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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. funny thing is that it doesn't apply to me since I'm all the way in Canada. The law applies to people in Germany.xboxrulz
  2. wow, funny thing is that it is based on UNIX, and I haven't heard of a UNIX based machine cracked in less than 30 minutes. Linux takes weeks, I've heard.xboxrulz
  3. lol, I'm glad that you're please with the Linux community and the software itself.Good luck, and happy Linuxing!xboxrulz*download Firefox, you should get it *
  4. Windows Vista would still require a computer w/ minimum of 3.0 Ghz as released by sources.I haven't heard of any scalebacks.xboxrulz
  5. ok, I don't really know where Debian's kernel sources are since I use SUSE Linux. I guess the kernel-source is:sudo apt-get install kernel-sourcesgoodluck :oxboxrulz
  6. This is a really really strange news and quite "scary" too :s Source: The Toronto Star I feel bad for the kids. Your comments? xboxrulz
  7. If you asked this question a few years ago, I would say Alienware is the best gaming system in the world, but no longer. In my opinion, it's best to customize your computer instead of having a company tell you what parts are great because sometimes companies will try to rip you off by giving you the crappiest version of the identical part to make things cheaper. Plus, you may not know how durable the parts are.Also, AMD is better in gaming, IMHO. I've compared the two and AMD seemed to outperform it.xboxrulz
  8. remember, you must have the kernel-sources installed, or else you can't compile the drivers for your Linux installation :oxboxrulz
  9. just make it a Java applet public class FirstApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener { where FirstApplet is the classname. xboxrulz
  10. one thing I don't like is that people who were brought up to believe a religion. I think it's choice. Let the person decide for him/herself and not choose it for him/her.Well, it's all my opinion of course B)xboxrulz
  11. I personally never seen anyone running a DEC computer.I do however seen people running SPARCs or EM64T.xboxrulz
  12. quite funny, as I am a Linux user and a former Windows user. Actually, I do own a copy of Windoze XP, and I use it for gaming, but I never experienced such drawback.Have you tried to delete the folder as the Administrator?xboxrulz
  13. i386 - Intel/AMD x86 processorsALPHA - *I forgot*PPC - IBM PowerPC architectureAMD64 - AMD x86_x64 architectureEM64T - Intel x64 architectureSPARC - Sun Microsystem's Architecturexboxrulz
  14. journaling records all the transactions of data transfer for all the hard drives. It's very useful since if your computer crashes and requires a hard reboot, or some type of reboot, the scandisc won't take ages to scan. ReiserFS takes like 3 seconds to do a scandisc because of the journaling. Ext2 took me hours upon hours.xboxrulz
  15. try running kdesu kate /etc/apache/httpd.confIt's the X server configuration files' fault.xboxrulz
  16. there are many distributions that come in KDE than GNOME. Both are used quite widely actually.xboxrulz
  17. Even when Linux doesn't have any viruses, I still install an antivirus just in case.xboxrulz
  18. yes, double check that you didn't "accidentally" blocked Internet Exploder/Exploiter (Internet Explorer according to M$) or Firefox.xboxrulz
  19. odd. I have it running on 5.0.2 perfectly, I'll try 5.1 when I have time.and yes, I do mean C&C Generals.xboxrulz
  20. it is very true that Linux is "too" diverse and that Windows users usually ditch their old one for a new one just because it was Windows' fault.xboxrulz
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