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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. it will take sometime and alot of effort to catchup to Facebook's domination in Social Network... but i think Google can, anyone can if the right options and approach are taken... but for the time being and more years to come, i think Facebook will reign supreme
  2. can someone tell me another alternative way to flashing my laptop's bios...i have forgotten my bios password, i knew there was a bug with some acer aspire lappys where CAPS was the issue...i locked my boot options so i can only boot from hard-disk... i'm wanting to install Linuxi've tried flashing it from Windows 7 twice with no luck.... flashing process went through and machine restarted automatically but password still therei've tried opening up the case earlier today to reset through (jumpers) short-circuiting but the lappy but couldn'tisn't there any other way? help please
  3. i'm installing avast free home ed on my new aspire one netbook... i notice that the free version doesn't have the firewall...any recommendations on a good free firewall tool? one that won't slow down my little netbook?by the way, i've just uninstalled mcafee and win 7 seems to run abit smoother
  4. welcome MrFindersFee, hope you will enjoy your stay
  5. i've got an ipod touch which i recently installed a few purchased games through wireless... now i plug it to my pc and authorize it, i want to add some few movies to the ipod and some music, but the thing is i'm worried that syncing it would delete my recently installed purchased games...anyone here who uses ipod touch or iphone please enlighten me on how this would end up at... i just can't be bothered reading through apple's instructions and stuff...cheers
  6. hehe i've always used it for killing freezing processes, quite handy really
  7. i'm just curious if there's a way of making the deleted spam posts disappear from the recent topics on top of the forum page?there seems to be quite a few spammings and it's clogging up the recent post section, it's annoying really
  8. i'm not sure if it will work on Windows Movie Maker but you can probably try this first since it usually ships with Windows... allfreevideoconverter http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if not try AVS Video Remaker index.aspx or virtual dub as mentioned on above post... what format are the files recorded on?
  9. CTRL+SHIFT+ESC brings up Task Manager in Windows XP... default!
  10. business wise, i don't really do much of it online... although i do trades online through local ebay sites... mostly online is to check emails, and post here on Xisto and update websites of friends which i'm looking after...and also download games for my ipod touch lol...
  11. hope you guys aren't using this to school policies and hack into your networks and stuff lol....
  12. you can actually run a single copy on multiple machines, it's called piracy unless you purchase a Volume License... it's properly the best way (and maybe the only way legal) other than buying separate copies/serials for each machine....i do run a single copy of Microsoft Windows XP Professional on two machines at home, i think (in my point of view) because my Laptop came with a Home edition, i decided to fresh install my Desktop copy on to it... so in other words it's two machines of mine (used by me alone) which for me should be fine, it's just like using a single machine
  13. in my experience and preference, AVAST is the way to go... I've been using it for almost 5 years now and have recommended it to everyone i know who uses the net or a computer... but i think AVG is just another great free AV software among a lot of others
  14. i'm guessing he's still in med school so i presume he wouldn't really have much time for an art course along side medicine... best bet is to (when not studying) read through design stuff or watch online tutorials on design and arts... unless you finish med school, work and earn heaps and hire an artist or designer
  15. thanks starscream will look into those sites... fusion interests me, because if successful it will be the path for future CPU+GPU (APU)..i still remember back in 2003 when AMD brought out their AMD64 CPUs which whoop Intel's highly overated high clocked CPUs at the time... now they have been lingering behind Intel shadow for sometime, hopefully this fusion technology will bring them back to the light of fame once againi guess this was one of the reasons why AMD acquired ATI
  16. which also comes down to reliability... and as yordan mentioned, bigger hosting companies tend to have much more reliable and immediate failure responses than smaller and free ones (in general)...astahost hosting service is quite reliable and it's FREE but then ofcourse most site owners and designers would pick a hosting service depending on the contents of the site, with a non-commercial, personal sites FREE hosting is most likely sufficient... for commercial ones a paid hosting would be most appropriate
  17. i'm just curious if anyone here has bought or used an AMD Fusion laptop...i'm looking into purchasing a new laptop but wanna see what you guys opinions are on this technology.i will be mostly using the laptop for web browsing and multimedia tasks like playing music and watching DVDs...and definitely play warcraft ;)cheers
  18. did you setup one when you get the laptop? it's weird if it's asking that and you didn't insert one upon first boot if you got the laptop brand new...
  19. try learning through some online tutorials... to make it look professional i would agree with the previous post, source someone with design skills... but by the look of it, it's probably best to DIY it... there are tons of online tutorials, i guess what's needed is time and patience good luck
  20. i've got an Nvidia 7300 GS 256MB and runs well... i can play warcraft III on it...although i'd prefer a better graphics cards, it's quite pointless upgrading it and having a low-end CPU and Board running with it... i like ATI but would prefer nVidia's top cardsnow AMD Fusions out...
  21. welcome cat, how you enjoy your stay...
  22. manuleka

    Tank Ace

    seems like a pretty cool game, there's just sooo many mmpog out there
  23. solved: needed to add uid and gid /dev/sda5 /home/manu/Others/Dat1 vfat auto,users,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0/dev/sda6 /home/manu/Others/Dat2 vfat auto,users,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 or /dev/sda5 /home/manu/Others/Dat1 vfat rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0/dev/sda6 /home/manu/Others/Dat2 vfat rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
  24. doesn't fix the user writable issue maybe this will help, though i don't understand what is and how to umask,dmask etc.. : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab ...ntfs/vfat = permissions are set at the time of mounting the partition with umask, dmask, and fmask and can not be changed with commands such as chown or chmod. I advise dmask=027,fmask=137 (if you user umask=000 all your files will be executable). More permissive options would be dmask=000,fmask=111....
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