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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. CHMODing as someone said is impossible.On Windows, you don't need to because Folders usually have no security implemented on default.If someone did implement a folder lock, then simply right click the folder --> properties --> permissions.xboxrulz
  2. well, not only Slackware and Gentoo have dependency problems, but the RPM system is getting better each year. (or even month!) I don't get a dependecy hell as I did when I used SuSE 9.0.xboxrulz
  3. well, there's many other places that ship Ubuntu for free.xboxrulz
  4. <sarcasm>When computer freezes smash your head into the monitor, else install Linux </sarcasm>actually, the only way to unfreeze your computer is to kill the processes shown above, restart and hope that it doesn't do that again.Else, take my sarcastic suggestion of installing Linux (no kidding.)xboxrulz
  5. I'm running Kopete and the Kopete site is still up and running and there are development going on.xboxrulz
  6. lol, this video is so old but this video is not true since Mac OS X came out. The cause of the crashes comes from having the programs not having a memory protection, so, they crash.Now you can recover the files using the UNIX command system :)YAY! UNIX! (seriously!)xboxrulz
  7. the problem that I don't get the-empty-calorie is that why is he tackling me because I use KDE and not old skool software like TVWM, CDE and even MOTIF and all those things that most people don't use on their computer. Fine, kudos given to you saying you know CLI and use it frequently. I only use it for convenience when installing something. Linux: What Windows will NEVER BE. Windows: What other Operating Systems will surpass it.KDE's goal is not to make a Windows look-a-like, they do sometimes sidetrack and do that but the main reason is to make computing easier for the less educated.I choose SuSE because it's NOT a Windows look-a-like, if I wanted a Windows look-a-like or Windows-wannabe, I'll take Linspire instead.Even now, I step over the Linux boundary to discover BSD and other *NIX.I DON'T CARE ABOUT WINDOWS WANNABEs or whatever, AS LONG AS IT'S NOT WINDOWS AND IT'S NOT ACTING LIKE WINDOWS, THEN I'M FINE.The following distributions don't act/look like Windows:SuSEFedoraMandriva(K)UbuntuGentooThe following distributions do:LinspireXandrosArkArchAll that I said were purely my opinion.xboxrulz
  8. lol, it's not the poorly made software that allows Guests have full access, but it's the operating system. This operating system is Windows.As for crappy software, Photoshop doesn't look crappy...xboxrulz
  9. well, it won't work with HL2 or Doom 3 since it's a PPC processor compared to a x86 processor that HL2/Doom3 need.xboxrulz
  10. Flash isn't a programming language, ActionScript that is used in Flash is, but ActionScript is useful elsewhere too :)xboxrulz
  11. SICK! (The good kind) I want one of those chips and put it on a new rig w/ Linux installed :)xboxrulz
  12. lol, this is funny: Sources: Annoyances.org xboxrulz
  13. This is stunning on today's front cover of the Toronto Star: This is an amazing story, but I don't get is, if you see someone on the subway platform who had given birth, the least you could do is to assist the person. It's during rush hour! There's like 3000 within an hour riding the subway! Your opinion(s)? -----Posts Merged-----szupie whoops, the source is here I left that out... xboxrulz
  14. Google also earns money through stock prices. The more popular you are, on the market, your stock price will go higher automatically since more people want to invest in you. Therefore, you earn more money in the long run. That's why Google is so rich now.It will be a bad move if they start charging people.I think this "Web Messenger" idea is a great idea! It'll work on all operating systems !xboxrulz
  15. ya, I was about to say that people above didn't understand you, I certainly did though (ironically). Well, anyways, it's much easier to program in java than C++. public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException { System.out.println("Please input your name: "); LineNumberReader in = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String name = in.readLine(); if (name != null) { hello(name); } This code will ask your name, then displays it. *Code maybe incorrect as I haven't tested it* xboxrulz
  16. No, you can sell your motherboard and get another one (Usually most places let you swap). SLI boards are all PCIe.Unless, you're willing to swap your graphics card for a PCIe. AGP cards costs more than PCIe cards.xboxrulz
  17. inconnu is right, go back and file a complaint.Good thing Linux doesn't have something like WGA, if there was, then it's gonna be hell.*knock on wood*xboxrulz
  18. It's universal. All Linux distributions have almost the same tables. Here's mine anyways: $ cat /etc/fstab /dev/hda1 / xfs defaults 1 1/dev/hdb1 /mnt/windata vfat user,noauto,exec 0 0/dev/hda3 /mnt/winsys ntfs user,noauto,exec 0 0/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0/dev/hdb2 swap swap defaults 0 0proc /proc proc defaults 0 0sysfs /sys sysfs noauto 0 0usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs noauto 0 0devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0/dev/cdrecorder /media/cdrecorder subfs noauto,fs=cdfss,ro,procuid,nosuid,nodev,exec,iocharset=utf8 0 0/dev/cdrecorder2 /media/cdrecorder2 subfs noauto,fs=cdfss,ro,procuid,nosuid,nodev,exec,iocharset=utf8 0 0/dev/fd0 /media/floppy subfs noauto,fs=floppyfss,procuid,nodev,nosuid,sync 0 0none /subdomain subdomainfs noauto 0 0 On Gentoo, you don't need subdomainfs since you don't have the need for it. It is a SuSE Linux feature for its security system. xboxrulz
  19. .exe files cannot be read by Linux unless you install something called WINE (WINE IS Not an Emulator) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ As for your MP3, download Banshee or AmaroK. For newcomers, best to install using the RPM package manager. I tend to use the console to install stuff since it's faster. The command for installing RPM packages is: sudo rpm -ivh (root password required) to uninstall, it is: sudo rpm -e (root password required) to see the package information: rpm -qi Happy Linuxing! xboxrulz
  20. wow, a whole CD worth of patches. There must be at least hundreds.Each patch usually are around 1 MB-2MB, so I'll take 700/2 = aprox. 350 patches. wow. xboxrulz
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