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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Alright, I'm trying to install phpBB on a PostgreSQL (which is faster than MySQL since Xisto's MySQL is already taxed as it is, and I want to use PostgreSQL so in case MySQL crashes again, my phpBB would still be up). However, the only problem is that it complains that it requires a UTF8 database and not an US ASCII/SQL ASCII, so is there a way that I can change it to UTF8? Right now I don't have any privilege to do so, cPanel locked it.xboxrulz
  2. It's really your decision, my friends and I spend hours on Photobooth, iChat and many other things that PCs don't offer (or have no good alternatives).I bough the Mac because it comes with a great UNIX system and I don't have time to tweak it when I'm on the go, so Mac was obviously the best choice for me. I have a Macbook.xboxrulz
  3. I think it's just a poorly translated meaning your choice, he doesn't mean an actual election. xboxrulz
  4. Nope, there hasn't been any active viruses or malware in the wild as far as most people know, maybe there are but only researchers have the backup copies. You can customize what to install or what to not install if you do a fresh install in the Mac installation manager, but the default installation has everything installed. It took me a day to get use to it, but it beats constantly cycling through ALT+TAB or WIN+TAB. I work very efficiently with the expose, but that's just me, for some it may come to be a terrible functionality. If you play around with Finder (Explorer in Windows), you can find very cool things that aren't really documented unless you yourself are a programmer and read the technical manuals. GNOME is bland and dull, I don't quite like it. Compared to KDE, GNOME is quite slow and bulky. MacOS X runs much faster than both and have very good eye candy. Vista is just butt slow, even on a new machine with comparable specification. xboxrulz
  5. Note that your last comment is illegal and cannot be discussed on Xisto. To legally run MacOS X, you must have Apple hardware (I know this sucks for some, but Apple has really good computers.) xboxrulz
  6. Right now years gone by now I have a long list of usernames I use across the e-verse. A list can be found on my wesbite's about page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  7. I wouldn't go Intel unless you're going Quad with the new 45nm chips (until AMD steps up to 45nm). Else, I recommend sticking to AMD for best performance. Also, right now, all the Athlon chips are dirt cheap (comparably speaking). xboxrulz
  8. of course, but you don't get your credits you have here. It will be a fresh account.xboxrulz
  9. I'd recommend a better processor unless you don't need it for gaming or for movie processing and other processor intensive tasks. However, you must get more memory since 256MB is basically running bare minimum. Upgrade it to 1GB (which is today's standard). If not, slap another 256MB to that empty slot to make it 512MB total.xboxrulz
  10. 1. It's called TextEdit it's in the Applications folder.2. I don't know, I usually just edit my website on cPanel directly.3. Yes there is. It uses the same engine that powers the most used Linux antivirus, ClamAV, the Mac frontend is called ClamXAV. Of course there are plenty others. As for spyware and viruses themselves, there are no known Mac virus that is active nor spyware.4. Yes, it's called Microsoft Messenger for Mac, however, it doesn't have A/V nor games built into it. It's like MSN Messenger 7.5. No, that's the beauty. Who likes being confused with so many different packages when I can have basically EVERYTHING in one package for $129 (cheaper than Windows Vista Ultimate in order to get everything).6. It is basically the same thing, think of it as Microsoft Office 2003, but a Mac version. Microsoft Office 2008 is the Mac version of 2007.7. Most Linux application can run on Mac, as long as its POSIX compatible. You may need some tweaking.8. The Dock is basically your taskbar. Your minimized programs appear there. to find your way through dozens of window, you use expose (ex-pose-eh). On most Macs it's buttons F9 through F11. F12 brings up Dashboard. F9 is view all windows, F10 is view all windows in the same application and F11 is show desktop. Of course these buttons can be remapped.9. Yes, OF COURSE! (System Preferences --> System --> Speech)10. Yes and No, yes when you're installing software and making changes to the system folders (quite rare since only drivers and software that requires installation of kernal extensions require writing to the system folder ... that or just the Installer requires it just in case it does). No, because no programs