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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. Its not as good as download.com or softpedia but its just another download site so i suppose it doesn't really matter.
  2. Im not a super expert with javascript but try this script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">function submit_form(value) { if(document.form.name.value == "") { alert("No name was enterd."); value.form.name.select(); return false;</script><form action="submit.php" method="post" name="form" onSubmit="nameempty();"><input type="text" name="name" class="textfield"><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit"></form> i added in a few extra lines i don't know if this works as i said im not a huge expert with javascript but try it.
  3. Well at the end of the day its your decision whether to have a sexual relationship or not. But as your 13 and i agree with a lot of the other members saying your just not ready yet mentally and possibly physically. And if you did would you value it or would it just be one of these "one night stands" that you would go and brag to your mates the next day about you getting laid. You should really put this aside and concentrate on studies and anyway at 13 your legally not allowed to have sex despite what you may think. Also you would run the risk of STD's if you had unprotected sex. Trust me you don't wanna go out and get laid at 13 as someone i know did just that he was a bit older than you he was 15 didn't wear a condom and ended up getting someone pregnant. so in simple words DON'T GO THERE YOUR TO YOUNG.
  4. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ sounded fine as long as its no longer than 3 words like http://www.yourdomainhere.com/ or http://www.your-domain-here.com/ it will sound fine. It doesnt really matters what the domain is is as everyone else says the content matters. and people will judge a website in a 20th of a second if they thiunk it looks good in that time they will come back if hey don't they wont. so its really the look a feel of the site that matters not the domain.
  5. Yes its much cheaper to actiually buy a dedicated server than make one yourself. Well i say good luck to you as many people have tried and faild starting there own hosting company from home.
  6. Well i can help you there. A server is basically a large computer which servers a specific purpose like you have Web servers (one which you want to build) DNS servers (Domain Name Service) ummm information servers (serves info to the local community or workplace) storage server's (store things on). If you are looking to build a webserver for webhosting ect. first of all you need to buy some sort of case to house the servers in. Many people (like me) use 1 - 2 u server cases so they can fit into a rack for easy storage. But there 1 - 2 u cases can cost around ?50 or $65, If you plan to host from home and cant really afford to buy a rack you can get away with using a Standard ATX case that many PC's use. Next you actually need to buy the hardware. The best hardware for servers hosting websites and webpages usually has to be able to cope with a large server load as otherwise you can get massive amounts of downtime. below i will list the standard set of requirments you will need to build a server for small to medium size webhosts, then below that i will list whats best and what i use in my servers. Standard Requirments 1. Good sized ATX case with a standard airflow system 2. Single socket motherboard ( 1 cpu bays) 3. Depending on the type of motherboard you will need a diferent CPU (Processor) Single or dual core AMD opteron processor or single / dual Intel Xeon or Pentuium 4 (With HT) 3. You will need around 2-4 GB Ram to keep resources stable 4. Lan onboard or PCI Express again depending on the type of motherboard some have onboard LAN support and some dont. 5. If hosting from home professional router which can handle high demand traffic. 2MBPS Broadband WITH high upload and download limit 6. Opperating system for server, Windows or Linux best. 7.Web server (If on windows you can use IIS) Apache (Works best on Linux) 8. If hosting people you want a control panel free one that looks professional. 9. 30-60 SATA HDD 10. CD ROM drive Whats best 1. 1-2 U server rack case with extremly good airflow (Alazka recomended) 2. Dual to Tri socket motherboard (2 - 3 CPU Bays) 3. Depending on the type of motherboard you will need a diferent CPU type, the best to use are Dual Core AMD Opteron or Intel Xeon Dual Core processors. 3. 4-8 GB RAM 4. 1GBit Entherent support 5. If hosting from home professional router that can handle high demand traffic. 8MBPS Brodaband with unlimited upload and download support. 6. Opperating system for server, Windows or Linux best. 7. Web server (If on windows you can use IIS) Apache (Works best on Linux) 8. If hosting people you want a control panel Recomended cPanel, Plesk or Helm (best in my experience) 9. 120GB SATA / RAID 1 10. CD / DVD ROM drive What i use on my servers for virtual hosting and what is best for high performance hosting 1. 2 U rack case with advanced airflow 2. Quad Soket Motherboad (4 CPU's) With Direct Connect Architecture 3. AMD Opteron Dual Core Processors ( 8 cores total) 4. 100 MBPS Linkup with BGP4 routing protocol 5. cPanel, Plesk, Helm, Direct Admin, Virtuozzo (Virtuozzo for virtual control ONLY) 6. Linux Redhat and Windows Server 2003 R2 7. Apache webserver 8. 250GB SATA HDD + RAID 10 Disc Array 9. 24GB RAM 10. DVD RW Drive -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building the server Well If you know how to build a computer alredy you will be done in no time. If not so sure consult the instruction manual that came with your motherboard. Installing the opperating system Insert the disc into the CD / DVD ROM drive and boot to the disc (if using RAID and you are installing Windows when the disc is loading drivers watch the bottom of the screen and when you see the message "Press F5 to install a 3rd party RAID or SATA Controler" press F5 and follow the instructions. If you are using Linux most distro's will set up SATA / Raid automatically whilst installing the opperating system. Installing Apache webserver or IIS webserver You can download apache for Windows or Linux here: http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi If using windows read the Important messages which to save you time can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you are on Windows and dont want to use Apache you can use IIS Webserver which can be found in Add or Remove Windows components just follow the install instructions. Control Panel to install your control panel just follow the instructions in the README and you should get on fine. Thats it really anyother software you want to download and install like PHP or MySQL just googl it and you will find the link to download it. Install instructions are usually supplied. Also you may want to have a tweak with the settings on the server to get the best performace out of it. Or if you dont want to buy all the hardware and set it all up yourself you can alaways buy a ready made on like a Dell poweredge which is usually set up for web services. Hope this helped.
