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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. dont put to much flash on it or it will take forever to load and try setting background pictures in your tables or just use a photo shop template
  2. right guys and girls i have a new chalange for you.Write a php script that will reboot a server windows or linux platforms. if you think you know how to have a go and post the script below.
  3. i was wondering if anyone here knew how to write a form that will create a MySQL database or a MSAccess database like on cpanel in the databases page, i want to know how to write a form like that (just the create database form). so any help would be great and if you knowq the code put it belowthanks
  4. its going really well guys im building it for a windoiws server so its a lot easier it will have an online RDC (Remote Desktop Conection) and you will ber able to install loads of scrips and things the programming is done in c++ vb MySQL and ASP buit it also has php pages as well.
  5. right phoenix ive been doing reaserch on how to to this so if you want to make your own sub domain service with you own end extentions and this is what you need to do: get a dedicated server with preferbaly unmeterd network path bandwidth and unlimited ip addresses make sure the opperating is Windows Server 2003 professional eddition with MySQL installed rdc the server and go into dhcp client or if you have downloaded your own ip address softwear use that create 2 ip addresses for nameservers get a domain name and set the nameservers to the ips you made now you must go into dhcp or your own softwear and create an ip with a link like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or what ever you need and then set the link from the domain to the ip you created then if all goes well it should work hope that helped phoenix
  6. well try rebooting the router or if you have a normal dial up modem (this works with broadband modems as well) just pull out the network cable or alternativley if it came with a power lead pull that out.if thats doesnt help rebot the computer then view the status again. this should sort out the problem
  7. if you want to host people just get a vps (virtual private server) or seseller account or even a dedicated server and let the datacenter and the hosting company sort it out
  8. id gladely look after the site im good with tis kind of stuff i do it all the time so i am a very trusted member when it comes down to that.
  9. it has to be good if it takes up 112 meg of disc space.it also uses up a hell of a lot of bandwidth and it would go extremly slowly if u didnt have broadband
  10. right i have worked out how to do it 1. GEt a hosting account with unlimited ip addresses (idealy a dedicated server)2. make your end extentions like .example3. build the site4. get a script that links the users domain name (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) to one of your ip addresses.5. Then set up a database in SQL to tellthe server whatg to do with the domains being prosessed and any names that are not being used for a period of time (like say 1 month) get the server to send the user of that domain an email saying that you need to reactivate your domain. And if they dont the name will get deleted from the server and that ip address will become free again.hope that answerd your quetion Phoenix so all in all you would need a server and lot of bandwidth and unlimited ip addresses.
  11. the thing is though that when i do a search on the adds that say 'we are listed ion the freebe directory' and some other adds that are like it it does not show freededicated servers.and when it says you can also buy a dedicated server they may buy it but they wont host it they will probabaly just send it to you in the mail.im just not convinced that the site is real as it is using a simple frontpage template that ive seen on many other sites.also when you look on sites that sell dedicated servers they look professional, but you may think that as they give away FREE SERVERS they wont have any money left to build the site, well if they make all this money from the adds they should have a rtelly good looking professional template layout.im just not convinced.
  12. lmao that is relly funny opaque prob the best email message ive seen thats relly chered up my day thanks for that
  13. those are just some of the things i am capable ofi made and eddited those images in photoshop but i am completly fluent im making images/sigs/avatars/webdesign in macromedia fireworks and i can do exactly the same in photoshop/paintshop and many other programs
  14. yes i designed my whole web hosting site/images/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or to view the whole site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http;//http://www.splashwebhosting.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ there are more sites but these are the ones that took up the most time and images and flash i can also tell u omore but it would take a long timeput put down the urls
  15. Real Name (optional): RobMSN: crazydrummer58@msn.comAIM: Email: admin@mxweb.co.ukExperience in graphics: two and a half yearsAreas of expertise: Avatars,Web Design(im best at that),sigs,web templates,anyother templates.Other graphics sites worked at(optional): splashwebhosting,mxwebPast positions at other graphics sites(optional): Web designer for splashwebhosting where i made over 150 different quality sitesCurrent positions at other graphics sites(optional): splashwebhosting,mxwebHow much you can be on each day: 3-5 hoursHow many templates/sigs/resources can you make a week: about 10-15 depending on what ideas people had in mind
  16. firstly yes apple and intel are working together because they want to build a mac opperating system that will run on pentium type processors.so basicially what will happen with the cpus is this, the new line of cpus that are comming out soon the user will be able to select what type of processor type to run if they select the mac one, it will tell the processor that it needs to mimic a mac processor type chip thus allowing mac opperating systems to run on windows type chips.If you select microsoft in the cpu menu the cpu will just function normally without haveing to mimic some other cpu chip for microsoft opperating systems.i hope that answerd your question
  17. the problem copuld be that your computetrs ram or system mothrboard cannot keep up with the graphics bus because all graphics cards go through the motherboard through the ram adn backout to the scren so the problem may well be that.so try and get a memmory upgrade and then see what happens.
  18. well if you went to the site you would have forund out that you had to get 2000+ hits and 2000+ pagviews a day to get a server but i just think its a scamm because it dosnt look professional it looks like its been made using a template in frontpage or dreamweaver and took 10 mins to make. and i also put my name down for a server just to see what they would say as it says on the site and its been over 72 hours and i have heard no reply back form them.funny aint it
  19. i have created a login script that enables my costomours to login into there cPanel,web mail and if there a reseller WHM. But when i test the script on the webserver its dosnt work on some pages, on the pages that dont work i get this error message and i know its nothing to do with the frontpage server extentions, and what gets me is that it works on some pages but not others. Ive tried everything in my knowlage to get it working and it dosnt, so if anyone knows how to solve this it would be greatly appriciated.
  20. i love notepad because you can create any file possible and you can even make you opn file like for example doc.rob or whatever thats y i love it so much
  21. on one of my other servers i have installed ubauntu linux and i personmally think that its better than red hat linux because its faster and takes up leass space!!
  22. you can also download IPB 2.0.1 thats thelast free version and for 2.0 the limits are that you can only have 500 members and you can only make 2000 posts befgore the board shuts down there are more but i cant remember the rest sory
  23. the most ammount of credits that ive mad here in a day on trap has probabaly not gone past 12 as some of the time i can think of what to write in posts and sometime i write all i need to in one or two lines so somtimes i can be hard for me.
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