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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. HARRAH!!! YAY!! HOOAH! the 360 beast is out! Poor PS fans need to wait for PS3 to come out in 2007 :)xboxrulz
  2. could be true, but as most propbably know that the x86 processor, for Windows or not is still far less "awesome" than the PPC (IBM), that's also why Microsoft swapped their Intel processors for the IBM PPC triple core.xboxrulz
  3. Well, I'm interested on setting up a Jabber network, but I don't have any extra hardware laying around to set it up at home. I was wondering if there are free servers that let me make Jabber available to the world.xboxrulz
  4. used to be MN, now it's Jabber, but I don't know anyone who uses Jabber.I love Jabber because multiple servers can contact anyone from any service. Everyone can set up their own instant messaging systemxboxrulz
  5. actually, capital punishment drives up crime. I did a debate project on capital punishment Also, why is Capital Punishment have anything to do w/ science/tech?xboxrulz
  6. some even thinks that Bill gates is a genius ... lol xboxrulz
  7. none, u can't skin Windows without extra software. That's why it sucks. KDE on the other hand is skinnable without extra software.xboxrulz
  8. well, Thumbs.db is a small database that Windows XP uses to remember your thumbnails and how big they are. They then store it to these small db files. It's not a real problem, just don't use the thumbnail feature then :)xboxrulz
  9. not surprising. I don't like Ubuntu because it's annoying. It's debian configurator keeps overriding my manual configurations, which I need for running some games on my computer. Also, since it's Ubuntu, regular users can't open up extra X windows,(xinit /usr/local/games/[gamename]/[game] -- : 1) which makes me wonder, how is this a bad thing? It's actually better than if the game crashes and you losing all of your programs, like running Mercury Messenger and Skype in the background.After thinking for a while and returned back to SuSE Linux and have stuck to it since.I don't like gentoo because there's too much configuration needed and the compilation takes forever.xboxrulz
  10. lol, everyone (well, mainly newbs) would just tell u to use Ubuntu. I can tell them to use any existing ones and tell them to help further develop it.xboxrulz
  11. Hatim is right, there are a surplus of Linux distributions out there already. Too much is NOT a good idea. Try maintaining Ubuntu, OpenSuSE.xboxrulz
  12. Well, this is definitely not surprising. Windows already shows the problem when the user is using the operating system from the start.xboxrulz
  13. Well, I can tell you that SuSE 10.0 is definitely better than SLES 9.xboxrulz
  14. I assume you're running Linux, so check that your sound system not being blocked by other programs.xboxrulz
  15. for me (since in Hong Kong, I have an ADSL line), I go to the YaST control panel, then click Network, then click DSL, click PPPOE, then add my username and password. Voila, done.On KDE: Right click the power cord botton next to the battery monitor (if u have one), then press connect.You're then connected.xboxrulz
  16. Get SuSE 10.0 because it works like a server and workstation, you can choose between them.xboxrulz
  17. Yup, those are the correct step, for me, it's taking a 120 GB HDD, split 65 GB to Linux and the rest to Windows ;)xboxrulz
  18. For me slow is anything under 800 MHz and a machine that takes over 2 min. to boot up. So, my laptop falls under that category, that's why I chose SuSE over Debian, because I find that Debian's kernel isn't as fast as the SuSE's build and I still get an APT-GET repository using RPM instead.xboxrulz
  19. it's not Megahurts (pun intended). Anyways, I would recommend Damn Small Linux because your system isn't really good with memory hogging Linux distribution. KDE is almost like the Windows XP API. GNOME is worst, it's slower.xboxrulz
  20. actually, SuSE 10.0 doesn't wipe out your hard drive, it automatically shrinks the Windows partition and create a ReiserFS partition (I usually change it to XFS because I load and write a lot of things when I use my computer.)xboxrulz
  21. SuSE, definitely SUSEand empty calorie, both Fedora and SuSE are free (both source and price), you can get it for free.xboxrulz
  22. yes, it's just like the WINE project, Linux doesn't support Microsoft and thus Microsoft doesn't support Linux either.xboxrulz
  23. well, quantum physics, hmmm... I believe it because they have actually got a computer that calculates in quantum mode. Instead of using 0s and 1s, they use qubits which calculates 0 or 1 or 01 or 10 at the same instance.xboxrulz
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