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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. this shows how people are making others lazier, unless for parallel parking.xboxrulz
  2. I was thinking, if you have Kate (Advanced Editor for KDE) then why do you want notepad++xboxrulz
  3. it could just be your X server configuration. Maybe installing your manufacturer's Linux display driver should help.or just play around with the X server configuration.xboxrulz
  4. ok, even though I know where to get these Vista leaks, but I'm not allowed to tell you under Internation Law, but Windows Vista Beta 2 is going to be made PUBLIC.@abhi...: Windows Vista's minimum specifications requires you to have AT LEAST 512 MB TO EVEN BOOT AND RUN WINDOWS VISTA.My prediction, Windows Vista will not be out Q1 2007 and they say waiting 6 months for Windows 95 was a big deal, how bout now w/ Vista :lol:Good thing I get bleeding edge technology from Linux.xboxrulz
  5. wow, the ClearType is even harder to activate than on KDE to get Antialiasing.(KDE: Control Centre --> Apperances --> Fonts --> Check the "Enable antialiasing" checkbox.)xboxrulz
  6. or try to port it yourself, their using MingW, which is gcc on Windows, so I guess you can easily port it. -- https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Why don't you use WINE, it won't kill u.... xboxrulz
  7. so it's like Linux (about 64/32-bit). M$ is having a hard time catching up to Linux on power. Linux is having trouble catching up with Windows on the desktop. It's like Yingyang. Darkness is M$ and the whiteness is Linux :lol:xboxrulz
  8. of course. As I said many times on many forums (incl. Xisto); Linux is ALL ABOUT CHOICE.xboxrulz
  9. I don't know, I still looking towards HD-DVD than Bluray.xboxrulz
  10. my computer's RAM is just BARE MINIMUM (512 MB DDRSDRAM PC2100 266MHz), which means Windows Vista is a powerhog, oh those GNOME users think KDE is slow and bulky, look @ Vista.xboxrulz
  11. lol, thanx for your opinion, it took me 2-3 minutes to make those posters, they kinda look real :lol:xboxrulz
  12. Are there any proof that Sony is cutting the PS products? or are u talking about the first playstation (original)?xboxrulz
  13. Recently, I read Microsoft's new poster stating their tagline, but really they're telling you their evil plans subconsciously. Here they are: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  14. Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ lol your comments? xboxrulz
  15. usually if something is public, then someone will post it on the Internet in Video Format.xboxrulz
  16. that is really stupid...Google is definitely trying to take over the world.xboxrulz
  17. I disagree. I think that SuSE is very easy and newcomers can use it without problems. Mandrake for me was a hassle, so was Fedora. It took me 3 hours for configuring Fedora to get it to print on my Windows machine on my network! Mandriva was just a pain. It never does things correctly.Kravur, the funny thing about SuSE is that it's powefulness on the guru side makes you not needing to leave SuSE. Anyways, the most advanced Linux I can think of is Linux From Scratch (building your own) or Gentoo.xboxrulz
  18. Everyone usually will tell you different things. I always recommend SuSE especially for gamers since you can use advanced commands that is not supported in Debian based distribution (aka Ubuntu). Furthermore, SuSE is easy to use and administrate. The ease for the newbie, the power for a guru. That's what SuSE really is.xboxrulz
  19. same here, I usually keep a LiveCD handy just in case anything happens.xboxrulz
  20. lol, I use mainly OpenOffice too. 100% OpenSource 100% freedom!xboxrulz
  21. Microsoft stated that on other operating systems, you can have your HDD up to 2TB and that's it.Files can only be up to 2GB big though...xboxrulz
  22. wow, no wonder why we ccan't write to NTFS because Windows locked their own filesystem.Stupid tactics by M$ again.xboxrulz
  23. really odd, try disabling FC4's firewall.It usually helps, if you want firewall, make sure to open port 20 (according to your config; default FTP service usually use port 21)xboxrulz
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