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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. welcome Limitless, hope you enjoy your stay
  2. i'm a Gnome user... have been since day one of trying and using Linux... one of the main reasons for using Gnome on the first place was not only the distribution i got had Gnome by default but also have tried KDE and it's a bit more resource hungry especially with Graphics... but to be honest i always see KDE as the fancy desktop with a lot of effects readily available..
  3. i use LinuxMint and the latest version was just released and is based on Latest Ubuntu 11.04... has anyone here tried Ubuntu 11.04?
  4. cloud services are increasing in popularity... there will be a time when all processing of data will be done in the cloud and all our laptops,desktops, mobile devices will act like dumb-terminals.
  5. i don't think there's an android version suitable for netbooks unless they meant to advertise it with Google's Chromium OS which is built for netbooks
  6. it's awesome... especially for Linux which has a tremendous amount of distributions... it's a brilliant idea and i' always use it for peeking into a new distribution upgrade before actually installing it... when i wanna try a Distribution i always have the sequence of Live CD quick try out, then if i wanna go further i'd install it as a Virtual Machine for some more thorough look, then if i like it enough with a satisfactory level then i'd install it on my Computer... (usually do this for upgrades)
  7. i've used XP since 2003... i think it's been one of the most successful (in a long term run) for the Windows Series... in my opinion and experience... although one can argue that Windows 95 or 98 could've had the most turning point for the Series... i'm still using XP and will probably be using it for a while, may be until end of support in 2014 although i have played around with Windows 7, it's just a little bit too resource hungry for my old crappy hardwares Windows 7 will definitely be a more success than Vista and viewing it's growth in use it will probably surpass XP by 2012 or 2013 http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. Vista was more of a ghost OS for Microsoft... even when it was released a lot of Windows Users (Especially XP) never really see the positive gains from moving to Vista... it had a lot of issues! and now Windows 7 is available and with a lot of positive feedbacks and reviews, a lot of XP users have finally made the choice to upgrade! Even now there's still more XP users than Windows 7 and Vista, and frankly Vista never really made it pass XP from it's launch date to now... and Windows 7 will probably be a better successor to XP than Vista! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. Chromium OS is the downloadable-to-compile version where as Chrome OS comes on specific Hardware from Google's hardware manufacturing partners Not in version one yet...
  10. while in search engine topic.... would interest some to visit http://www.dogpile.com/ which is a meta search to search through other search engines refining it i personally use it along side google
  11. both great software package... both have their strength and ofcourse at a price, personally for me i'd go for phpbb... one can pretty much implement what can be done on vB and IPB into phpbb with plugins and phpbb has piles of plugins and growning... and most if not all are available for FREE
  12. you're just starting... and it takes effort and determination to drive something and expose it's potentials... all the best and i hope you're site will be successful (which it will)
  13. the way you're presenting the tutorial in parts and correcting them after makes it a lot more disorganized... i think it's best if you collect all this information and then make a single thread with a single long post....
  14. i agree... but then posting for host doesn't really take up much time to be honest... if one can keep up with say 10 to 15 quality posts a week should be sufficient in the long run to credit enough points for keeping your host and also purchase other services... even for commercial intention, you can still start on a reliable FREE hosting like Asta and make your way to a paid hosting when enough return is accomplished in a regular basis...
  15. so i guess it works like a file sharing social network thing? i've yet to try it... but it interests me greatly
  16. that's why i added the link on my post and the wikipedia link also seems pretty good though, i guess it has it's own crowd of fans... it seems much cleaner than google (no ads and spams)
  17. thanks for omitting the images i'm wondering whether you are working on this chan forum and post your tutorial from progress????
  18. looks awesome but can we trust their privacy claim? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_Duck_Go https://duckduckgo.com/lite/
  19. definitely theming takes a lot of research and user feedback... i think it's also important that you are also implementing your personal emotions into it having users create anything other than making posts has high tendency to result in mayhem. i think your site has a lot more potential and great future yet to come...
  20. should've collected his tutorial information first before posting... but i guess he's accumulatively adding them on as he learns i suppose.... but as two previous members mentioned, it's annoying having those pictures.... it's irrelevant unless it's part of your expression in a chan way...
  21. sorry didn't read the page properly... 25GB is quite an amount of FREE space... it's a great way of sharing files (not illegal copies of course) with co-workers and friends... a group of friends can set up each person's account with all same password and each can access the others account... i might actually do that hehe
  22. this reminds of those self storage places... that's quite handy, i think i'll signup for one.... is it just for documents/txt files and pictures? how about other file types.... hopefully soon they'll be added
  23. i signed up with Asta host over 5 years ago in a hunt for FREEBIE! at the time with patience-deficiency it took only a few posts (less than 5 if i can recall correctly) before i decided to move on and disappeared....now i'm back and with Patience and Determination to get my FREEBIE i've stayed and try to be active (eventhough most of my posts are gibberish )... I've had a run through a few other FREE Hosting Services and i find Asta to be the best in my experience. And for a FREEBIE i'm pretty satisfied with Astahosts services and to answer to the thread's topic question - YES a FREEBIE Hosting is worth it if their Services are as good as Xisto
  24. frankly it's quite annoying those huge images.... that chan thing is a spam haven i regon... i suppose you do have a chan forum yourself Zenia?
  25. but with registration it sort of deters quick spammers... spam is inevitable, but less spam occurs when there's need for registration i guess...
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