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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. I think that the youngour generation are more intelligent because they are exposed to the newest tehnology and apparently they have better techers than we used to have also they are starting to use all these online learning sites like bbc bitsize and other sites like that but i could be completly wrong and it could have nothing to do with any of that and its just in there jeans given to them by there parents, or there parents are making them work harder than normal because they want them to get good jobs
  2. it would probabaly be some milatery website afer all they did start the net
  3. ive just noticed sommet with theyre site u get a domain but after a year you have to start paying 7 euros
  4. the forums are back online now and mods u can close this topic and delete it now thanks
  5. i actually hate pokemon i used to play it at one time but then i just got boring, one of my mats collects them and plays the actual game with the cards and he loves it i just think its a waste of money
  6. i know html but i ccan only write simple stuff as im not that good at it thats why i use dreamwever and frontpage
  7. did u also know that rune scape carries vurisses and people who spy and mess up your computer and as far as im conserned im never gonna use it
  8. did u know that some person invented an indrestructable tyre that could withstand anything it was even fire proff but the reson thast they never came onto the market was because they got bought out by the other tyre manafactures as they did not want to loose money
  9. freeforums.bizhat.comor ]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they both have free forum hosting no ads
  10. i dont relli understand what it means so do u mind pmming me and telling me what it is in more detail
  11. if that was real id be amazed but its not as you can see just before i takes off that theres a short pause in the film so it probabaly took off from an aircraft carrier and they rubbed out the picture or they filmed a model taking off and just enhanced the view
  12. it all sounds very good but i have a question for them what would u plug it into to get the picture because surly ud need some sort of power device
  13. i would say nano as they look good and they are very small so i hope she likes whatever you get her and goodluck
  14. i just red above that somebody has beaten me with 5 seconds thats is relly fast i will need to keep practising
  15. 39 seconds it took me i did it just now in word so try an beat that
  16. im am relly good at cooking i started when i was two and i can still remember the day i made my first thing it was a cake a sponge cake it was relly fun and i have been cooking eversince
  17. warning! i hope everybody knows that most of these are scams and that the sites dont actually pay u they just come up with some excuse but there are sites that do actually pay u but hardly anything only like a dollar every month the only good one out there is google adsence
  18. what i think it is is that they have virtual email like virtual servers so they can give out 2 gb email accounts but the sppace u dont use is used by others and the space they used is uesd by others ect untill it comes back to u so u will always have 2 gb space(did u understand any of that i tried to make it as simeple as possible)
  19. i fpound trap by doing a google search for amazingly good free web hosting providers and that brought me here and its definatly stuck and i have no intention of leaving trap
  20. they sound good although i dont think anybody could rreach 2000 in a hurry may take a couple of years to but if you want to make them go ahed it sounds good and funny
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