  7. Well when i was in Secondry School i smoked for about a year then stopped as i realised i was wasting my life. I dont know how people say its hard to stop as its really easy, one day i decided i wasnt going to do it anymore and i just stopped i didnt have any withdrawal symptons what so ever. since then i have never touched a cigarette again so its honestly not hard to stop you just have to have the will power.
  8. i would recomend SmartFTP i use it and i find it very usefull as there are loads of things you can do with it that normal FTP programs would not let you do
  9. Yeh you woould be suprosed that when holding anyones data on your server or somone elses server the connection to the server has to be https and the data has to be encrypted as other wise you can get into a lot of trouble and i would not use PayPal 2co is better.
  10. Well if your going to use CC processing you by law need to have SSL and some php encoding like Ion Cube or stronger (MD5) but good luck.
  11. Hmmm i would not trust this site with my life. It looks like a scam. Even if it did deliver visitors to your site it would more than likely just attract spammers.
  12. Well if this is true and dell are paying AMD enough then i suppose it could happen. Id still be a bit weary as dell usually use Intel. but hey it would mean the pc's wouild be cheaper.
  13. No no no no no. Unless you have a sat linkup with your mate on the otherside of the world it will be impossible your network card for your Gameboy would go out of range after about 150m. try pluging a modem into ech gameboy cand connet it to an online gameserver then you will be albe to play.
  14. shadowx are you running a cpanel server? If so in WHM you need to install SSL shich can be done through Apache Update. Then you would need to generate a SSL certificate which WHM can also do in the SSL section. If you are not running a control panel. For linux you need to download and install mod_pearl and windows you need to install the option from the cd that came with your server distro. For each option you NEED a dedicated ip for ssl to fully work. I can help you set up SSL if you want. You dont need to implement SSL into php thats what MD5 is which you should also use if doing CC processing but its not necessary. All you need to do is install the certificate through the control panel or GUI and point the links to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Also if people try to access the cc processing script from http:// you need to add an httpd redirect to https
  15. it can in a way physically damage hardware as kawasu said it can damage the CPU fan and CPU. But at the end of the day a virus is a virus that is using excessive systme usage.
  16. well in Fantastico if you scroll down the list to the section marked Wiki you will find two wiki scripts one called TikiWiki and the other PHPWiki. Hope this helps
  17. well what is the site about? wqhat extention are you loking for .com .net .org? we need to know in order to help you you need to define it more.
  18. well you would have to be very carefull as from what you are saying it sounds like your trying to make a mirror image of Myspace also what encryption would you use as i can code PHP with MD5 or would you just use ssl (which you have to do if you have peoples data)
  19. What you want to do is if you have the option in your BIOS is enable Boot Sector Virus Protection. This will stop a virus sucking all the life out of your cpu and also if you have the option lock the CPU and fan to a constant speed. This is wjhat i do and when and if i get a virus its stops the virus from doing anything bad to my pc. Then when your in windows run a virus scan and the problem should be gone. And yes it is technically possible to get viruses that hurt hardware as all hardware hes to be controlled by software or it just simply would not function.
  20. Well there is WinAVI its not fee but you do get a trial i use it for making DVD's but it can also convert .avi to .mpeg it can do hundreds of convertions
  21. what do you need in terms of design, have you got one or do you need one built. Second how long will it take in terms of programming will you just use php or other scripting languages.
  22. Well i really hate the colours you need to make it look a lot nicer and lighter than Black and Yellow block colours. You need to do css as well to make ity look good.
  23. Just on a quick not if it connects to its service from your windows pc it will use so much Bandwidth uploading files and i bet there file upload size is set to about 1 meg. But hay if you want to blow your bandwidth serveal times over then go for it.
  24. I know what you mean you want to do a form post tell me what ields you want and ill create one it should only take me 5 mins but i ned to know the webpage you want it posted to.
  25. Yep these sites are a waste of time and they spoamm your mailboxes like hell. I also noticed in Dooga's pots about there TOS If they did any of that stuff they would breach the Data Protection Act like 30 times.
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