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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. I also agree, that devianart rocks, but they are maybe a bit more too commercial, blah... anyway I have account there but Im not really active lately... link to my acc is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. Hi all, I just wanted to share my latest work with you. This below are mine creations, that I make at design studio where I work 8 hours a day. Feel free to comment it, and if you want to know more about stuff that I do, visit my web (link is in signature).
  3. Hi! You can alwas add some content to it. Content that is very usable and interesting, and it's focused on specific subject. You will attract many people on you web that way, don't do everything.. make one thing good. Refer to my homepage http://www.final-design.net/ for more help about graphic design
  4. Welcome to Xisto. Feel like home, and enjoy your posting time here...
  5. hahahaha! This is great. Bush=failure. I think google did this on purpose.
  6. [+] I overclocked my AMD Duron 1,6ghz upto 2.0ghz. It runs very smoothly now with Thermaltake Bigwater cooler inside. I integrate that watercooling system just to be sure that everything will be stable. It works very nice, Just that motherboard has passive cooler, and it's very hot so I put another fan on that cooler too. [+] System works very stable, but there is small difference in speed between 1,6 and 2,0 ghz. My FSB runs at 166mhz and multiplier is set to 12x. I overclocked it via switches on mainboard. [+] I got this mainboard:ASUS A7V266-MX VIA KM400 chipset Southbridge: VIA VT8235 Updated BIOS to 09/14/2004 (Phoenix)I think overclock is good stuff, but only for advanced users, it's not easy, because you can fry your cpu, just like that. Many stuff depends on cpu, and overall system stability can be crashed if you push your cpu too high...
  7. Looks like nice future for all of us. But, im sure there will be problems with that. Reminds me on that game kknd krossfire, and command&conquer - to get money and energy you must harvest that plants...
  8. Norton is pice of sh*t. It's really slow, and slows down entire system. Use kaspersky, bitdefender, or avast.
  9. I hate toolbars too. But there must be an option to choose what you want to install, they cannot force you to install something you don't want have. Or, this is a "free" version, and commercial and paid versions of flash player will be clean maybe?
  10. Damn good. But the thing is, they always invent something new. And offer many stuff for free - like gmail. That way google always stays on track like the best and no.1.
  11. well, We'll see, Their site don't look too professional, so Im not sure how long they'l last... But maybe just their look does not reflect their servers... I use ImageShack for now.
  12. hmm by the way... Someone hacked my site too... Now Im analysing logs, so I can report that to admins too. Anyway, my site was not DDOS-ed, rather than that because I use flat file for database, and it's writable for public, they writed to my database random stuff/links to some junk sites.Anyway, I think there should be a forum section for Hack/Security stuff related.
  13. Looks usefull but its a Microsoft - They didn't change source code for Microsoft Office last 10 years. Probably they wont until new software appear on market. Then they will rip all they can and make something new.
  14. I don's ever use shutdown. Hibernate rulz! Do you use Hibernating? I think it's the best option for shutting down comptuer. I always do some work at comeputer, and shutting down means a long time of booting, and again starting applications like photoshop that need time to load. That all takes too much time so I use hibernate. [+] Shortcut for Hibernating when you hit start + Turn off computer... is Shift + H[+] If you then don't have Hibernate button you must enable it. To enable Hibernate go to start > settings > control panel > display (icon) > screen saver (tab) > power (button) > hibernate (tab) > and finally check the button "hibernate".[+] Advantages of hibernating are many, but the main thing about hibernate is: if you don't have enough space on your hard drive you might not be able to use it.
  15. well, I find it via google.. just searching for stuff and came up with that
  16. Looks to me like spending a whole lot of money. But, if you consither the fact that for about 25-30 years there will be no more oil, and many countries will be in crisis with fuel... There has to be some place where will we get natural resources... Mars looks like one of that places. For man kind there is only one solution too, for solvin a problem of population - there is too much of people on this world. We have to find another place where will go to live, mars is just one of that options. Many scientist believe that people will be able to go to mars and live there in just abot 15 years, maybe little more... But $720 mil... !? that could save many people.. Many.
  17. That is not so true... In my country there is same amount of laptops with intel cpu as with amd. And ones with amd are cheaper. Anyway, depending on user's decision, if you like cheap then go for amd, but If you look for performance go with intel - but no celeron - take intel pentium mobile's. Laptops usually have lower performances than desktop editions, so going for higher price would probably get you decent laptop.
  18. I use google, and recently I started to use MSN. Looks like MSN has got little better, It really finds many relevant results now, and it's pretty fast too. Anyway google is better while MSN has bunch of ads on first page just like yahoo and altavista.
  19. Hmm... Looks like microsoft want's to be back on the track with new horse - Ie7. For me that means stick to firefox for safe browsing, and for average user it means - alot of new spyware and other problems that come with it. Microsoft makes decent software very rare, almost never.
  20. I would go with skin: "vr_simpleportal" - It's a neat and nice designed theme, colors are nice, (but anway you could adjust them for your needs), theme has nice usage of fonts and uses very few images in backgrounds so your pages will load quicker.
  21. And dolphins also have gay's and pedofile's. I hate dolphins. Sick animals. Sick people.
  22. Your site has good content there, regarding "Knights of glory". Im really not interested it that game, so I can't comment the content good enough, but: * you might want to enable that right click. Anyway if you are afraid that people would look the code in you page, disabling right-mouse-click would do nothing because you can still access the code by clicking Edit > View source. (Or something similar in different browsers) * You are using frames. Maybe to avoid them... There are some browsers that do not support frames (very old ones like links on linux) but that is not really relevant... * A "powered by Xisto" button can be somewhere in the bottom of page. I know you appreciate Xisto's hosting, but this way you are really showing it's a hosted of some free service and it looks kinda some sort of forced ad. * When I tried to search at your "search" service for term "Logan" - script found many pages that do not exist. Try to fix that. It will be usefull later when you fill-up your webpages with lot's of content... * Try to minimize the font-size changes, Try to make some sort of "Standard" for your pages, maybe to determine font-size and font-color for headings, heading 1, body text, and such... Use always same scheme. It will give your site one simple and attractive look. Do not use too large fonts. They are un-attractive, ofcourse do not use too small also... Try to find a middle. * Define some nice colors to links, and visited links color. Do not use that default colors because they look ugly on black background. * I would change also that counter in bottom frame. It's just too big, And that frame around it it's too large. Use something smaller, and as you are now on Xisto, you can use php - there are lot's of free scripts for counters and such on sites like http://www.hotscripts.com/ - find one for counter, they are extremely easy to install and embed onto a website. * Exclude that border on images that contain links. It's again ugly color there... and it would be better if you would have border=0 inside imgsrc tag. Refer to some online resources for html if you don't know how to do it. * Your site loads pretty well, there is no much picture-content (like themes at forums) That should be it.. I wish you all the luck with your website...
  23. Very nice. This helpfull tips could save much time for average users.
  24. Interesting new products. Just when you think that Apple made all that it can, then they just invent something new, smaller, better and faster. Apple once again confirms it's status of no.1 in inovation and making new popular products. I think it's a power of commercials.
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