get full administrator access and mess up the system folders. The system security in Mac is so simple that you must be deliberately running a malware in order to get hit. I have yet seen anyone accidentally run a malware on their Macs at my school (which is more than 25% of the laptop population). Remember that each Mac .app is basically a folder with that extension, all the files required to run that program are compiled inside that folder. You will never see them placing files into the system folder unless for the reasons I stated above.With Apple computers, you must adopt their old slogan "Think Different." Also remember MacOS X is basically UNIX with a fancy desktop shell. Plus, UAC is annoying as hell. I like Linux/UNIX (incl. Mac)'s security better, plus, most people turn it off, so it's basically useless at that point.Also, the whole point of the Mac since its conception was ease of use. Which was why Microsoft took the idea and made Windows from Apple (which took it from Xerox since they didn't want it at the time).xboxrulz
  11. alright, it has been known that the PS3's browser has Flash installed, so why wouldn't YouTube work? lol, but thanks for sharing the info!xboxrulz
  12. XtreemHost is better than Byethost when it comes to the same co-branded service.xboxrulz
  13. I can't wait for KDE4 either, but currently, I don't have any Linux installations, maybe I should just reinstall it on a VMWare.xboxrulz
  14. Nice description there Chesso, that also applies to handheld consoles, laptops, phones, tablets and many more .... lol Tablets (or more commonly Tablet PC) are the ones where it has a touch screen on them so you can use a pen to draw and write with. Apple is rumoured to release a tablet version of their Macbook. I myself, don't mind the standard laptop, so I'm not too excited for it. xboxrulz
  15. Well, last night was sleepless for me, for some unknown reason and am right now very sleepy, but I got work to do, so I'm still awake.Anyways, during the time I couldn't sleep, I was debating with myself if I was ever getting a portable should it be a PSP or a DS, but I think I finally weighed out that I would like a PSP because of the confirmation of Skype and more "powerful" games on the PSP than on the DS.xboxrulz
  16. Alright, so merry Christmas to those who were celebrating it yesterday!xboxrulz
  17. Also, a point to add here is that UNIX is the next common base for operating systems after Windows NT. MacOS X, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Xenix and a whole lot more!) Linux is just a clone of UNIX, but contains 0 UNIX kernel code.xboxrulz
  18. Alright, thanks for the heads up. That's very reasonable, so I guess we don't need to upgrade. However, the load spikes still frustrates me a lot. xboxrulz
  19. actually, for me, nothing works. cPanel, HTML, PHP, CGI ... nothing!At the time of writing, the CPU is overloading, HTTPd has just crashed and so did MySQL.xboxrulz
  20. aren't u a bit too late ... lol. Christmas was last last week.xboxrulz
  21. well, I have been having these problems for 2-3 days straight and these things shouldn't happen if the server wasn't that crowded.and yes, it is THAT ancient.I love Xisto, but please, this is ridiculous!At the time of writing now, the server went down again.xboxrulz
  22. Alright, this is becoming a major problem. For the past few days, the Gamma server has been overloading a lot. The server has reached a load peak of 14.92 thus disabling services like PHP, CGI and have even shut down MySQL once. This is as big of a problem as XBOX Live having problems from the past few days. At the time of writing, Gamma's httpd has crashed. Just as a suggestion, Xisto needs to update the HTTP server software, Apache 1.3.33 is ancient. The latest stable version is 2.2.6. xboxrulz
  23. People no longer even call portable music players anymore, they call it iPods. The name has now just been implanted to everyone that it is THE portable music player. xboxrulz
  24. Thanks for your timely response there OpaQue.However, something doesn't add up, why was the server also overloading today? It peaked over 24.xx which caused a lot of services down. Everybody's MySQL went down and no one can really access their scripts except HTML for a good hour.xboxrulz
  25. I always support open source software, so I will suggest you MinGW, it's a Windows version of GCC. GCC is the basis of Linux programming (you must use GCC if you want to compile it without a problem on Linux and other unices). GCC is GNU's C compiler. It is free and 100% open source! http://www.mingw.org/ The GCC website: http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/ xboxrulz
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