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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. go into services and tell the Generic Host process / service to force run falining that try reparing xp.
  2. that looks so much better a lot smother and nicer than the horrible Black and yellow contrast - well done
  3. for gimp those sigs actually look quite good but i will say the same as some of the other members have said, its to dark but i actually love the sig you said was your best
  4. CrazyRob

    Avast Anti Virus

    i use the home edition and i find it very usefull although it can somtimes slow down you system whiulst the real time scanner is active
  5. lol its not the E107 logo its my site logo the 2 E's any preferences on what to change the colour of the text to i was thinking of chaning it it white but im not sure.
  6. cpanel have released the update as critical so all cpanel servers including traps should update automatically. as it installed for me without any interaction what so ever
  7. what do you think of this image i made it for my forums and i need a second opinion
  8. hi everyone im opening up this new webmaster site, im offering design to people but im not quite sure what to add for the packages which are Basic, Moderate and Advanced. I can offer anything internet related but i dont know what to put as the features of a perticualr package anyone help? Ive done the basic package which sounds like this Dedicated Lifetime Support Professional Design Valid HTML,XHTML ect Discounted website hosting Access to client areas im stuck on what to do for the Moderate and Advanced packages any ideas on what i could offer?
  9. have you checked to see if your dns settings are configured correctly and your domain spelt correctly for the accounts domain?
  10. You could try changing the charset in PHPMyAdmin or maby your host does not support the language your using.
  11. the site looks good but what i want to know is who you do your advertising with as is this real anaway it looks god the design but have you considerd switsching board types to IPB or VBulliten?
  12. I have to say i use cPanel on a fwe of my servers i dont know if you know but the problem can be solved through SSL and just blocking off the 2082 and 2096 ports in cpanel httpd config then only the ssl pots will be active so the holes will be secured. all cpanel distros autmatically update anaway and all the holes should be fixed for cPanel Evelution (version 12).
  13. or ypou oculd get a mail script or use an ActiveX control to listen to the cpanel port :2095
  14. i aggre with the other you need to edit the css skins as its a 3.0 forums and so cannot upload skins but you can edit the current skinm to add your own stuff. i woulkd create your own topics inssted of using traps i could help you create a few good forums omn phpbb 3 if you want.
  15. Buff the demo's on the Invision Power site are not the latest IPB demo's ive got the latest IPB demo installed here there is a load of changes to the new IPB especially the backend code.
  16. augh i hate PayPal especially when they withdrew payment to namecheap without my permition and hwen i asked them to resend it they limited my account and m,ade a chargback against me so annoying. Anaway a lot of people on this forum should not even have a PayPal account let alone think abiout getting as there under 18. If you want a good paymnent processor use 2co that in my opinion is the best.
  17. Well everyone makes mistakes somtimes lol anaway ts all fixed now and things are starting to go online.
  18. i could be but id need you to get more members first as there is no point in having a graphics expert for your forums if you are not getting any traffic
  19. IPB 2.2 will support AJAX features and many other features come to that. For a full list of what the new IPB will support go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i also personaly think that when 2.2 is released it will beat vBulliten.
  20. Well i never really looked into vBulliten as i just didnt really appreal to me also it was to expensive for me at one time. I currently use invision board as i find its better suited to my current needs. PHPBB 3.0 will be very good when it is finally released, i have the beta on my pc and i also use it on a few of my partner sites as i didnt want to buy another IPB Licence. I would say that currently PHPBB 3.0 and IPB 2.1.7 are even in many ways but this will change when IPB 2.2 is released as there will be many new features.
  21. hi everyone, good news and bad news. The good news is that IPB 2.2 has now been released for beta testing so everyone who has an IPB licence download the beta and test it. The bad news though is that the new IPB is structured differently to that of the 2.1 series so im afraid OpaQue you may have to do some more coding.
  22. befoer you say anything i know traps server is linux, I was wondering if somthing like chilisoft asp or apache asp has been installed. If not can i request that it be installed.
  23. Ok yes its fixed now thanks just had to clarify a few things with mike as i wanted a second opinion.
  24. I think the best AntiVirus suite would have to be ZoneAlarm Security Suite as it has tonns of special features to remove viruses. It comes with a firewall, Program Control, Antivirus and Anti Spiware scaner, Web Shield's, IM security and many more. I used it for about a year and it was great i would definatly recomend this to you
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