that... Anyway, I'll keep working on my site, and adding new photoshop tutorials, and other interesting stuff.. so, see ya all around sometime...
  3. I have found it, and im testing it right now. All I can say to you now, it's a complete RIP-OFF of firefox and Im hoping to delete it as soon as possible. They have tabs, search toolbar, and stuff, all the same, I would sue microsoft immediately if I were on mozilla's place now.
  4. well, hm, yea. but when first cars are made, people drived very slowly about cca. 30-40 km/h and they believed that if they go faster like, 100 km/h, a human body will be destroyed to pieces... so what makes you to believe this? all of that are just teories, without any scientific facts... If I had diploma of astronomic phisyics would you believe me, if I say that there is life on mars?
  5. and have you ever heard about http://www.ipodlinux.org/ if not please read THIS POST.
  6. I use Photoshop mostly, but my favorites remains, actually 2 favorite programs: - maxon cinema 4d- propellerheads reason 2.5and this last one is such a good software... anyway. that's it..for the list of my favorites..
  7. It look pretty nice, for such a quick job. But afterall you might want to consider the fact, that many people still don't want to look at flash pages, because there is no copy paste, and some other stuff... anyway maybe you might make an html version of it. (it's just a suggestion)
  8. one little trick I've found recently... If you don't want to get your page cached to search engine, you may use this tweak: Quoted from this page so this way, if you are building a web, for example, and you don't want to be indexed on google, because you plan to change a domain name or server later, so you want to be indexed then, so that way search engines like google will get your final version of web, when you finally remove this tag.
  9. [Recent Addition to Final-design.net] I started link exchange with other tutorials/graphic resources sites, if you want to participate and you own a site that comply with these terms: [+] Google ranking of 5 or better (we will check it) [+] Your site must have quality content, related to design / tutorials / resources [+] Link back to my site is required (download our button here) if you think that you comply with the above terms, fell free to visit this link and go to bottom of page, and fill out that simple form, to begin link exchange. Anyway, I will review every application and if suggested site satisfys the above terms, I'll be happy to add it. regards to all.
  10. At first I would say people would be a bit more interested for this topic, but, when I think again, might not...
  11. well, yes I have one (finaldesign.tk) but anyway, they are pretty ok, because there is no advertisment as you say... But there is another free url provider, it's http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - and if you just want to shorten some long url, there is http://www.urlsnip.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t
  12. there is a many tutorials on the net, for making flash games, there is even an completed games source codes, that you may download and open in macromedia flash, so you can see how it works, action script code and all that stuff... just you will need to google out a bit...
  13. Thanks. I'll make a tutorials for webdesign too, but later, when this section with Photoshop Tutorials is filled enough...
  14. Im writing some stuff for my course degree (xml programming) and I need some idea for one web service that would use WSDL and SOAP together, it must be usefull and simple. Anyone has some idea of what service I should make? Don't hesitate to type.. :Dp.s. example: something like, login screen, then when you are loged in you get some kind of info.
  15. So, it's released, and basic model costs 2,000$. You can read here what it has inside. I think the interesting fact about this new apple product is that it's powered with Intel's processor. I wonder, how hard would it be to replace apple's software with custom version of linux or windows? Anyway, I would say it's a smart move, using intel. Apple claims it's now 4x times faster than regular apple's G processors... What do you think? Is it worth?
  16. one my friend said to me before, that he's tested windows vista, and that it works fine... but im doubt it. After all, it's still microsoft.
  17. You should check what's the difference between these two hostings, Xisto is on linux/unix, do your new hosting provider uses windows maybe?
  18. I recently added a Photoshop tutorials section on my web, There is a section under Main menu that leads you to this new section. I've uploaded 23 animated tutorials for adobe photoshop, and they are in flash format for easy viewing and learning. Enjoy.
  19. to scryoko: well thank you very much for that loong review I've noted some of the stuff you pointed out, and i'll probably do that in some near future, it will be some big work to do there, but it must be done , probably this weekend. As for that font you asked me, I'll check it out, and send it to you, just PM me, with your email adress.
