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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. SM is right about taking respnasibality i am 23 now and i would be very scard if 21 was considerd old but hellRAISER when you are an adult your life changes all these responsibilatys kicking in and you have to get out and about by yourself you have to get a job and ern a living and when you reach 21 going to strip clubs aint that appling mate it just a phace you go through the same with alcahool you wake up the morning afterward with a hangover and then its even worce because you have to go to work that day and trust me when i say this it aint plesent.so my advice to you is be a kid whilst you still can
  2. i only use google to search though and i dont often use it a lot as it soes not come up with the answers i need so i use yahoo.anaway the site i come back most to appart from Xisto would have to be ebaums world as it has loads of funny anaimations and games to keep you occupied on those days when you have nothing to do.
  3. the problem could be that you are not properly verified with paypal as the same thing happend to me once sowhat i did was i closed my paypoal account and opend a new one got verafied properly and it worked fine so mabye that what you need to do.
  4. well unlike phoenix here i have plenty of dedicated servers but the thing that twiged me is that would you not have to set special ip addresses for each domain or whatever but but thee is another way insted of giving away domain names like co.nr why dont you offer subdomains with your hosting so they are lined together then the subdomain would be a valid url and it would be linked to the site.
  5. if you are designing a site for youths my advice is make it so the kids will like the look at it you know teanager look type of thing sop they wont loose interst in it make it look stylish and use colours like black and red colours that bind together welkl and look cooland i would recomend using photoshop for itas you can make lots of effects and put some music in the back of the site so when they vbiew the page they get music comming out there speakers
  6. in dreamweaver to get the table to move where i want is to draw the table in a layer them when i like the look of the table i move the layer and the table will move to as it is in the layer then when you have the layer in a place u like u lock the layer to the page and then the table wont move as it is in the layer and the layer is locked to the page and then add the stuff you want to add to the table.
  7. well i use adsence and i got into the program extremley quickly i receved the email saying i was now part of the adsence scheme and i continue to get paid to this day so i would say that my views on adsence are eccelent
  8. everyone has a WYSIWYG editor on the computer whatever model it is and u can use it for web puropeses as well it called notpad you can find it in the start menu.so you didnt need to download a different WYSIWYG editor just use notepad.
  9. i have worked out how you can do it i think all you need to do is transfer the sql databases and it should work fine but ill doubble check this on the ipb site just to be sure i dont mess up the forum or server.
  10. thanks for the link yes that script probabaly wont work for automatic account creation as i use whm (web host manager) for that but i have forund another use for so thankyou for youir help.
  11. WOW google have relly outdone them selves this time all those programs in one that must have taken ages to complie up i wonder what the file size is and i wonder what googl will bring out next
  12. i just thought it would be fun to have a go at building a webbased control panel like cpanel or whm it would give me something to do when i board then i cud keep uploading and testing it
  13. does anyone appart form me think that freededicatedservers.com is a scam what do you think post your answers below...
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is one of our other forums it contains misc stuff but it is good and NEW so please feel free to visit it and sign up to it
  15. i would have to be google adsence as so maney people are partisipating in the program including me and people can make around 11 grand a month
  16. playing games, using the internet, talking to my friends on msn and Xisto.that kind of stuff
  17. well wild i don and i dont believe in god beacuse has anyone ever seen him?and most of the stories in the bible people just made upup i do believe in god because he has made things happen when i have asked him toso i think all in all there is a force out there thats greater that any other force in the unbierse
  18. CrazyRob

    Forum Software

    you should also add smf thats a forum from simple machines
  19. thanks i got it now and have installed it but ik never new you had to have a licence for it because wasnt linix always open scource?
  20. i dont use traps hosting at the moment though although i might use it for a backup forum incase my one goes down
  21. i was just wondering who has heard of cPanel Notice from BuffaloHELP: This post has been brought to you by Mmm, mmm! Sliced and diced as SPAM-tastic!
  22. i dont think that ps3 will relly become popular they will only sell a copple of thousand
  23. i like kfc as it way better than mc donnalds because kfc servers real cooked food not like mc donnalds as i got food poisoning from them
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