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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. i have a myspace account ive had it since i was 15 i used it for 2 weeks then gave up so i dot really care if my account gets hacked there is not much there anaway. I think myspace is a waste of time but i have to say its so much better than Bebo
  2. Your site looks great without css dont bother using it
  3. well first if your partition is not big enough delete it in windows disc manager and make a new one thats bigger. Then you need to get SATA/RAID drivers for your linux distro if it dont support it on the disc or whatever. Then when your all done intstall linux. if it still does not work try using Xandros Open Desktop Linux thats the best linux ive come across so far, or if that does not work which it should downlaod a server edition of linux it will have the same functions but wil support SATA by default.
  4. well my first language was german as i was born there and lived there for 3 years but then i moved to england and can talk english as well as any English person but i can also talk fluent russian
  5. the thing that changed my life was watching one of my mates die and he wasnt just a general mate i grew up with him, we could not do anything to stop it from happening as we did not know untill it was all over. He died of a massive electric shock to the heart. none of us knew how it happend and i dont really want to go into detials but it has changed my life in many ways as you can immagine.
  6. this was a quick one anything wrong just tell me.
  7. Well ive pmed you see what you think
  8. well its not that hard i use frontapge for areas of my website when it wont work in dreamwever and vise verser you can do a lot of thins in frontpage and ive never had that problem before but the best thing for you is to know html fluently then if its not right in fp gui you can go into the code and tweek it.
  9. go into frontpage rightclick on the iframe click on the iframe properties button and then hit the checkbox that says resizable in browser and click ok
  10. well rc-talk.net sounds like a phone companyrc-help.net it doesnt sound rightrc-help.info .info is never really a good domain name extention. Go back and re-think the name of your site. What about rc-forum-talk.net?
  11. therre is a much simpler way than that all you need to do is encode them in IonCube or Zend and install the ioncube loaders or zend laoders on your server then oly your server will be able to esxactue them and the php files will be encrypted if taken off the server.
  12. it does use div tags but the main page isnt completly done yet its just on the bare minimum. and as for the top header image it will load slowly for US users as the site is hosted on my EU network but when everythings finished it will switch to a International netowrk so it will load quickly for everyone. Panzer the text font i used was called Lucida Calligraphy but i didnt really like theat text so i canged it to Myriad Pro.Also does anyone know of any free calendar scripts which can handle events?
  13. i still need to html validate it as there are a few errors but appart from that yeh its going fine and im erning ?25 an hour for it
  14. hi everyone Im Doing this web design for a Client there is only 1 page at the moment which is the index page and its only 3 hours and 26 mins old. Id appreciate it if you had a quick look at it then post back here. bare in mind its still hevilly under construction and none of the links ae active yet as nothings there lol http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. the second one certinally looks the best but they could all do with being scaled down a bit
  16. did that CIA factbook link i gave you help at all? it should also show all the informaton you requested above.
  17. well personally i say ipb is better and anaway you could get a free version of ipb.so you havnt actually partnerd with phpbb youve just downloaded there bb software?
  18. hay well i have a very good knowalge of IPB and many other forum types so if you are recruiting or have a space available id love to help.
  19. yes as panzer said you can use a web page translator i used Babelfish as i personally think its a better translator. Anaway1. what is the site about as at the moment it looks like some training website?2. it would look good with different text and colours3. there is a bit to much white space4. its a bit to plainbut appart from that well done i really like the flash and the use of colour so keep up the good work.
  20. you can make one using .htaccess or here is one is use on my site <form action="http://yourdomain.tld; method="post"><p>ENTER USER NAME :<input type="text" name="text2"></p><p>ENTER PASSWORD :<input type="password" name="text1"><input type="button" value="Check In" name="Submit" onclick=java script:validate(text2.value,"username",text1.value,"password") ></p></form><script language = "javascript">function validate(text1,text2,text3,text4){if (text1==text2 && text3==text4)load('succesfull.html');else{load('fail.html');}}function load(url){location.href=url;}</script> Edit "username" to the username you want Edit "password" to the password you want Edit "Succesfull.html" to the page you want the script to take you if the password is true Edit "Fail.html" to the page the script will take you if the password is false hope this helps
  21. saig look good but have you got anymore logo's you can show us? other than that youve got my vote
  22. well let me teel you forst of all hosting at home is very bad idea as you will need loads of software to do it either linux or windows server at least then you need mysql php asp asp.net ud be better hosting with a hosting company.everything can be to complicated believe me ive tried before and the demands were so high the bills started going up so i just cancelled it.
  23. Right all you need to do is set up a rss feed from your forums to your portal to display what you want to display.i can also help you with the form shadowx created i know most form functions and how they work so what is it exactly you want with this form as your last post i didnt quite get. do you mean that the form remembers there town?
  24. oh awast can ghet annoying but it is quite good as you will know when you get a virus as you will get a siren then a voice saying "Warning a virus has been detected" but it can slow up your system quite a bit but what i would still do with sp many viruses is back up all the stuff you need to a external hdd and wipe the pc cleen and reinstall xp or whatever opperating system you have install anti virus block everyting untill you have comoleted a scann on the external hdd to make sure no viruses were coppied and lay low on the net for a while.
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