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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. there is also another way you can obatin viruses and ad-ware it may have been said alredy but i will say it again.You can also obatin viruses through toolbars such as the google toolbar and the yahoo tool bar and there are also many others.These tool bars create a sort of portal which the viruses can get though so avoid them unless you want your computer full of bad stuff.
  2. all a private server is is a virtual server its a virtual enviroment on a physical server and it is called a private server as the other virtual users on that server cant get to your account thats why its called a private server.its basically the same as a dedicated server but cheaper.
  3. just downoad one off of the internet and i hope your not going to use a keylogger for criminal purposses
  4. well good luck with your new hosting experience sad to see a member leave Xisto
  5. i think the nameservers are ns1.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com
  6. right if you want to fix a slow startup go to Start>Run>type in msconfig and hit enter>go to startup>deslect Norton antivirus> Norton now wont startup when you boot onto xp and slow down your system
  7. hi im having problem with my IPB database when ever somone submits a post i get this error message IPS Driver Error mySQL query error: UPDATE trap17_ipbmembers SET points=points+ WHERE id=1SQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id=1' at line 1SQL error code: Date: Saturday 15th of April 2006 09:49:46 AM can somone please explain to me what is wrong? Notice from serverph: use code tags where appropriate. fixed.
  8. well before i got co-loaction i looked at computing hosts plans. they were really good value for money but the software wasnt up to date and the support response times were slow.
  9. but what is it all went wrong and you lost some of your cells or they accidently got put on anoither storage space that would be very bad as you could end up with somones leg or arm lol
  10. you can also get free.eu domains fom enom thats what i have done as well as my other tld ones
  11. you also need to contact the actual domain prople like Nominet as the are the domain people where all the big domin registras get there domains from as to be part of nominet it does cost a lot of money but if you dont want to do that just sign up as an affilate of a domain registra and there are also domain reg scripts available on the net like on some site they have th extentions of domains.yourdomain.com/anceron/ thats a very popualr one and you dont have to upload any files what so ever its all donw through a huge company that is registerd with nominet and its free to become a reseller so on your domain for instance if you had like example.trap17.com you would get one of doamins.example.trap17.com/anceron its a very good service and i say again its FREE
  12. i never knew the bbc produced somthing like that as ive never seen it advertised on there site so thanks ofr the info
  13. well my servers support php mail functions for sub domains and normal domains and as ive got 3 datacenters you can chose where you want to have space (US,UK,Europe)
  14. yes i used to have a few dedicated servers with 1and1 the uptime was the best and the servers never went down so if you want to host with them they have to be the best hosting company ive ever used and the domains .co.uk domains i think have to be one of the cheapest ( the cheapest is heart internet for 9p) and you can use there domain api to set up your own registra service.
  15. PayPal never send out email like that and always check in the browser that the url has a https:// if not close the browser that cathes out loads of people so make sure there is a https://
  16. i never know u could make a html proloader i only know you could do it in flash
  17. well you can use both for different things but with php you can do anything and basically ther same with pearl so there isnt really very much diference in which is better than the other
  18. 1and1do provide hosting to europe as they have datacenters theree and even if that datacenter isnt near you if you ping 1and1 you get a very fast responce time
  19. Real Name: Rob MSN:crazydrummer58@msn.com AIM:(dont hyave one yet) Email: admin@mxweb.co.uk Experience in graphics: three years web designing Areas of expertise: creating web sites, images and can just about manage forum design Other graphics sites worked at(optional):Mxweb Past positions at other graphics sites(optional):Co head of design on mxweb and afford a host Current positions at other graphics sites(optional): Co head of design on mxweb and afford a host How much you can be on each day: depends on how my computer is but usually 3-4 hours a day How many templates/sigs/resources could you make a week: templates varies from 2 to 7 resources about 5 Examples of your work: well chek out aford a host i did a few images and splash web hosting, mxweb, golden-arrow online and many others the list goes on ive also done a few forum designs but not many have sold a few templates to template monster and made cPanel skins. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (being updated) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.d2host.co.uk/ (under construction) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. does anybody here know of any good billing script like merchant bil;l that are free or very cheap
  21. i think w3 is for websites where thery can chek if its complient to web standards in text and image based browsers
  22. that site is really funny lol its so random and i can see why it got the best award its like 100% interactive
  23. never heard of that opperating system before do u mean linux?
  24. as i havent been on here for a while as my comptuers been broken can somone explain to me what this Honorary Title is and how do i get one
  25. zone alarm is the best as i use it with avast and together there amazing bug if your router/modem comes with a firewall that good to
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