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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. does anybody out there have windows vista or whatever its called because i relly want to get it but before i do i want to know what the good and bad points about it are
  2. wow that things amazing so much stuff u can store on it im gonna get one of them
  3. yeh i find that pretty cool just imagine goin down a moterway and the smell of burger comeing out of your exaustahhhh
  4. why dont u just get finefox 1.7is much better than 1.5
  5. i font think that theyrs any way that u can stop storms as they are a natural occurence
  6. sounjds good butdoes it actually work
  7. coulnt u loose it easily if it fell out in ur house u would spend ages looking for it
  8. all you have top do is make things rhyme so if you can do that you can write rap lyricsin no time
  9. the same here i have been trying to find out the various different ways of advertising on the web but i use googl;e adsence its a lot simpler than what u have put in ur postall you have to do is fill out ur bank or paypal details and when you get somebody looking at your site and they see the link to the others when they click on the link i get money its relly simple
  10. i find google earth the best mapping program ever because it shows everything in 3d and you can zoom in and out right down to the last detailits amazing. Notice from mayank: This post is a good example of how to post "SPAM" in good forums. It is voilating most of the imp. rules of the board.1. Topic title was not good.2. Topic description was not there at all.3. Google earth is already discussed a lot of times.(didnt search the forums)4. Content is not at all good in the post.Warning issued, edited the topic title & description.
  11. i think i will get one of those for christmasbvut i cant help wonering what does the paper thin screen plug into??
  12. wow i want one that would make any county win the wars that they had i cant waight to see them in action
  13. now thats sommet ive never heard of before but i would like a flying car i would save all those traffic jams on the roads
  14. try doing a google search theyre ar lodas of sites that offer free game sigs
  16. IM nopt a great harry potter fan but i will see the films as soon as they come out and i also read all the booksbut i dont go crazy with the story
  17. thats a bit random page on that site showing you whats inside an xbox
  18. dont use an html code it will not work i always use ether asp,vb,or php scripting they always work the best PS:asp script is the best type of script to write mailto forms in
  19. i dont think that the new playstations are good i mean the only new thing a ps3 can do is record dvds and thats it i can do that on my computer
  20. the same thing happend to me but then if its a forum migration then you wouldnt be able to view it anaway
  21. Iff yuo want a shoutbox for an IPB forum use dscripting.com they supply lots of addon scripts for ipb including shoutboxes and yes they have no adds but if you want just a shoutbox for a site try doing a google search on free shoutboxes with no adds that should work
  22. i sont understand why peope then believed thta the world was flat that is crazy man
  23. can anybody tell me how to install and IPB (invision power board) skin for version 2.1and can you please explain it in steps that are simple so that i can understand it easlierthanks
  24. thats has to be the most funnyest error 404 page ive ever seen in my life
  25. i think that i would find the most annaying sites the popup ones and adfatms saying that you have one a holiday and you cant get rid of them its relly annoying
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