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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. tracert is also a great command line in Windows: Example: tracert google.ca and net send. It's a great tool to send messages between computers, but it can be annoying. It's great for sending April Fools jokes too xboxrulz
  2. well, YOU HAVE TO BE MORE SPECIFIC about YOUR HARDWARE as it is NOT found on the HP website:
  3. ok, my laptop that I bring to school runs on Linux and I have Eclipse installed on it, but my school's computers run on Windows and have JBuilder. Are they compatible to each other?Thanks,xboxrulz
  4. Here in Toronto, Canada, computer programming is just another job, like a doctor, lawyer, whatever. It's just another way to make money. I won't say that it's so good that it's like the CSA (Canadian Space Agency) or something.xboxrulz
  5. yup Menuet OS, yet how fast is it on that laptop when you run Menuet OS?xboxrulz
  6. My science teacher's XBOX 360 ran fine while playing HALO2 with me on XBOX Live! He said that none of his 360 games crashes on him and system link and everything else worked.Therefore, I don't know where's the glitches from....xboxrulz
  7. well the 64 bit version just got released :)xboxrulz
  8. I use SuSE 10 on my main computer and Kubuntu 5.10 on my laptop.xboxrulz
  9. Ubuntu or Kubuntu are great distros for the PPC architecture.xboxrulz
  10. true that Microsoft is doing business. Yet why illegally and presurring even the government to only use their product and block out the competition. Also, they are making people "mind-controlled" by Microsoft.xboxrulz
  11. Yet, why is there so many people need to know how to learn how a car works in order to drive it on the streets and do not need to learn to use a computer? Both are just machines.Plus, you don't have to learn everything to the core. It's still easy for the person to just at least know more than what Microsoft does for you. It limits your learning capacity.The thing that irrates me the most, is that some people learn about most of Windows and call themselves an expert while still, 3/4 of everything is hidden and done for them.xboxrulz
  12. Please refer back to http://forums.xisto.com/topic/8693-topic/ Thanks, xboxrulz
  13. @ akijikan: The PS3 specs are not finalized and is mere speculation based on the only prototype made. This PS3 business is still more an idea than a working machine. You have also forgot about the embedded D-RAM... So what, that the NVIDIA RSX chip runs @ 550MHZ with NO CACHE WHATSOEVER. It's still slow compared to the XBOX 360's ATI chip that has a 10MB cache, NEVER HEARD OF IN THE COMPUTING INDUSTRY. 10MB IS ALREADY A LOT. Plus, which one is better? Having 3 seperate processor doing a great job? (one for AI, one for graphics, one for general processing) or 1 processor that does everything. Remember, the more processing a processor does, drags down performance. Which is really bad.So you might ask, 2 Teraflops versus 1 Teraflops. Ok, let me explain, but first please re-read what my last couple sentences of the 1st paragraph. So what if you're 1 Teraflops faster? You are only 1 teraflop faster on 1 CPU. When you measure teraflops, you measure each processor. So, if XBOX360 has 3 processors than that would be 3 teraflops over PS3's 1 processor 2 teraflop.Also for eager PS3 fans you can't get a new PS system until late 2006-early 2007 as they haven't got one that is "working". Plus, they still got tonnes of testing to do before saying that the CELL processor is done. It's kind of still experimental.xboxrulz
  14. PCI is a shared port. It shares the same bus as your network card, soundcard and what not, even your modem. AGP (Advance Graphics Port), the older dedicated port for graphics, it has it's own bus, and it's speed is MUCH better than PCI. PCI-E, the new dedicated port for graphics, built on top of the old PCI technology. The difference this time is that PCI-E is currently used only for graphic cards. It is around 5x-10x faster than AGP in the bandwidth. Therefore, having the ability to add better framerates and pixel fill-ins.xboxrulz
  15. funny, I took only 2 hours to install SuSE Linux and Windows side by side. It took me 3 weeks to understand the basics and got the hang. Then I took a year to master the skills including editing configuration files, drawing diagrams to make my understanding easier to review on, but that's just me.With all due respects, your grandmother can also use Linux even when she barely knows how to operate a computer. Just set up an account on, for example SuSE Linux and tell them to double click "Konqueror" or any other browser you recommend, and blam! Easy access for emails. Fast and easy ;)As what phrame said, the "gold platter" isn't really that far away , you just need some patience ;)xboxrulz
  16. If I were u I'll take the GF 7800XT compared to the Radeon X1300.xboxrulz
  17. LOL, compared to what I do to use my computer when I want to compile something:lscd <sourcecodedir>./configuremakemake installmake cleanhow hard is that? or how hard is it to type:rpm -ivh <packagename>rpm -e <packagename>This is AS easy as 123. Linux is easy, you just need patience.xboxrulz
  18. I agree with curare. Microsoft is so powerful that it goes over the laws of business and do price targetting and other illegal things. Furthermore, they're so powerful that they can squeeze OpenGL out of the market and let the alternative OS to suffer since less developers would use OpenGL over DirectX because Microsoft is limiting on what Vista renders. More DirectX than OpenGL.xboxrulz
  19. well, all computer software is hard to start with. I had some problems getting Windows 98 working when I was 8.Same thing with Linux, I had to learn the command line and how KDE worked in 3 months 2 years ago. Now, I know the gist of how the X server and the Linux core stuff works.People just need to know alternatives. Some people bash me saying Linux is bad because it's all command lines, which is completely wrong. I bring my laptop to school to take down notes and to show to the school that aside from Windows and MacOS, there IS an alternative that people can use. Namely, Linux.I've been in this movement since the start of Grade 9 for me.xboxrulz
  20. u guys have a point but I find this kind of weird, that's all..xboxrulz
  21. sorry, there aren't any legal ways to do this. You might be able to order it off from Microsoft...xboxrulz
  22. Based on Mercury Board, Quicksilver Forums. It is faster than any other forum software out there and its sleek in design. It is totally GPLed and guaranteed that it WILL never turn into a commercial product. xboxrulz
  23. Well, I want to know how many people here like one over the other. I vote for OpenGL because it's the industry standard, it performs better and that it is cross platform :)xboxrulz
  24. I don't like to complain when it comes to things that are free, but isn't it not fair when people who never post but have to show ads get 333MB of space while we slave away on the Xisto forum and only get 150MB?Sorry for the complaining but I just want to know why...xboxrulz
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