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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. i think this thread is for Games for Linux... start a new Thread under Operating Systems - Linux anyways, i quite like Quake on Linux... and Doom 3 ofcourse
  2. i'm just curious to know how to set my Ipod's time to enable daylight savings?i'm running latest iOS and my time is an hour infront since Daylight savings happen few days ago
  3. cheers Quatrux...just did that and it works i thought they would have fantastico to control Wordpress installations n versions
  4. leave function definitions on separate file... only call functions when neededwhat i meant with source code... if it's an open source server like Apache - you can grab the source code and modify it so your functions gets included before you compile it! I don't know if this is possible but i'm just guessing...
  5. awesome... am copying them to my phone, cheers for the share
  6. If we talking about 18DVDs then best for a portable Hard Drive... but then how urgent would you need these files? if not so urgent then maybe the slow network transfer should suffice...1800Ks would be awesome for a weekend drive - break from study! hehestill, if you're looking at not spending $ on the process than best option would be the slow network transfer
  7. can anyone direct me on guides of how to alter the width of the main menu (start menu) i notice that it's quite wide leaving unnecessary space one the menu bari want to make it narrower... thanks for any help...LinuxMint 11 Gnome
  8. i think best option is to add it as a module - in the end it's just as adding it as an include or as you define them, a list of fuction scriptsthe other option would be, getting the servers' source code and add your functions to them before compiling
  9. i think best option is to add it as a module - in the end it's just as adding it as an include or as you define them, a list of fuction scriptsthe other option would be, getting the servers' source code and add your functions to them before compiling
  10. wow! print from anywhere... cool! practically at the moment i don't see it's usefulness
  11. no worries, i'll just try install Cheese and see if the camera has already been detected by Linux...
  12. hehe ok... it's annoying though those spamming idiots...
  13. lol am searching for a Linux tool like Berlarc for Windows
  14. i'm using Mint 11 and just wondering if there's any recommendations on a good firewall (free ofcourse)cheers
  15. can some one direct me on where to alter boot screen and login screen so it only runs on text mode only? and only load GUI after logging incheers
  16. i just installed ntfs-config tool on Linux Mint 11 ... when i click on it under administration tools - it prompts for root password then it never opens up when i hit OK!anyone help please...
  17. i'm just wondering really if it's possible, i know you mods monitor the forum... but when you guys delete spams, isn't there a way of removing them permanently from the forum system? so they don't show up in the top most recent post update display section?
  18. with updating to the latest wordpress version (if allowed), do i need to do this manually? or is there an option or a way in CPanel to update wordpress?thanksupdate - just needed to upload latest wordpress files and install it
  19. very interesting... gamers helping out in a scientific model giving a hand to science, it's just awesome!
  20. welcome sazsermickskl hope you enjoy your stay
  21. so i've just installed Wordpress 3.2.1 on my computer and tested it out, i like it's simple default theme... now i wanna use it on my Xisto account but i'm curious if anyone has tried installing it? if it's compatible with Astas older version?
  22. regardless of the options you have... you'll be limited to the up speed from your home network, that's the main bottle-neck... another thought is, have you also considered your this uploads' (from your home network) effect on your data cap if that mattersas mentioned above, Filezilla is on of many softwares you can use to assist in the process but it won't make it any quicker... even with torrent you'd still be uploading from one machine so i don't think it's a better option... best option would be to get it copied to a media (few DVDs would be cheapest) unless you have an external HDD lying around at home2nd option you wait it of while it get's transferred through network3rd option you can have a weekend break and go for a drive to your house
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