  20. Hello all! I just want to share this enthusiasm I have, when I yesterday discovered this stuff. Did you know that you can actually install linux to your iPod and run different kind's of applications... Well, , you can! Now how this stuff all works? Simple, iPods are in fact, a microcomputers, they had everything you need to call them microcomputers, screen, cpu, input device, memory, hdd, and even a sound ... Now the guys from ipodlinux.org figured out all that stuff, and using a mini distribution of uClinux they compiled it for iPod. Now, if you don't know anything about linux and how it works, just don't be scared away. And if you hear some scary stories about getting your iPod *bricked* don't worry too much, because it can always be repaired, there are ways for everything... Ok, so here we go. WARRNING! I am not responsible for any damage you may done to your iPod or yourself as a result of reading this text. Consider yourself warned while you are reading this! If you don't know what is this, and what you will do to your iPod, please STOP here, and don't try to do it yourself. You might end up with bricked iPod. Ok, now when i warned you, but you didn't scareed and you want to continue, we can move one to next step... [ What you need to do to get yourself and Linux iPod ] --> First of all you have to go on http://www.ipodlinux.org/ and read trough stuff. If you understand things you'll be able to figure it out yourself, if you don't understand, keep reading this... ---> Download windows version of Linux installer from here and unpack the zip archive to folder "c:\LinuxInstaller" on your HDD ---> Download latest podzilla software 2006-01-12-podzilla.gz and and unpack the gunzip archive to folder "c:\Linux-Podzilla" on your HDD. You will need an WinRar software to unpack this archive and also for next step. Get WinRar here ---> Download latest kernel for linux here and unpack the gunzip archive to folder "c:\Linux-kernel" on your HDD. ---> Now, open your folder "c:\Linux-kernel" and rename "YYYY-MM-DD-kernel.bin" to just "linux.bin" and copy it to "c:\LinuxInstaller" folder replacing the old one. ---> Run the windows version of linux installer form folder "c:\LinuxInstaller" (.exe file with icon) ---> Follow the installer, and make a backup when asked, so you can always make uninstall and restore your iPod if something goes wrong... Read detailed instruction for install procedure here. Oh, and you will need to connect your iPod to your PC via Firewire or USB now, before running the installer. When you finish installing eject your iPod and restart it holding the right key combination. Read here for all key combinations. --> After rebooting to linux, your screen might be too contrasted on iPod, so look for Settings > Contrast and reduce it a bit... --> Now reboot your ipod to regular Apple software holding keycombination for reset and then when it resets hold REWIND button while iPod is starting to boot, until it boots to Apple original software. Connect it again via cable to your computer. And go to next step. --> After installing, it's time to update PodZilla. Go to folder "c:\Linux-Podzilla" unpack the file and rename it to just "podzilla" without anything else. Now in same folder create with Notepad txt file and write in this: mv /hp/podzilla /sbinrm /hp/startAnd now rename that txt file to just "start" without anything else. Now, copy these two files ("start" and "podzilla") to root folder of your iPod. If you don't know where the root folder is, it's a top level folder, just like c:\ on your hdd, so for the ipod is usually e:\ or f:\ but depends on your computer setup...Reboot your ipod now holding the right key combination. Usually is "menu" + "play/pause" buttons together for 5 seconds... ---> You just got yourself and Linux powered iPod. It will probably be high contrasted display, so look carefull and go to Settings and choose Contrast and reduce it a bit to be able to see normally. This is because Linux has differend setup than original apple software. ---> And what now... Let's look what it can: * This last one is my favorite... DOOM on iPod!! I would newer say it's possible... well hell yes, you can find ported version of DOOM called iDOOM for iPod Linux here. Enjoy.
  21. hmm... he probably think on content theme, because I don't see how an software can understand graphic...
  22. Well, I can say people can do anything if they will, Im saying this from my own point of view... Before just a year or so, I didn't know sh*t about webdesign, html, php, mysql. And now? well just look at my webpage final-design.net and you judge how much I advanced and learned in that 1-year period.
  23. Hello! I worked hard to make this done on time, so now it's time for you m8's to review this and say what you have to say... I've added a brand new fresh "photoshop tutorials" section on my site, so you are all welcome to review it, and give me your comments here. Thanks all in advance! Link to this section of FDweb is here.
  24. The server at is taking too long to respond.Is your server down again?
  25. god damn't starcraft, it's soo contagious! Im playing it even now, sometimes, it's the best old strategy game.. I've even seen somewhere that there is some chinese TV channel that just transmits starcraft battles
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