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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. try reinstalling the kernel module, or download it off AMD's website or ASUS's website.xboxrulz
  2. Opera, Firefox, Safari and Konqueror beats Internet Explorer anyday. Microsoft products are becoming more unreliable as they go down the chute because all they care is the money that people invest on crappy software.xboxrulz
  3. kinda not true, look at the gaming industry. The only way you can sell the games is if you have a great game. When you sell software, you must write great software, but now, why do people pay for crappy software?Wutsky, on SuSE Linux all RPM files can be installed/uninstalled graphically, no command line work.Dependency is what drives some people away from Linux. xboxrulz
  4. e17 is a window manager, and it is not GNOME, what's w/ u guys saying that everything is a fork of GNOME, GNOME isn't that great.IMO, I like KDE better.xboxrulz
  5. Well, you can download the DivX library from MPlayer and you can play it with a MPlayer compatible player or any player that only needs its core library and nothing fancy.xboxrulz
  6. i bet this Service Pack 3 is as crappy as Service Pack 2, the only viable Service Pack was 1.xboxrulz
  7. so, what's the point having the OS boot faster and login slower, you still can't use the computer at that rate.xboxrulz
  8. true, but remember the X server? KDE? GNOME?, users now DO NOT need to use the command line to do stuff. It is now optional. Linux could be configured by a newb using YaST (SuSE), Anaconda (Fedora Core). Linux is no longer hard to configure, people have spent who knows how many hours to make it easier for other users. Linux has came from a server-oriented OS to desktop system. Soon, Linux software can be found in stores. Installing the NVIDIA drivers isn't really hard (on SuSE): DONE! The only thing I don't like about Linux is that its software depends on too much shared library, sometimes pisses me off cause sometimes I install it at school, when I forgot to install an app that I need on my laptop, and I don't have that much time to search for the depenency (this is the only thing I don't like about Linux). xboxrulz
  9. just set XMMS to use the ALSA sound driver (the newest default sound system, included in 2.6.x kernel) instead of OSS (the deprecated, old, crappy soundsystem that can only play 1 program @ a time)xboxrulz
  10. Well, please keep in mind that Linux is NOT a Windows replacement, it's an alternative. If you just want to use it because that it's almost virus proof, then you DON'T WANT Linux. Linux is for people who want to learn how to use the operating system, learn how things work, and best of all, know how to actually use a computer.xboxrulz
  11. butch is right, the Aero desktop environment (as it's just called Aero by Microsoft) is going to be too memory hogging anyways. KDE, in contrast is developing KDE4 less memory hogging and almost as iCandy as possible :mellow:xboxrulz
  12. lol, actually it maybe all. New kernels may spark up new OSes, like the Mach sparked the Hurd, Linux sparked Linux (ironically). Merging FreeBSD and Mach's kernel came up as MacOS X.xboxrulz
  13. well, usually, Microsoft doesn't create its own stuff, usually stolen or bought off from.xboxrulz
  14. I agree with qwijibow, it is not as good as Microsoft makes it sound like, after u press login, it might still take 2 minutes, in contrast. SuSE Linux 10.0 has now cut down Linux's boot up time from 3 min to about 1 min.xboxrulz
  15. OpenSUSE has a Mac version for it's 10.0 series. I highly recommend it, it supports my laptop's WinModem very very well.xboxrulz
  16. the Linux kernel 2.4.x is less stable, IMO. 2.6.x, is much much better, it has improved feature and failsafes.xboxrulz
  17. just did, it crashes immediately once I install my NVIDIA driver and run a game. User-friendly? Nope, I had to crack down to it's registry and system files, and still couldn't figure out what the problem is because I have no access to the source code to fix the problem.xboxrulz
  18. another reason why Windows is a bad OS is because their programmers aren't the smartest either, if they had been a smart good programmer, they didn't need to make the OS bloat. When you have a bloat OS, it's easy to be infiltrated and can be leaked. Linux, and other FOSS in contrast are liteweighted because the programmers around the world know how to program litely. The reason (@ least me) for targeting Windows as the bad one, because seriously, a computer is NOT just a tool, it's a learning environment, entertainment, you DO need to know how to run it, and people's connotation of having it just run is a bad idea, that is why evil corporations will brainwash these people and slave them forever. I'm not targeting it because it is the most popular and I'm envious about it, I seriously do think that Macs and FOSS operating system is way better and also let the user actually know and control the computer.xboxrulz
  19. I'm not saying that Linus ripped off Minix, I'm trying to say that it was like or considered "Minix on steroids" because it wasn't that different from Minix until 1993-4. IMO, I don't call it an operating system if it still looks close to what the one it inspired by. It has to be different so it can be called an operating system, or else it's called a distribution of the original.xboxrulz
