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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. I have the XBOX 360 and its great, however, rite now there's not that many games and I don't know why I bought it so early... I never liked the Wii.xboxrulz
  2. lol, whoops, seems like I am, man it should've been in the news section instead of the lifetalk section.ya, i never would've imagined either.xboxrulz
  3. I still think it's a network problem. A network connected thru a CAT-5 cable can only offer up to 1 GBPS, but in a conventional house network it's only 100 MBPS.xboxrulz
  4. Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Wow, this is indeed sad. I remember that I kept watching his shows day in day out. I even have his movie. Your comments? xboxrulz
  5. These are my most used apps:KopeteAmarokMozilla FirefoxSkypeOpenOffice.orgKontactKonsoleKCalcGoogle EarthGIMPVLC*all software listed here are either UNIX-only software or UNIX version of the software*xboxrulz
  6. odd, on Windows Server 2003, my login time is about 8 seconds. On Windows XP is around 1 minute, on Windows 2000 is about 20 - 30 sec. on Linux is about 10 seconds.xboxrulz
  7. The other boot function is if your computer doesn't support ACPI (the newest power handler, most modern systems has that functionality). The second one is almost the same thing, but I'm no so sure. The third one is if there was any problem installing using the default option. Then you should use this if all fails.The CTRL+ALT+F* all bump you to a text-only console (the true Linux console). Therefore, as I said earlier, impossible for your desktop to use that as a shortcut key. The reason behind this is that the shortcut is hardcoded into Linux to be used for the console switcher.xboxrulz
  8. from above it seems that all your hard-drives are all connected through SCSI.Anyways, the set mount point means that it will try to mount your NTFS to those locations. Which is /windows/*As for your 7 options, you chose the correct option. Those other options are advanced options.As for Firefox, it's selected by default. However, you can use YaST2 to double check that. Firefox can still be installed with your operating system regardless of the desktop environment.As for the GNOME combo, I have absolutely no clue.xboxrulz
  9. First of all, using ext2 for your filesystem is not a smart choice since it doesn't support journaling, which is very important if your system crashes. Without journaling, your computer on next boot up will take hours to do a system scan. However, with ext3 (upgradable from ext2), ReiserFS (utmost recommended) and XFS, they all come with Journaling and will only take a few seconds to scan through all the journal and then fix any filesystem errors. GNOME is IMO, not a well chosen choice for new learners because it doesn't have the easy tools as KDE provides. I find that GNOME is even confusing for users like me (although I'm not a n00b). As for GAIM, I don't know what's going on as I don't use GAIM (I tried it, and didn't like it though). Plus, Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux) endorses KDE over GNOME Mozilla Firefox works with both KDE and GNOME. They are just desktops. The force quit combination can't be CTRL+ALT+F6 beccause that combination bumps you to a text-based console. xboxrulz
  10. However, having a SWAP partition is highly recommended. Especially if you're doing heavy duty apps like compilation and gameplay. I slapped on a 2.4 GB swap drive w/ 512MB physical memory (Processor: Pentium 4 2533 MHz)It's still hell slow.xboxrulz
  11. usually I try to avoid GAIM, because it uses GTK+ and plus, it does cause some hang ups, I recommend using Kopete instead: https://userbase.kde.org/Kopete xboxrulz
  12. I only use Firefox for web-browsing whenever it is available for me. Also, when I do computer reformatting, I always install Mozilla Firefox on default.xboxrulz
  13. sounds good, can't wait until they actually release version 2.xboxrulz
  14. In Linux, you need a swap partition or else it WILL NOT work to its full potential. It's just like your virtual memory on Windows.In KDE, the default CTRL+ALT+DELTE is CTRL+ESC. However, you can change it later. The password keyring is a software that KDE or Mozilla keeps your passwords to.xboxrulz
  15. it's still available on the Microsoft website: https://www.microsoft.com/de-de xboxrulz
  16. well, if Futurama's version of Uranus pulls thru, it becomes Erectum :)xboxrulz
  17. if Microsoft WILL EVER open source (highly doubt it), it will certainly make it one of the best OSes, it has some nifty GUI components that makes it idiot-proof and if we slap it on a *NIX-like base, then that will be awesome :)xboxrulz
  18. Photo Gallery: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm still puzzled at what happened :s Your thoughts? xboxrulz
  19. lol ...but no, the 3 drawf planets are Ceres, Pluto, 2003 UB313.xboxrulz
  20. It's official, there are now 8 planets and 3 drawf planets Source: http://realsweetshirts.com/index.php Your thoughts? xboxrulz
  21. try to check your power settings, some computers are optimised so that to save power, they disable the screensaver for you.xboxrulz
  22. I use amaroK for audio, but I use VLC for most of my video needs, unless it's Real or Apple files, then I use XINE.xboxrulz
  23. Live CDs/DVDs are only good for testing and recovery processes. Else, Live CDs/DVDs are useless.xboxrulz
  24. last time I called Microsoft support, it took me half an hour to get to a real person and it was just for XBOX support ... argh!xboxrulz
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