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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. wow, you guys are really in deep water, now, I don't know about your public school system, but here in Toronto, we don't offer free web hosting off school servers.xboxrulz
  2. I completely ditched Microsoft Office and no longer support people who uses M$ Office. (I don't even own a business, or earn money from it anyways) as part of Operation BMS (Ban Micro$oft)I like the ODF better than the MS formats, they are smaller too. As for being slower, yes they are a bit slower (especially when I run it on my laptop)xboxrulz
  3. actually, the X800 series is the equivalent of 6800. I'll choose NVIDIA since it's friendly to most OSes.xboxrulz
  4. What's the point? XBOX 360 is already partially water-cooled. It uses water cooling technology for its processors in the first place.xboxrulz
  5. Today, two teenagers were street-racing in Toronto, killing a 43-year old taxi driver. The police found a copy of Need for Speed in one of the driver's front seat. The teenagers were racing two Mercedes Benzes. Source:The Toronto Star xboxrulz
  6. why don't we just ask the Mozilla Foundation to write Mr.Gates a little letter.xboxrulz
  7. There is still a Marijuana Party and they are NEVER elected for safety and sane reasons. :)The reason for creation was to legalize marijuana.xboxrulz
  8. There is still a Marijuana Party and they are NEVER elected for safety and sane reasons. :)The reason for creation was to legalize marijuana.xboxrulz
  9. Well, some of us, here are Canadian. Just in case they don't know the results yet. Here they are: Seat Changes: 1. Conservatives: 124 seats, change from 2004: 99, percent in change: +25.3% 2. Liberals: 103 seats, change from 2004: 135, percent in change: -23.7% 3. Bloc Québécois: 51 seats, change from 2004: 75. percent in change: -5.6% 4. New Democratic Party (NDP): 29 seats, change from 2004: 19, percent in change: +52.6% Popular Vote: 1. Conservatives: 5,370,903, percent of total: 36.3%, change from 2004: +6.6% 2. Liberals: 4,477,217, percent of total: 30.2%, change from 2004: -6.5% 3. Bloc Québécois: 1,552,043, percent of total: 10.5%, change from 2004: -1.9% 4. New Democratic Party (NDP): 2,590,808, percent in total: 17.5%, change from 2004: +1.8% Winner Conservative Party of Canada Source: Wikipedia In my opinion, I rather have the Liberals winning than the Conservatives, never liked them in the first place. My first choice is the Green Party of Canada. xboxrulz
  10. If you're willing to rish trying Gnash, an opensource version of Flash, they are still under heavy development. http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/ xboxrulz
  11. I understand you clearly unimatrix, but one think that I disagree about Linux costs too much to support is that when you support more than one distribution, all you need to do is that your software isn't fancy and always depends on multiple libraries that you know for sure that it's different on each system.Furthurmore, look at OpenOffice, it's cross-platform, it works on Linux too... why? it doesn't tug on funny libraries.xboxrulz
  12. you can try Krita, which is part of KOffice, or as others say, try GIMP! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.gimp.org/ Else, you can install WINE and get Photoshop installed. https://www.winehq.org/ xboxrulz
  13. I think it still worth a try to try it regardless if Adobe's Flash player is free. It's not opensource. Yet, Gnash is.xboxrulz
  14. A new open source version of Flash Player and maybe Flash (builder) is in development. It will be licenced under the GPL v3 and it's built by GNU. Source: http://www.internetnews.com/ xboxrulz
  15. well, it's a matter of choice right. For instance, I like everyone to share my code, but I don't like people taking my code and then make money off it.Maybe you like it, but I surely don't :)xboxrulz
  16. yes, just like SuSE Linux, Ubuntu and etc. All aimed at home, business and school users.xboxrulz
  17. BSD technologies are easily taken due to the licensing issue. That's why I don't like the BSD licence.The basic rule is that as long as you state the author and his copyrights, you can use the code and modify it and slap it to your own system.That's why I prefer the GPL better.GPL doesn't allow that.You can close-source a BSD licenced code.xboxrulz
  18. never got an infinite loop when visiting t35.com. I'm using Linux and never had that problem.Seems like it only affects Windows users.xboxrulz
  19. Truely amazing!This is like a 1:10000 chances you'll get your car back after 37 years it was stolen.xboxrulz
  20. as I said before, Windows Vista is due Q4 2006. So is KDE4.I love to see this competition...xboxrulz
  21. Vista is due for Q4 2006. So is KDE4 :Dnice competition, eh? :Dxboxrulz
  22. what's the point, they're not done with Vista (Longhorn) in the first place!xboxrulz
  23. abhiram, I never actually owned a Mac before (as I don't have the money), the latest machine is a Pentium 4 running SUSE Linux (maybe PCBSD later) and Windows XP (for games only).Yet, I've cheered for Mac and always wanted one.xboxrulz
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