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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Well, there is one thing Vista can do that Windows XP can't really do yet, eat up your resources and the new DRM system being built-in.xboxrulz
  2. My name seem to only say that I'm the only one on the Internet with this name and I like how my name is "unique". It lists that I'm a Berlios Project Developer and that I've posted feedback on CNET News.xboxrulz
  3. Just like how I study French, keep reading and try memorising as much as possible.Latin, I don't consider as a fully ceased language. There are still potential. A few include:- Latin is the basis for at least 5 of the world's main languages. English, French, Spanish, German and Italian.- Latin is interchangable, making translations between the Big 5 Languages.- If you know Latin, and if you are a Linux freak like me, you can send an email and talk to Linus B. Torvalds about techie business. He did say that he studied Latin and would love to talk to anyone in Latin...anyways, good luck!xboxrulz
  4. I only fry newbs depends on the situation. I only fry them if they asked very basic Windows questions, like "how do you change the wallpaper?"It is because it's so simple and basic in the decade of 2000. If it was 1985, I wouldn't blame them.I welcome and help as many "newbs" as possible. I also sometimes act as if I was a newb in computer stores. Like at BestBuy or in the Hong Kong Computer Convention (although some people couldn't believe how a newb is in a computer convention...)I think frying n00bs are a way of bullying. Instead in the physical playground, they do it in the cyber playground. Furthermore, I hate when people talk in 1337 5P33K, it irritates me and looking at them if they were some premature prehistoric cave men trying to speak English, or so we think. Another point is how did 1337 5P33K even caught in a "fad" or "trend" in the cyber world. It makes some other techie look bad. Especially if the techie is a student at high school. People will make fun of them chanting "I AM A HAXXORZ, I'm SO L33T!!!" and etc. Although none of these happen in my school, but I feel bad as a high school student techie to see another being taunted for 4 years like this.xboxrulz
  5. I don't the market and consumers are ready for such product. Seriously, who would have a movie that is 23-25 GB big?9 GB is already called big. Games like HALO 2 already reside on these discs. Games on my HDD don't even use this capacity.Furthermore, I think it just makes it a waste of material to make a 23-25 GB Blu-Ray discxboxrulz
  6. set your subdomain to redirect over to the invisionfree board, it's that simple.xboxrulz
  7. Ok, here's some of my evaluation from a non-bias stance (although it is hard as I'm a die-hard Linux user and try to truely live in a M$ free environment, excluding the XBOX/XBOX 360 and its games) Pros: - seems like Microsoft knows my main weakness in a computer software... tonnes of eye-candies, I simply can't stop staring at them. I hate stuff that are boring and blah. I like crystal like stuff, all around... Maybe that's why I like KDE more.. w/e. - seems to be more organised than Windows XP - Windows built-in Antivirus and Antispyware. - New feature called "Phishing" scan and detection - Windows Media Player 11 - Windows Messenger Live! 8 Cons: - Since I don't have first hand experience of Windows Vista Beta 2, I've heard that it's still as unstable as Windows XP final (Codename: Whistler). - Internet Explorer is sadly installed. - maybe they overdid the transparency thing a little too much. - Is this even needed by anyone? or is it one of those useless features that they think that it's worth it to bloat the operating system and waste my disc space for it?: - Windows Vista still looks very alike with Windows XP. All of these thoughts are based on screenshots taken by Paul Thurrott 's WinSuperSite xboxrulz
  8. AMD's processors are more energy efficient than Intels anyways...xboxrulz
  9. I would say Novell's SuSE is doing better than the RedHat/Fedora family. Fedora is now filled with pot-holes and such.xboxrulz
  10. want a widow, but if that was CAD $3500 it's a closer step for me to get it , but I don't have that kind of money even if it's in Canadian Dollars. It's a great dream though, I must say :huh:xboxrulz
  11. lol, a very good idea, but I don't have a Windows server. I run a Windows desktop though (forced because of the gaming issue and some hardware issue)Yet, I do run mainly on Linux.xboxrulz
  12. unimatrix. IBM wasn't the reason why so many people use Linux. The real reason was RedHat.If it wasn't for RedHat, many people would still use Windows and the infestation would already covered the world.One real life example is my dad's office. When he was planning to get a server, if it wasn't for the RedHat "ad" mail and HP's "ad" mail, then he would've landed and used a Windows server.xboxrulz
  13. twitch, QSF is both light and feature packed. Think of it as Damn Small Linux. It's feature packed, small, and fast. All the features are listed here: http://www.quicksilverforums.com/features.html xboxrulz
  14. For me, it doesn't really matter how long my computer shutsdown, it's not like I have to stare at my machine turning off.All I care is that it boots up faster. xboxrulz
  15. nice article there divya, but from my experience, I liked Wine 0.9.1 better than CrossOver Office 5.0 because they both do the same thing, but Wine does it for free and open source.xboxrulz
  16. Yes, but in KDE, you still required to have the HAL daemon running. If not, it WILL NOT work. You must have KDE 3.5 and KsCD 1.5 installed too.xboxrulz
  17. really, why couldn't u install the latest Damn Small Linux so that you won't run into old kernel problems?xboxrulz
  18. WarRock is a great FPS, not much to the quality of Battlefield 2, but close enough.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. why can't they just make the drivers a module. NVIDIA had their driver a module instead of a built-in kernel driver. This causes less crashes on the OS. It is true that Windows' drivers uses kernel built-ins, that's why it crashes so much.Since Linux's modulisation API is rarely changed, then why are hardware makers so fussy over Linux?xboxrulz
  20. CLI can be handy on software installations and graphic card driver installation, but I don't think CLI is great for everything. Also, I think with Linux's superior security system, I don't think any virus could really run on it.That's just my opinion...xboxrulz
  21. Jdz, you're right now talking about video, I thought that this was a topic on sound card. I agree with the empty calorie since yes, on board audio and a sound card shouldn't make a huge difference except for the MIDI features that a sound card may supply.So, therefore, all you need is really a great graphics card and a standard onboard sound chip.xboxrulz
  22. I like the apt-get manager. It works with RPM, DEB and now even TGZ, the slackware way to install. It's a large step forward to Linux unity. I say, kep up the great work! :huh:xboxrulz
  23. really? supermarkets now sell computers? that's new... anyways, I'm glad more people are using Linux. It'll be the greater good for humankind. It'll also boost more software support for us Linux users.Having noobs are not a bad thing. It's only a bad thing if they don't want to earn anything.That's my opinion anyways...xboxrulz
  24. never had that problem. My computer is 2.5 Ghz and it's 3 years old. It's a Pentium 4 too.xboxrulz
  25. a soundcard is only needed if you don't have a sound chip in your motherboard.xboxrulz
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