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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Although I don't work, this makes me feel richer Source: The Toronto Star Your comments? xboxrulz EDIT: All currency in Canadian Dollars (DUH!)
  2. that's automatically, and not on command.On command means that the user provokes the machine to do something. Automatically is not on command.xboxrulz
  3. hmmm... yet both of your suggestions decrease computer security, soleimanian.If the user doesn't type the username and password, there's no way to lock your computer on command. If you turn on automatically sign in, people can just use the computer once booted.xboxrulz
  4. well, check that you have write access to /dev/mixer and /dev/dsp. Also, make sure your microphone is not on MUTE.xboxrulz
  5. of course it is embedded. You don't see Palm OS powering computers today.xboxrulz
  6. yes, and we can "sue" Microsoft for restriction of freedom on our computers. Which they are trying hard to restrict us doing whatever we want.xboxrulz
  7. or, you can get krdc or krfb.xboxrulz
  8. In Canada, all participating TIm Hortons' store would give you a cup to roll up the rim to win a prize, but fighting over it? Seems ridiculous, eh? Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/- Your thoughts?? xboxrulz
  9. I haven't had time to really read through this post, but if you get a cross-over network cable, it will allow you to connect two computers together.xboxrulz
  10. Google is a gigantic company and for it to pay the bill is as if we're spending $5.00 for a Big Mac Meal in the US. (CAD $2.00 for one in Canada)xboxrulz
  11. CUPS does support it, if my memory is still current.Try compiling CUPS yourself, usually that works.xboxrulz
  12. so I guess we need some information on what printer you currently have.xboxrulz
  13. well, since XGL is kind of like an alternative of the Windows Aero and the Mac OS X Quartz. So, it's not going to really affect Linuxxboxrulz
  14. odd, on modern distributions, it shouldn't do that. Try using Ubuntu. It's base off Debian.xboxrulz
  15. try searching on Google for ndiswrapper or check http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for more help.I usually float there anyways.xboxrulz
  16. to get cups type:sudo apt-get install cupsxboxrulz
  17. that's true, yet I still recommend him get it custom made instead of getting it from Alienware.Also, yes, I got my graphics card recently (before BF2 came out), my RAM was bumped from 256 to 512 and I got the new 120 GB HDD.Yet, I've never changed the CPU it has 512 KB of Cachexboxrulz
  18. vizskywalker, not everyone currently are running P4s. It is still considered top of the line CPU although it has been introduced 3-4 years ago. For example, I've seen some people in Europe still running on 333MHz machines. North American, on the other hand usually try to catch up with technology, Windows Vista still requires at least a 2.0 GHz+ machine as far as I've heard. That's still ridiculous. xboxrulz EDIT: This is more insane -- Wikipedia Now, even when I can play graphics intense games, I only have Vista's bare minimum of 512 MB RAM, not everyone's going to have that type of oomph power.
  19. I definitely don't think Ubuntu/Kubuntu is great. The only thing they have that SuSE doesn't have is an NDISWRAPPER GUI tool that SuSE Linux doesn't have yet.Plus, Kubuntu doesn't have the "suspend to disc" button. I have too shut off and reboot it traditionally and that's annoying when I'm on the run.xboxrulz
  20. depends, if you have the tarball, extract it anywhere you want. I put it in the /opt folder.xboxrulz
  21. pop the Fedora Core 4 disc back, type rescue, and I think it'll work. I haven't used Fedora for @ least 2 years since SuSE Linux makes life easier.It can reinstall GRUB for you graphically so I don't need to bother (since I don't have the time to)xboxrulz
  22. saga and Jeigh. I believe the current gaming platform do not REQUIRE (not recommends) any computer over 2.0 GHz w/ 512 MB RAM and a GeForce FX or over. These are my specs and I can still play Battlefield 2 w/ no probs and no lags. ASUSTek P4B533-VM INTEL PENTIUM 4 2533 Mhz 52x48x52x DVD-ROM/CD-Writer 48x 24x 48x CD-WRITER 120 GB UATA-133 7200 RPM 8MB cache (OS/Software) 80 ATA-100 7200 RPM 8MB cache (Data) NVIDIA GeForce 6600 w/ 8x AGP (really running 4x as my AGP supports upto 4x) 4 USB 1.0 slots 2 USB 2.0 slots 1 monitor 1 soundchip, 1 soundcard 1 USB keyboard 1 USB mouse 1 100MBPS Network connection 75.0 GB SuSE Linux 10.0 partition (Main) 40.0 GB Windows XP parition (Games/unWINEable software ONLY) This system is FOUR years old and it's still running like a champ. xboxrulz
  23. nice machine, but if I were you I would shove in Linux instead because of performance. Less crap.Also, why Intel? They overheat, not overclocker friendly and it's not that good with gaming. AMD is better, too bad I don't have one.Quite funny how I have a 3 years old machine, but I can still play graphic intensive games with settings as low as medium.xboxrulz
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