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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Recently, I was working on my science project on Transportation of Toronto (since I'm from Toronto) and I borrowed The TTC Story - The First Seventy-Five Years The above is quoted from my blog. xboxrulz
  2. using the sudo command, you can install RPMs, and most people install from trusted sources (i hope)xboxrulz
  3. Linux was used to be distributed using floppies before CD existed. It held gcc, kernel and very basic tools.xboxrulz
  4. lol, Windows, elite, quite funny. As for viruses, they can't crash a whole system unless it was ran on the root account.xboxrulz
  5. A very weird thing happened at the Tokyo Zoo: Source: Yahoo! Canada News xboxrulz
  6. yup, I got a FireFront account before they introduced the file hosting portion.gnutux.filefront.com is my filefront subdomain.xboxrulz
  7. Whenever I run any Windows-based computer, I would want to dismantle it piece by piece while the machine is turned on . Except I can't do this as it is vandalism.xboxrulz
  8. well, MacBook Pro is already out. My friend got 2xboxrulz
  9. well, remember, Linux is just a kernel. It can go as small as 512 MB.xboxrulz
  10. well, this is a proof that Microsoft has been brainwashing people to only use Windows and nothing else. They'll just be afraid to use a Mac/Linux or any other Windows competitor.It's pure FUD that M$ spread...xboxrulz
  11. Welcome to the Linux community (although I don't like Xandros). For the record, SuSE is never unstable for me at least. I've used it since I switched to Linux.xboxrulz
  12. I rather think Microsoft is going out of business, but due to their vendor locking, they'll never. What a pity! *sighs*I have cheered for Apple since when I was 6 :Dxboxrulz
  13. I just re-took the test and finally got SuSE as the main answer, lolxboxrulz
  14. maybe I'm wrong on the BIOS, but why would they release a laptop without a modem? There's still hotels around the world still using dial-up.xboxrulz
  15. wow, that's a stupid as Canada's Marijuana Party. We know that barely anyone would vote for some party like this...xboxrulz
  16. I don't think this applies to Canadians, or anyone around the world except Americans.At least I know, for now, it's legal in Canada because our constitution only states what you cannot do, and not like how the US do the opposite.Therefore, I'm not directly involved...xboxrulz
  17. interesting. As far as I know, in Canada or specifically in the Province of Ontario, you need a special licence. I think it's called the M-Class licence.xboxrulz
  18. Author Problem 1: Not everyone lives in the US, therefore the acts don't directly apply to usAuthor Problem 2: Hotmail has been reading our messages since like 1997.xboxrulz
  19. haha..very funny :Dactually, that kid can run 3 copies of Half-Life 2, and have room to run 1 copy of Battlefield 2 whilst it load (if you watched the "Decline of Gaming", you'll understand.)xboxrulz
  20. I like the new designs, but not the specs. I always opted for IBM based chips because they run better . I love the RISC than the CISC. There ARE couple of things missing on the MacBook Pro. Such features left out are: BIOS, modem, and floppy.xboxrulz
  21. If you get the Intel-based Macs, it is said that it could run Windows on the Mac.Yet, I could be wrong.xboxrulz
  22. In my opinion, this test is far too far-fetched. It told me to get Mandriva. I clearly like SuSE better.xboxrulz
  23. lol, I agree, but the only time I start "flaming" people is when people are closed minded about their computing skills. You can unlock many skills if you know how to "properly" operate a computer.xboxrulz
  24. lol, you never know if Intel employees lurk around their website.xboxrulz
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