  20. funny, my experiences with Windows is completely opposite, and I do help out manage my dad's company's computer and it IS the exact opposite. Windows is by far the worst operating system I have seen and used. It crashes often, Microsoft Office generate weird errors, Windows XP reports a problem while there were none, Windows XP has an underlying spyware built by the corporation itself to monitor what programs you have on the computer. Windows has a poor permission system that can be broken through if the person tries to do it. I secure it like any other, but why o why does it keep failing? I have been fed up with Windows since when I was 8 years old. I have the latest antivirus scanner, antispyware, pop-up blocker and anything people to do to secure their computer.The reason why people use this kind of trash is because it is known to many people, some are force to use the crappy operating system because most of the software written out there are for this piece of crap. Drivers sometimes don't co-operate with Windows XP on a new installation (funny, eh?). I just don't get how many people take out CAD $120 for this piece of crap and help this illegal business practicing corporation to do more evil things. They try to squash competition so that you will only use their operating system. Vista will degrade OpenGL performance on purpose because they want manufacturers to only make their cards for DirectX and squash OpenGL, rendering other operating systems helpless.Other things wrong about this OS is that it makes the user kinda dumb and not knowing how to use the computer. Point and click which was developed by XEROX and Apple, was stolen by Microsoft and made people around the world to be lazy (yet useful), but people rely on it too much. Microsoft is practically not letting you use the computer, it's just suggesting what you should do. It is chaffeuring you, you're not actually using the computer, you're just telling Windows to do the dirty work for you. What does that mean? Ignorance. It maybe good for a short period, but when something happens like a BSoD, you don't know what to do. Linux and other FOSS will eventually teach you how a computer work and you can fix the problem, so you don't need to get frustrated. This is all for free. Compared to the frustration when you acutally paid for the software.Remember, the GUI was just a helper, not a reliance in order to make the computer work, which Microsoft has made most people to do. This also harm people who is more computer-oriented a bad name because they think we know to much and tag us as nerds or geeks; when really they are the ones who don't know what they are doing.Why do pro-Windows users think Linux is just jealous that Windows has more users and Windows is the uber operating system?Linux is never jealous of Windows having more users, the goal of Linux is not to have it on every desktop system, it is for people who want to actually use a computer rather having been chaffeured around. Also, Linux is also for people who are willing to learn how to be independent and acutally learn how to use a computer. Windows could be the uber operating system, if it had the GUI as an option, that it has a better core instead of the DOS or NT core, if it had a better permission, and file system. If it doesn't have a software built-in to check on you and most importantly the highly useless Windows Genuine Advantage (clearly, it's not for the consumer's advantage). Also, the disadvantage of Windows is that it takes too much maintenance just to run a simple operating system that really chaffeurs you. Linux and other FOSS only requires you to set it up (there are vendors who ease this process by at least 90% like Linspire, Mandriva, SuSE, Fedora Core, Ubuntu) and then you rarely need to maintain the operating system unless you were doing experiments (highly dangerous ones) or if your hard drive is full. You don't need to maintain your computer if you were just using your computer as a gaming, internet or a workstation.That is why Windows, IMO, is a bad operating system. Sorry if I looped some ideas.That's what I have to say for now. If it doesn't make sense, please quote it and I'll try to rephrase it, I dun try to have my grammar all correct on forums.xboxrulz
  21. lol, they can promise, but do they have it working to show to the public? It is nearly impossible for Windows to boot up that fast because it takes quite awhile for Windows to load the system files during the boot-up before the login. If this would actually work, you might as well get a dual core processor because the current AMD and Intel processors cannot multitask like what they promised, and may actually take you 3 - 5 minutes to fully login and able to use the system.xboxrulz
  22. It only happens to Windows though, I tried reinstalling the driver and DirectX, and there were no better results, still hangs the machine. I thought it was a Windows 2000 error, but it also happens on XP.xboxrulz
  23. actually, depending on the distro, it is usually compiled for i586 :sxboxrulz
  24. well, I haven't used a 2.4.x kernel since the last release on SuSE (which included a 2.4.x, I think it was 9.0), anyways, this never happens on on SuSE Linux 9.3xboxrulz
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