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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. There are comparisons QSF vs. PHPBB now: http://forums.quicksilverforums.com/index.php?a=topic&t=319 xboxrulz
  2. I always prefer custom built. They run to my liking...xboxrulz
  3. for me, it's desktop because the only thing I need laptop is for my school work or whenever I travel. Yet, when I play games, or compilation, desktop is my choice. It's expandable. Laptop is not.xboxrulz
  4. never knew that Intels were safe to overclock... AMD is surely clockable, but Intel?xboxrulz
  5. I agree with empty calorie. Also, I want to say that running Macs can also enable you to use UNIX software. You can compile and run Linux software too! Which you can't do that on Windows natively.That's if you want to do something like that...xboxrulz
  6. Norton GoBack/Ghost is a bootloader, it will not work w/ Linux.I don't trust the Norton GoBack, it ate my computer.xboxrulz
  7. try to reinstall Windows. Windows usually fail. It's the only thing Windows is famous for. BSoDs and crashes.xboxrulz
  8. I love Firefox but when I'm on the run, I use Konqueror which is included on my KDE package. I only use Konqueror on my laptop, but I usually use Firefox on my desktop. I love when softwares go cross-platform :huh:xboxrulz
  9. there's only one obvious answer and that is: NO Microsoft Office is a commercial software, same with Windows XP. Try OpenOffice instead, it's free and downloadable: http://www.openoffice.org/ xboxrulz
  10. NVIDIA GeForce 6600 (AGP 8x), and no, I don't buy ATi even though its cheaper in Canada (cause ATI is a Canadian company, so there's not much import tax). Anyways, I have NVIDIA because it's easy to configure and its Linux supported. Plus, I find it better than ATI because I've seen tonnes of glitches on ATi (by looking at my cousin's machine).I run SuSE Linux 10.0 (main) and Windows XP (games).
  11. same, DivX is currently the best and widely used. I've seen movie clips that were compressed in H.263, it's not bad and unstable, but it's not popular that's all...xboxrulz
  12. try to run the checkdisc with WINE, it may work. Also, Half-Life/Steam works on Linux, why would you want to run it on Windows?xboxrulz
  13. OSS is better since u don't need commercial software. Java and flash r still installed by default on OSS.xboxrulz
  14. well, of course, there may be heating issues (none reported by my friends and teachers). Also, it's pretty obvious when your overclock the CPU to 2.8. The usual is 2.4 Ghz with normal cooling.xboxrulz
  15. I'll take the 1 GHZ FSB because your FSB also contributes to more speed.xboxrulz
  16. for people who loves to type command lines:del <filename>xboxrulz
  17. of course Java first, it's easier to learn with, yet Java isn't really that much machine-optimized either....xboxrulz
  18. OSS stands for Open Source Software. I, myself downloaded the OSS version. I think that's more suitable for home use. I think the eval is for more commercial uses.xboxrulz
  19. For me? IT MUST BE FROZEN-BUBBLE!! , my classmates are also addicted to it after I introduced it to them by sometimes letting them play on my laptop. Frozen Bubble was originally written for Linux, but it has been ported to Windows/Mac and other UNIX based OS. http://www.frozen-bubble.org/ '> http://www.frozen-bubble.org/ xboxrulz
  20. I just got back home from school, and then I read that there are millions of posts now... anyways...About upgrading software, Mandriva wants you to join their subscription service, so that they can earn money from you. Therefore things like KDE and other basic updates are hard to obtain in RPM files, unless you download from their subscription servers.SuSE IS NOT a Server distribution, but it's flexible to do so. SuSE is a desktop distribution.As for your NTFS drives, you would be able to only read them as the NTFS driver isn't suitable to have read-write access.Also, when choosing a filesystem on Linux, I would recommend using XFS. Although designed for servers, it's great for desktop uses too. (Especially if you're also a gamer )Good luck with your Linux "fun"*If I missed anything, I'll get to it sooner or later ;)xboxrulz
  21. sorry if I seem to be like "endorsed by Novell" or something but, I always tell everyone to use SuSE.The reason why is because SuSE has been proven to be a world leader in newb world and techie world. It combines the two of them. The power of a techie and the ease of use of a newb.The YaST2 (Yet another Setup Tool) simplifies the installation alot, especially if you're new to UNIX/Linux world.As for your drives. It could be left intact. The difference you would see is that they would be in different mount points. If your paritions are all formatted in Windows as FAT32, SuSE or even Mandriva would usually mount it in /windows/c (and etc.)If you want to use Mandriva. They are great, but in order to upgrade something as simple as KDE, the only way to do that is if you're in their Mandriva Club (subscription service), which irritates people. Else, you can also compile it if you have the boldness.Anyways, for the Mandriva installer disc, as Yordan pointed out: you need the i586 version and NOT the AMD 64 versions.Good luck and welcome to the world of Linux and Open Source Software.On behalf of the open source community, thanks for using Linux.xboxrulz
  22. try doing this rpm -ivh (rpm prefix)*example:rpm -ivh amarok-*that should resolve it. Also, to make life easier, please use a 2.6 based distribution as the 2.4 Linux kernels are outdated and not really supported.xboxrulz
  23. i c, thanks for the details. Learned something new :)xboxrulz
  24. here's an easier way:Click Start --> Run --> type "control userpasswords2" (remove the quotes)xboxrulz
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