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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. hii was wondering wether anyone has a terrabyte hard disc coz i do i have two 500gb hard discs
  2. im not entirley sure mabye you get better grafics and better search results?
  3. im not sure wether this is the right place to talk about ti but if so can any of you tell me clearly and in simple setps how to do a forum migrate from ipb 1.3 to ipb 2.0thanks
  4. i was wondering where i can find red hat linux for a dell poweredge serverandy responce would be greatly appriciated Notice from mayank: Edited topic title & description
  5. hi everybody tell me what you think of my forums forumshttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. how much would you be paing people and if loadfs of people signed up for that and started writing tutorials you would run out of money pretty quickly then what?
  7. first search around for hosting providers *cough* trap 17 *cough*then build your site in frontpage,dreamwever ect make sure that the layout is how you want it. when its all finished register with a hosting provider (trap 17) then upload your site simple!!
  8. it would not take up 32gb space and 1.4 gig of ram that would be like a milatery opperating system and no normal house hold computer would be able to handle that unless it had a massive upgrade
  9. why would u want to add a yahopo search on ur site anaway
  10. they do it because they want to make money and to make u pay more to get the addons that u will need
  11. theres also hotscripts and i think there miles better than that site
  12. why would uoi want to lease your computer on 24 hours a day anawaythat yould send your electrisity bill soaring unless it waws like a server or sommet that needed to stay on
  13. but i have cpanel i dont want those other takes on cpanel
  14. try google adsence i make around a gand a year with them
  15. Just to let everyone know if anyone needs help with there forums i will definatly be able to help u pm me if u want any help with anything on your forums
  16. ipb is way better thta phpbb as you can do more stuff with it than phpbb so my advice is ipb
  17. how can u be addicted to tea so easily and personally i lik the earl gray tea and the normal ones not the other ones
  18. thats still a lot of money i can get domain names from about 50 cence
  19. what you need to do is to insert the image into front page or dreamwver then add image rolovers to get the ages to link together.then you save the webpage ECT: index.html and then uplead it.
  20. why dont they send there men on tghe moon now we have the technology now and arnt china ment to be 2 years ahed in technology that the rest of the world?
  21. nope it didnt help whatsoever and i also asked opaque but got no responce
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